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The Post Office Department

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Tlio Mtimutfl helow rü given by the New Vork Sun, provea tlmt the cileHp postage system, has nut dimmislied the aviiils of'his department. We ngive with the Editor of the Sun relativa ib taxing iirivs papers, iiuil thiiik liis opiuions añil ivinarks upnii cliciip pustagH, nnd the diffusion of knowledga Ntoroby, very correct. Auy reform wliich will, (without too grpnt public etpenso,) llave a direct teudenejr lo promote t e diseninlllicmot'k!lled}■e. thl'OUgtl its pulilic, ind most effi ii-nt oigan, the I'ress - all, must co'nmeiul, wliu make a correct estimule ot tlieir cuuntr"s " ueal nr woe." in rhñ reform therr is iirtilved, n principie of pulicy for our govermnent, na conspicious hm that of the incalculable benefit arising f rom it, to the inoráis iinil intolli(eiice of cuminuitity Duriii: the pust yar 52, 173. 4öO letters have pisi",l throush th! Post üific.', pio.lucing n rt-veuii ( 84.313, 157. expenses diirina the (hihh liine was S4.()99,-J()6. ti-Hving ii surplus of Si 3,951. In Kiiühunl, innnlmr of forWMr.lml iluring the yeiir 1839 was 76,000,000, umi in 1817, uniier the clieap pastaje systeni, they aItl(iunti1 to 322.000,000. Slioulii o'nr present halt' v;iy i 'et'nriiiD l)e liaruluned tur the cheap pslíi}ín in, ai 1 ehould wprk as well m this country as it h is in E lïlninl, (which thé enterpriliiXf lUijralOfy cii -u-acter ifour p.ople w.iul;l ensurn) uc.ull dhr throuh l'ust (Ifüce 2-!O,OOa.O 10 l.itters por yeiir. At fwn cents ear.h, tlns yuukl yi.ll n rrvrnmi o!'S4,800,i)00, ur 1687,8U m iv ihnii ut present, miiJ that tvithuut makiog auy c ïnr-if t'.ir tn.i trarnp utati;)ii of uewspapers. Tasiu n w-papers is pluciiiK H tax n universtil knowle.lj;. - .is nionsi-tent hs vronkl be the tHxitlS it subiihim Ml ur pu!)lic schouls - mul slnml.I be I piompily nharwionej. l?y this reform the uewspiipiM- cirC'ilatiüM, trom 55,000.000 a ywtr1, wimld be increassd to 1 0.1,000. 0J0, an,i the Press. Ihe ro iservatoi' of puMic iljnrly and public mond. W.juI I havo its puwer vtistly inpreased. [N. VurK Sun,] RP" In of the d lites tu Conross upon the Froneh question Mr. Iliiskiill, of Tunnessec, siiid : " Thnt he lis not invine thaf tliPiei we re any FihicIi cdliiiiiis in which slavery evisted. That dciHe mjitinsf slaverv siiinsfil, wne puf in hy katglt, WMUwm mire of a phibsupherthuOHStatBglllilll." The Honorable ml)'i-(lisctaimsnny knowlpdge of uxMlnnce of slavery in ihe Froncli Culuiiieg. Strani;e ndted tlmt theïntetigent and llon. gentleni in silo .1.1 ho so defici ut in iifornmtioi) upon a Bu'ijnct so ;o enilly utulurstood. Wocopy the followinjj statement lis nmde by n spuüilüiit itf tho National : Tiin stat.Mijenr in doi'ivö.'i ('rom the census take-i !)} order of th Krericfi (iiviiiiimmit. in 1834, and U opio.l fru n a woik iil flm L,vmiry of Cungress. P'.p ilatlan of the F.ench ulimit%. UT A vory ímporrant message frnm the President of the Uniied States, with reforeno t Yuctirun, rreomintuiding aid from our Govcrnmi'rit, eic, wnti read in Conress on the 29lli, au.l r;lerred lo the Commiltee on Forílgfn K'ÁtiiHnna. Tliis me8ga u-as dwpirovi' I ail denounoeJ hy Calhuun in the Senatp ■ml Root il the House. Wu vvill give the m tn? wilh further remHrkg and particulare,