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Cold drops the tear thnt Mazens common woe, Some cüIIoiis rock retains its crystal rill, NeVr will the softened mould its 'liquid show; Deep sink the waters, that are smootli and'still. Oh when stiblimrly agonized I stood, A il pnemoiy gnve her beauteoue frame a sigh, White feeling triuinphed in my fceart's warm hlood, Grief drank the pffetfing, ere it renched the ove. EF Roael tlie follnwing, Preshylerianz, MelIiodint.i,- Ci ristintix ! And reniember that l-y the principie oïfellow.s,;,,, ofreligiouicommunion, you aid to perpetratethe monstrosities of inburnanity here disclosed ! And 80 far as you have politica!, power, and wield it not for the slaves deliverance. in so much are you verily guilty of the crimes which the lelter below diridoses. Mr. Slingerland is the Memberof Congress from Albany district, and bis word wil! betaken.notas that ofan " abolition fanatie," but a Membor of Congress, from one ' f.f the most respectahle Districts in the State, j We say read the letter, and then if you have! nothiiig lo do with Gcd, kith hnmanity, with ! republicanism- you may turn avvay and sny, " we have nothing to do with slavery !." We ' honor Mr. S. for daring, over his own name, thus to rebuke hyp,.crisy, and thus exposé the villany perpetraied at our National Capital [Utica Liberty Press.] COnitESPO.NDENCK OF TUK KVKXI.VG JOUH.VAL. Horror of .ilnvcij, Washington, April 22, 1848 Friend Weed - Last evening, ö punnW the Ruil Road Depot, I saw quite alarg"e nura ber oí colored persona gnthered round one of the Cars, and from manifestations of grief amongsomeofthem, I was induced to draw near and ascertain tlie cause I found in the car towards which they were so eagerly gazrg, fifty colored persons, some of whom were nearly as white as myself. A large majority of the number were those who attempted to gam the.r hberty last weck, in the schooner Pearl About half of them were females a few of whom had but a slight tinge of African blood mtheir veins ; they were finely formed and beaut.ful. 1 he men were ironed together, and the whole group looked sr' an J ïec eo. At eagh end of the car stood a ruffian looking guard, with large canes in their hands In the muidle oftliecar stood the notorious slave-dealer of Baltirnore, who is a memberof the Methodist Church, in good and regular standmg. He had purchased the men and women around him, and was takin his departure fop Georgia. While bbaerving this I 0 ld grey headed dealer in the bodies and son Is of men. the Cl.splain „f the Sonate- a Methodist brother enfered the car an, took his hrother Methodist hy ,l,e lland( chattedj witl him for a short time, and sei'rned to view 1 ie hcar-t rendir, g scène More him with as lïttle concern as rtrë woutd look ujum cattle ! I know not whether he carne with a view to sanctify the act, )ron„iince the n,.rlinr l.lessng; but this I do know, tfmt jnstitíT-s very. A Frcsbyteriiin Minister, who owned one of the fiigirive. was the first to strike a barga.n w,th the Slave Dealer, and rnake merchaniJize of God's image. Sorae of the colored peopie outsule, as well as in the car were weeping most bittorly. 1 leamed that 'manv families were separatod Wives wore there to tak leave of their Hushands, and Husl-ands oftheir Wives; Children ofttíeir Parenls, and laronts oftheir OhiMren. Friends paríinjrj witd i' tiemdi, and the tenderest lies of ity severed at a single bid of the inhuman lave Broker befo re them. A Husband n the merulmn „f Hfe, begged to see the partner of lus bossnm. He proiesled rhat she was free - that she Imd Cree papera, and was torn awny trom him, and éhut up in the jail. He clambered up to one of the wineuws of the car to see his Wrte.and, as rhe wás reaóhing for,ward her hand rohim the black heartèd Slave i erordered htm down. He did not obpy - ' jhe Husband and Wife, with lears streamir-odown their choehs, besntight him to let ihem peak toench otber. But no ; he was km.oked down from the car and orderd away !_ The bystanders could hardlv restrain themel vee from laying violent hajids upon the brute. This is but a faint description of the scène wbieh took place within a few rods of the Capitol, and under enactments recognized by Congress. Oh, what a revo!ling scène to a feeling heart, and what a retribution awaits the actors. Will not their waüings of anguish reach the ears of the Most High ? " Vengeance is mine - I will repay, saif.h the Lord. ' You have already heardofthe fugitive case and the mob here. A very exciting discussion has been going on in the House for the last two days, growing out of these riols.- The galleries were thronged. and the most intense interest was manifested while Northern and Southern members were discussin. I have the honor to be your sincere" friend