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Central ICiiilroiid Kxpress. rpME fubsoribera wmiM resneotfully iuform the pubJLlic, that 011 aiul altor Monday next, (June 14,) tliey will rnn a daily expresa from Detroit to Kalamaxoo, üliiJ return. Tliey will take charge of, aiul delires at the differ ent Stations, any packages of Money, Specie, or Mar chancille eotratted to the ir care, and at reaconablechar ires. Orden sent to na IVom the country vvill be exeoti tsd if possible, tho same eveneins tlicy are received and returns made by next days's Express. Every e ertioa on tlio part of themaelves, and managers, wíl tend to maka this a"; and expeditious route. It wil couneot at Detroit with their Baatern Expresse fb Cleveland, Búllalo, Al')auy, New Vork, Boston, am 1 1 1 -s mtermediate citics and towns, and at Kalatua zoo with their Westem Express for Chicago, Milwau ki, &C. Orders acblrèsaed to themselver or agente, will befor warded t'roc, l)ut in no other cast; will Uittera or air written commanioatiou be taken nuder any circam atanoesi Packagss Sar, will be callcd for and delivered at De troit, witliout extra charge. WHITCOMB & MASON. Fargo & Whitoomb, Agints, Battíe Oréete, June, L9, 1848. Carpcnter's Tools. AGOOD aMOïtmeDt will be f mud at the hardware store in B.ittla Crook, consisting of broad axes, adz' o. s. and common augura, long and hort joiuters, jacl planet, nnooth ditto, Eollowa and roiunls, kew and. rab planea, brads, match planes, base ditto, greoían ova las, sn'sli planes, ploughs, saw seu, (a newaricle) brac and biu, augur bits, steel squares, marksdto 12th new magog, aedtch sray and hiodostan oil stoaec, all o which vvill be sold oheap Manbal House, by L. KiNGSBURY, Marsh all, Michigan. Stage lesvostuis house for tlio Nort and South. CIíICKXOR'S SUCAK-COATED Purgativo Pilis. Cured within the last year over 200,000 persons who had been lahoring undcr the most aggravated comjlaints, and given up as hopeless cases hy the most eminent p?ysicians. A RB the fust and only medicine ever dissovered that XJl will l'ositively Cure Headache, Giddiness, lllieumatism, Piled Dupepiia, Bcurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice, I'uins in tlic back.I"Will'd Weakncss, l'alpitation of the Haart, Bisiogin tlie ÜiroatrDropsy, Astlima, Kevers ot all kinds, Female conipluints, Meadea, Salt Kheum, Hoartburn, Worm, Clioleru Morboa, Oongh, Conmmption, Fits, Livor Complaint, Erysipela, ÖieafneM, Itcnings of the Skin, Colds, Nurvous Oomplamti, and a variety of otlier diseases arising from inipnrities of' the liiood and ubstructions in the (irgans of digestión. It has been clearly proved that nearly evoiy disease to which the human trame is suhject, origínalo from Iiiipnrities nf the blood or derangements of the Digestive Orgiins ; and to secure health, we must remove the obstrnclions or restore the Blood to its natural state. - Tliis fac-l is universally knnwn; but people have snch an aversión ti medicine thut, unless the case is urgent, thoy prefer the diseaso to the cure, until an impaired Couatitution, or a fil of sickness rebukes lliem for the folly of their conduct. Still they had aome excuse ; for lieretofore, medicine in al must all its form was nearly t .■ . ■ ! T 1. _MV, is dlBgnsbng as it was benchcial. Wow, liowever, tne evil is most effeclually removed ; for Clickner's Vegetable Puvgative Pilis, heilig coinpletely enveloped with d coating of pure white sugar (which is asdistinct fioin ti.e internat ingredients a a nut shell froin the kernel.) Hare no taste of Medicine. - But are as easily swallowed as bits of candy. Moreover they neither nauseate or gripe in tho slightest degree, which is ocasioned by the fact toot, they are eompoimded on scientific principies and opérale equally on all the diseased part of the system, listend of confining themselves to, and recking any particular región, (which is the grcat and admitted evil of every other known purgative.) Henee, they strike at the root of disease, remove all impuro minors from the body, open the porti externally and nternally, promote tlie Insensible Peripiration, obvíate Flatuleney, Headache, &c. - separate all ibreign and obnoxiona partióles fi-cini tlie chyle, so that tne blood, of which it is tlie origin, must be thoroughly pure - seonre a Bree and healthy action to the Heart, Langs and Liver, and thereby Restore Health, Even when all other means haveiUUed. The entire truthof the above can be ascertained by the trial of a single box ; and their virtues ara so positivo and certain in restoring Health, that the proprietor biada himself to return the mnney paid for thera in all cases where they do uot give universal satisfaction. jy 11 Letters ofinqniry or for advice must be addrewed (post paid) to Dr. C. V.rCLICKENER. No. 66 Vesey st. New York, or his autïiorized agents thioughout tlie country. N. B. Bemember Dr. C. V. Olicknenaria ttie inTntor of Siiiiar Ooated PilUi and that nothingof the sort waa ever heard of anti] he introdaced them in June, 1313. parchasen shonld, tberefbre, alwaya a& f"r Clickuer's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pilis, and taKe no others, or they will be made the victims of a frand. - A. T. HAVENS, Agent, BattJe Creek. flcal the Sick. THE proprietors, fall of confidence in the virlues of Dr. Sonle'i SoYercigii Balm PilU, whïch have gain ed for themaelvee och au enviable reputation iu tlie short space of live years tliey hare been before the public - the many cures of dieease they have perfbrmed - sime of the patiënte having been cenfined to their beds for ïnonlhs and years, are truly iis'oiiishing, now challenge the world to produce tbeir equal. For long standing Dyiperay and habitual costivenem, they have nevor failed, wlion taken according to diri'ciioiis, to effect a cure or give permanent relief. Old Liver complaints, Jaundice, &c., can be permanently cured oy the usc of these Tills, as they opérate direclly upon the liver, and cause it to perform a oatotal and heuhhy uction. Forsudden attacka iu children - such as colds fcver, vvonns, Sec. - f ir gravel, rheumatisin spinal affectious, headache, cougb and colds, they have proved au iuvaluuble remedy. Fkver and Ague and Cmr.i. Fever. No medicine yet discovered has proved so effectoal DOUring ague and fever, chili fever, &c, in the Western States, as the genuine sovereign Halm Pilis. We have nevcr kuown a single case, vvhen tanen according to directious, wliere they have not eflected a cure in lVom one to eight days. They cleanse and purity tho hlood. and are, thereforc, an ell'ectual remedy for Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising Erom an impura state of the blood. In nervous debility and female complaints, they have woritod wonden. They quiet the nerves by removing the cause of nervous irritation, and gradtlally atrenutheti and briug up the vrhole system. By way ofadvice to (emalea afflicted with the above, we wimld say that large doses ol'any kind of cathavtirs are alvvays itijurious. These pills should be taken one at a dose, every night uutil a cure is eöectcd. (See Circulara. ) These FiUs wcre iirst introduced in a noisleas manner. No gaudy show cavds, or loas apveríi.-íementa (illed with ccrtificates from persona bat never lived, were rosorted to, bul were lelt to work their way iuto public favor on their own merits. Thpy are purely Vegetable, mild but sure in their np eration, and perfrctly safe for youni; aml old pfdebüttated causiitutioiis. Tbev nevcr le.ive xhe bowels costive, which canuot be s;t:d oí'any other piU nowiu use. Greut care has been taken in aeíecting aml compouuding the medici ne which has always beeii suprintended by Dr. Soule in person. Kor further directions, certificates &c., see the New York Botanie Ioatitote, publiihed at Euclid, by Dr. E. L. Soule & Co., vhich rnav be h;id of agenta gratis. Beware f CounlrrTc ilw ï As there is Bpurious pilla in circiilalion, called Oriental or 8overeign ïïalm. !e gare to see hefore you buv that the name of " Dr. E. L. SOÜLE & Co." is on thé face of the boxos. None othen can be genuine. We are notaware lliatany oue who is making a spurioui aiticle has yet dared to inake use of our name; but sonn' of tlieni have had tin; imprndénee to imítate our boxea and copy our Circulars, Cerlitliatr.s, vViL. UnleBt the ]ublic are careful wheu they purchase, they will be (lefcivfd The genuine Sovereign Balm Pilll rnn bo h:ul whole■ale and retaü of ür. E. L. Soulo & Co. Euclid, Oaondaga Co. N. Y. .1. O wen & Co., wholesale and retail agenta: Also, sole by agents in every town iu the country, and by A. T. Havens, Agent, Baltle Oreek. 1 medical JVotice. DOCTOR THA.YEIÍ X: BA.RTLETT hnving associnieil themaelvei in bolineas, respeotfally tender their professional Bervicea ta thecittaena ut'Jiuttle Creek and to ilie public, generalij in the nraotioe of .Medicino and Surgery, and may it all times be foliad in their office ui ■ Union Blode," over Brown & Browster's store, (wlieti not professiotiftlly engaged) Doctors T. & B. ;u-c tappned vvilh the necessary in■traments fbr perlonnin l: tin. varióos uporations in Sur liiM'y and will give particular atteution to disoaies requirins surgioal treatmeat, and as heretofore, diseasei t' tlio Eye and dar will receive e.yjtcci:il niirntion, The Deutal business, in all its bninchos, (aspraviously,( and the preservation of teeth Ia pluggiag, cleans i!; &o., and the asertion of-' BTOÖKTON'S INCOR KÖPTIBLB TEBTH," will be attended to by Dr. Bartlett. June U, 1847. Paper. TUR undorsisneil will be supplied from the Ann Arbir Paper Mil!, witli the variinis dfescñptioni ot'tlu' abova oamed article, manufactared al that place, oonBÍetiog of Printíng, Wrapping and Wriingf together viili Blank Books. Theaoove ajrtiolea will lie sukll'or ciish or excliaiigcd tav ra-s, Ib. dorr.vnce, Agínt. Batfle Creok, November 20. J847. 14 School llooksaUII.LS, Steel l' Pen-Holder, Black, Blue and Red Ink, Wafers Sealiug-Wax, Letter Stuinps. &c. or sale cheap at tlie Al'OTHECARIES HALL, Eagle Block H. G. C. VAUGHN'S advertisement, for 1848.- Thar J Great American Remedy - Vaughn's Liïontriptic Mixture. - ThU universal panacea is now bo ng introduced into Europe, the East and West Indiifc, outli America and üll othcr partl of tlie globe, where isease exists in any forra. Tlie United States and tho Cañadas have for the past three years scverely tested the irtues wbich the proprietor, upon tlie introduction oí lis medicine, hesitated not to say it possessed. Iu iuroducing this Great Vegetable Kenieuy, the most staitDg promiie were made, on the part ol'the medicine - o novel was Ilie theorv, the principie upon which cure were to be efl'ected, that people th'ew up their hands ml cried, vvhat nrxt! Even credtiüty started with surjrise, and the 60 called " Faculty" made themselves mery over the " new humbug." But mark the rcsnlt - tlio Irree ycars have passed away - ptibüc opinión, the voice' i' millions of observing individuals, have stampcd' lUtf emedy the most singular, wondurful, iucomprehenbivür nd miraculouscurative power ever producod. The ono' reat disease, which the proprietor of tilia medicine had lie presumpti'jn to say existtïd, and t)tat all variou dis-' ases wero but secondary, has now millions of believers-, 'hey must believe, for they have wituosecd the effeeï f th's restorative. It bas concueritl all casfs. by Jim ily conquering the oue. ïho old school uow open their ;yes. Their old dogmas, like the monimg mist, fly l;e'ore the light of truth, and comniou 9:iiBe nov oad to health its own way, iuatcad til elpsing eyes and being led. Tlio truth of the principia opon which thi. article cures is estalilished, and tbe tateraeot ia agaiu boldly, most eniphatically, mott decid i nis medicine will drive trom ihe budy evoiy tl; ■■ whicli has a miine, every dworganization of the eystein vliich can exist. If bone and Angele rem .. .odcine wiü restore to a perfect itate. Tl ileeding, blutering aystem ia ■'■. ■.■ tofall i pro !aüy presenting itwlf of the truthof out theory.w a prop out of th old structure, wliich wil! 30011 i aaVlt ': tlu gruund, a shapeleu mass of ignora] ce and d eption. Invalida resort at once to tfiis medicine. It is Btriety vegetable remedy, the product of our ow u boü, íi ccnimnd oftwonty-two different ingrediente. Kv'u root ias its particular part of tiie ystem to act opon, and thi actiun is always prodaced, its ortoct apon h; vvbole sysem isimmediately apparent. Teititnon; of the highost character is daily coming to the proprietor, fni! of truih - atid you willalwuyssee ñames, place and data. Not a partióle of false evidence is otfered on the part of this;reat curative. The mos.t careful pee ma] of the pampnet is dt-sired. It KÏVei the character nf all the ecoiidary oomplainti which prevaü, and which have been cured by this article. Evidence of cures ia some of tho umi dreadful cases ofliogeriiig complaints whicfa itlias jeen the fortune uf auy medicine to cope with, ñ foimd - cases which have been left to die. Hmidreda in evei-y large city of our Union and the Cañadas, have to hank this article fur their lives; aud si do they, as ieters in possession of the proprietnr will sImjw. This great medicine will cure dropsy, in eve"y etage; gravel, and all kinds of dittkulty in the urinary organs ; implaints of the kidneyn, weaknesa of the back, feinaleITegularítie immediately checked, and a bealthy toilo given to the system. every female at once resort ;o this safe medicine, and use no other. Diseased iiver, iidigestion, bilious complaints, dyspepsia instantly relieved; rheumatism, gout, &c, ]roduced by inaction of the blood, will always find relief; inflamad luugs, COOffh, even consuinption, unless tho patients and tbeirmedicül advisers were deceived, lias been cured by this medicine; scrofnla and eruptive discases, pile, erysipeliis, inil-ümnation of the eves, palpilation of the heart bick-headache, jaundice, fisñr and ague - the whole catalogue might benanied - scek tuis remedy; buy nootlier. I'ut up in 30 oz. bottles, at $2; 12 oz. boules $1. Be careful tbftt yuu are notimposed apon. Bvety bottle has the word, " Vaughu's Vegetable Lithoutriptic" blown upon the glass - tbs written ñgoature of" G. C. Vaughn" on tlie directions aud G. C. Vaujjhu, Buüklo, stamped on the cork. None other genuine. I'repared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the principal agencj, 207 Main st., BuiTalo, Ht wliolesale aud retail, to whom all communicatiuns must come post paid. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale if this medicine, at Wholesale and retail :" New York City, 132 Nassau st., George H. Oslrandpr; Snlem, Mass., 295 Essex st.. Thomas 1'. Chase; Cincinnaii, üliio, 228 Main t., Cii. Bardall j St Louis, Mo , J. Walker - general igcntE. At retail by respectable druggit thrcughout the Union, aa advortise-d in tho papers. For sale by A. T. HAVENS, Battls Creek. G. & .1. G. HUI and J. Owen & Co., Detroit; Maynardi. Ann Arbor; E. Sampson, YpsilaDti; J. Breckford Sïiliue, Mich.; F. Stevens, Concord; Hall, Smith A. Dunliam, Graas Lakei D. C. Whitwood. Dsxter; T. J. Champion, Honier; T. Whee'.ock, Albion ; W. Jackaon, Leoni; A. C. Goodrich, l'aw l'aw; .1. T. (.'lapham, Kalamüzoo; Brown &'Scott, BchoolcraAl J. C. I.unmore. Miles; J. L. Toby & C,., Jackson, and O. H. Hyde, Marshall. 41 O. W. OWEN, TntTelling Agent. The Piles. ACURE FOR LIl-'E SECURE D !- Dr. UPHAM'S Iiiternal Remedy for the cure of Piles. The Vegetable Pile Electuary, iiivented by Dr. A. Uphaui, a distinguished Physician of New-York city, is the only really successful remedy for this dangerous and distresaing complaiut the Piles, ever oíiered to the Americau public. The Electuary contains no Mineral Medicine, no Aloes, Colocynta, Gamboge, or other powerful and irritasting purgativo. No fear of taking cold while under its uirluence ; no change in diet is necessarv. If tnkeu according to directious a cure for life id guarantied. Iiiflammatory Distases. Although thc Electuary was originally prepared forthe cure of Piles, yet it nal proved itselt to be a medicine far superior to all.othcrs, in all diseases of an inflammatory character, with a determination of blood to any particular part or oigan. Iu iunammation and congestión of the liver and spleen ; intiammation, aud soreness and ulceration of the etomach, bowels, kidney and bladder; in inttaminatory and mercurial rheuraatism, it is the best medicine ever discovercd. Imjmrli i 8 of the lilood For all impurities ol the blood; nrisiug from the iinprudent use of mercury, or other canses ; for all diseases of the skin and scrofulous affectious ; in all case s wjiere the blood is powerfully determioed to the head, producing dizziness and distrew, Dr. Upham's Electuary is eutirely unrivalled. T( MAKKIE!) liADEIS. Married ladies are almost invariably subjret to thsr painful ai:d injnrious disease, tlie Piles, vith coBas4uent inflammation of thf stomach, bowel and pine, wt-akness of back, flow ofblood to the head, l Electuary is perfect ly wsh Ibr p -s, a:i th most useful cathartic tiiat canj... ... ■ willnotonly remove the Piles and ;ü! infiamm diseases, without pain or rritation, ri:t w :'! ensure an easy time, a safe delivery, and a Buund constitutii i ii the oftspi-iu". Peculiar Chi nd Effotsls New Knlaii. Chrouic Piles. - A wufkman in the gH .■:■=■' 1 Cmbridgeport, who had the pilt-s iilienn reare, vei-J scverely, and was const:)utlv ezposed to tli iniensu heat ofafurnace and greatly reduced by the disease. received great rolief and a iinal cure by thc us of Dr. Uphain's remedy. The case was i very obí.í;na!e one, owmg to the nature of the occuwtfion and the deiaag. ed oondition of the patiënt. Blewliug File. - A. gentleman in Badford, Maas. ■vv!n had the bleedingpiks for many yt-ars, greatly eu haustiug Ui system, was entirely ri-iü-ved of this disA. t'ess,u_' and dnngerous eymptoms, by taking aha'fdose ol the Klcctuary ouce or twice a inonth. r .illing ot the Bowels. - A persou ufflicted wtth piles :im1 fallnigoftne bowels, to euch a derive that no evac-, luitiuu cuulj be had without lying Sat.apon the Hoor,. w;is entirely relieved and cured ly tliis medicine. ïho. caae tra a yctv cvtraordinary one. Kxtrt'ine C-'s'iv'irss. - NttXElorous persous, and es. pecially females, afflicted with extreme costívonos ani3 piles, witli a!l taan distressiu syptoms attend;uit upon. suoh a stale of the system, have been able to effect au entire change in this oonditíoD lY llie use of tliis medw cine. It is u very mild catliuitic, and mi admirable remsdy for ooativenesa, especially for married vvnmen. Fistiilíis, Ulcers, &C, - la the worst case of piles, w'.iere listulus, ulcers, and cavernous hules exist, the Electuury is akvavs lalutary in its eflects, and il persevoringly used, wiil produoe a cure Two or three cases, where u surpical opeiaiimi was tbought to be necessnrv by the doctors, have been cured by tliis medicine. It is a parfect reuiedy for mercurial diseases iu the in-, testines. Price, $1 per box, of twelve doses with full diroctions and other information respecting the ti'ealment and cure of the disease. Sold wholesale and retail by Wyatt & Kktcham, 121 FultOB street, and by A. T. Havens, Battle Creot. Farm tbr Sale. THE subscribo!' wishes ol'liis farm, situated eme anda lmlf milos north ol'tho villaje of Battla Orocki iu di1 towii Une rosd, ootiústiag of ltiO acres of, L20undor gontl improvement, nj:'ol frame house iiu.l barn, wiili a well qrwatsr aiuclunl. AJsoan applo uid paaoh iwihard, ïerms easy. Enquire of William Brooks, Charlea Bartlett, or ot' the subscriber oh the premises. 3. H HALSTED. OctoberCS, H