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Northern Press-approval Of Halt's Course

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Thi" luto mol) violmico ut the Ciipitolofnur Republic, nnd tlio effort of soiithern feeling to Oltnin t, liui-n culled down Iho jusfand gonerous indignation of neurly the entin Northern Pross. The rrorth is -'speaking out" n n inanner too, thnt tells fhat " ii chnnge has come over tln spirit of Her drenms," siuce Oef. 9, 1835 In ii the foljowitig pii'amlile atil resolntions wrre adoptad in Titmnuiry Hull, u t a regular meeting of the Democratie Ri'puliliciin general Com.nittee. Whereiis the course of the KvMiing Postin conti'iuiag to (iiscuss th Abolition question. in our opinion mei-ts the dneided disnpprobiition of the Democnicy of the an'd comity of N-w York, and a i ov.iwhelinin; niajority hf the peuple of the North, an I is deciili-dly ronilay to expressed opinión mul vi.wsofthis Ciinnnittee : and, the manneriis wll as matter of il pnhlication upnn tlüit 'i'iestion are inoiir op ion ilaiierons to tile peil e tij safety of thegood peopliiof the South. uur bremrt'il 11 the family of thisgreat Repnhlic ril'i-efi)ie, Resolved, Thnt the proceedinn;s of the Pernociatic Rnpnblicnn (ïeneral Cominiltee be no longer pu lished in the Evening Post, and tlial the leso lutiou besigned by the Chairman and Secivtary, and pii!)lishcd in the Timos, Truth Teller. J, ff,'rsiinian, and tho G nnan piper. the New Vork Oazette. DAVID BRVSON Clmirmitn. Edward Sa.ndford, Secretary. Miiiiv cf tilo lending journnls. hotti Wlii; nnd Democratie, hiivo spoken openly in tlie highest termsof eommendiition of the eharacter of the Nmtiorml Kr, hik) thosc noble ehttinpioiM of the principios it advocates. The H man Citizen, (a good Wliig piipor) with refoivnco to John P. Hale's course in rulation tu the alFair. saya:' Ainid this storm Mr. Fia! stood calm, unniovei], Cburteoos, and dignifi -d - likea rock, Hgainsl which the wavcs broko in tlmir iury, ')ut ware hu ried hafik. impotent mid harml.'ss. Not a neive tremhlnil - not ii pulse flutren-d - not n word Rscftped hiri) tlliit bi'trayed h syniptoni of iiniipr. He replied to Mr. Footo's threat ofussassination, liy extending to him thu kind hospitalitins of the of New Hrnnpthire; and the tri ld invective and Ireason of Calhoun by ComplillU'iitUtg him on his cxhil)itioti of Senatorial courtesy and pnipriety, and iippeulinr to the Constituiion and Laws. The concUisioD of hiï ivply Jo them was no!)lo and eloquent. Mr. Hale rninnined nutster of the field, complet'Iy triuniftliant. He conld, indeed, be votad down, but his was h triurnph Rtill. This debate is instructive nd significan'. It has pxhibitad the spirit of Slavery in itstrue eharacter. Ira-nadent, insoleiit,tytanical,trpasonable and bloodthirsty, it sets Law at definnce - trnmples openly 1 JB tbe Oonstituti'Jn - tireatec? t!',o fíorth with Invfry fit dure spiiUov piiblish the doctrines of' the Declurntion f [ndendencn - dtni s the prntec: tioeofthe Lnws Ui the men v]] tu axrcisetlie Krppdom ut' S--fcli niid ot'tlip l'ress unchniiis the Mol) nnd hnlIoi'B it on to vr. nk its ven CPHiice on nny hnpless victim who inny hnve excifpd its ditpleHfure - nnd ini'pfs, in the Huil oL thp Nntion's L"gislatm-e. thp PxprSMian of sentiirjents tlmtlmve imule il Lnmnrtíne iind nu Udillon Barrat inmortal, wiih tin-ent of ïssiissiii.ition. Benbee of the N, Y. Baptist Regisior. who. Ia the lii};uiie of tlio Uticn Presa, is well knowt: tu bp no "fiinntic" snys, whli reterence to the inob nt Wiishington, nnd of Mr. Hule: Whnt gi liumtliatinaspectaclp. is hpre prrsonted at the onpitiil if h gi-i at Repnlilic liciiistingof its IVpp rtoni ! Wh:it Ihss is it ilmn n greaf slave. mart, wherp human bririgü me Imughtiin I toH undeitlie windows of the cnpiriil the same 113 on lile coast of África ? And vlm iloulits hut rli .t the rrpalchev engngeil in this tniffic wdiiIiI as i-pHilily cmlmrk in tlic ulave tnil on thecoasr of África as il the citv of Wnshingtoti. ifthe Imsitiess ns aHendad witli no less pnril. That they '' "' 'eas pirntw ai heart tlian the burra npcrsun tlm ocwwi, we Jn ncit H-linve. Tliii t'oul blot on our tiHtinnnl cliaractei-, when símil it rpiiuivcd ? One Woold lappoMlint ciitKÜil, C(iniilfinte 11 t tlic South, vviul.l ie shnokpil nt sucli 11 spoctacle- hut tiir uiherwise. TIip. snhjpct of this escapp ot llifSf shives has b en akpn up in l)oth Houses of Cmmi-ps?, and men ol listinction from the Simtliein Sliites. aml J. C. ,-alho 11 among tlipui. exhibited as milefa (teterniinntion to niHiniain the liotrid syslem ot cIiivpi y. ti;he moh ontside ot the Capitol. How jl'"iy ''" irnapect! VI r. Hale,howi'ver ma [ituiied throuuhiut sinauliir dignity aml al nirahlfl temper, which mist havp coinmendpd hiiu to the rpspect ot'eveiT and id spectator, and the nohlc n'titu le lie assumed üainsf a Innniis mol) hetit on the (estiuction of a liserppt and inijeppmlant presa it the capital of the narion, deserves the coinmediation of all the fnends of froedom. . .