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The Edinobürgh Phrknolosical Journal, for April, repulilishetl in New York by Fowlw &, Wi'lls, has appeared. The paper und typugrapl cal xeciitioii uro remnrkiihly neaf. The landing nrticla is lv Ueorgn Comlie, nnd pon the ' Ri-hifion hetween Religión and Sc nee." 'The views, indilcnted hy tilia arricie re in BccordsncB wirli those iilreiid v promulgHtei y Mr. Combe in hls olher works. He holds tin Mth the pliysicül nnd iiiornl worlds arpgovenied b var't b e. llHturnl la WC, wliicli none can viulat vithunt nffering a penalty proportioned to the ini )orlance of the luw violiited, and tho grentness o olation ; while tho-ie who l)py these laws receiv for so doing n proportioniite reward. Henee Mi Combe (Iner not recognizr what nrocnllei] "specia providences." He doos not believe thüt dnuijiht tainine or pestilenre are ever sent upon imtion sperinlly for theirsitis; but would betiill iiny peo pie, however holy. who should vioüliite the natura laws i ti ;i manner ciilculiited to produce theni. The suri, ruin, umi other gi'n'ml inliuenees opérate nlike tlin crops botfa of tlie just iind imjust; and i is the height of folly tu believe that God ciits hor rlic crnps of nny mun as a special punishment fo liis crimes, or vices, or religious bèHnf. Henee, al so, h discanls ttie notions so genei'Hlly broiight l)j tlie elerey, rtml sickness md !he deatli of fVimids iré speciid dispensiilions sent by God for the exprss ptirpos( of Wenning oír souls froin onithly tliings nod ilnm'ing us townrds heiivt-ti. ín sicknpss nnd death, Mr. Combe sees only tlie operutioi of imtuid causes, affecting al ulike, witliout nny reftvrpoce to moral chnnicter. Tho saine principies wonlii go agninsf uil fiísts, or other rtfligious objervances whethor national or individuül, lis used fol the purpose of veiting sickiipas, fnmine, [)estilencp, or any other culnniity, through tlie favor ot lieaven. Tlie lnws of nature bein ncliangfilili', no special interposition of lieaven could be olitaiueil : md so far as tliey were used for that purpose, tliey ivould b" entirely unavoidiililt'. t. f. Thk Union Magazink. We hiive been politely avored witli the April No. of tliis magazine, pubished by Israel Post Ks(j , 140 Nassau st , N. Y t is edifed by Mrs. Kir-kliniil, the well knivn aulior of " Nhw Hnme." Lif intlie West," &O. She is tiniii'iilly qnalifíoi) lo sustain liei depnitneut, und we think this inuuzinn will not suller v comparison witli nny pn'riodicnl of the dy in tliia ountry. Thf names of its gifted contrihutors ai t once n passport to our good opiniou of work. rhis numlier is linndsomely nmbeHiahed vvilh (wj ne etigravings and n rich fashion pit) te, witli levrul wood cuts in good taste, iinioii" the most intersting of whicli, is Lm Fio jia witta n Imautiiully vritten story of Itily, by J. Bayard Tiiylor. We vere pleased to see the name of Mrs. L. H. Sigurn"y aniong its poetical contributois. Columbiax - Muy No. of thie ïteresticg work is quite eqal to iiny which hnva ceceded ir. it is enibellished with tuo beautiul nirnivingg. Tlie first, Myni Clark is illtistrated by wetl -ritten story of lual litV, by Ann S. Ste)hins, onB of uur best descriptivo wrifers. The eron.l.a view of Jerusiileni trom the Mount of Oles, is wull executed imd is tmly an inrrresting nd sublime vii-w of the Holy city. Tlio pot-try in lis mimber is good. '] hcru is tilso a Icngtliv and very appropriate detnil of the life and dcath of uur late lament, d J. Q. Adains. Recolli-ctions of a Physician, No. 2. wliich are di rply intciösting. nd soine other excellent miscellany. Tuk Paulor Mauazin, dt-voted to Litnrnturn, Moráis and Keliaion, pnblished by E. E. Miles, 3q Xassini st., N. V. Tliis iiricjii.iim is of r ither n diffurpiit cast trom most peri odien Is of the day, li luis som of our besi writers for contiibutors, with I . P. Hendley editor, wlio excels in liis di partnmnt Our Rtleutloii wns arrested by nn editorial reimirk in the May No.. (whicli by th ■ way is a most interestinp; one) respect nji woiks, of fiction hf says : " It is Hmiitter nf some doubt vvith us - as it is wiilj most thinking men and wnmcii who have at huurt the nlerests of Ph doitlflrtic sanctunry - how t'ar it in judicious to inplny tiie ageuoy of fiction in rendeiingour work and uwful. Fiction is botli n valntihta imd dnrigerou-j nstrummit. Wieldeil with judgmeqt, and especially judgnrent cnritrollml ly mom principie nnd religión, it muy l Rvniluble nut only in enjistipg the synipiilhies of tli yuulli of tMtlier sex, wlmn all other agencies ule cumpflrntirely powerlesa, hut in exerting a kindly influcnco airflctl; ar indin ctly upon the sacrd f.iunts of tho n!fctions, so that we aliull nor nltogether discard it, but sli.-ill exnicise a zealons and narefn) censorship over this depaitment in pur nniïcizine." We noticed with a great deal of pleasure, n beautitul blank poem, hy Mrs. Sigourney.on TiumImll's picture of thf DecluratioH of [ndepndencB. The einbelliiihineuts are beuntiful. "The Yuung Gleaner" h pretty. modest creaiure, sitting weury and lone with a gloaned sheaf oiHier liip, saying, Why am I go poor and lonely, ld a world so full of joy?" rOïB'qds ons of the sad contra.!? whichis prníenrwj nt evpry turn of our path throiigh this World, the siiiiiirioii of CxoVts nt.ll.-o.tual nnl immortalba iiiffs. TheBiitl of P.iradisfl is a silcndd colore engraving, and contributas imich to the beuutro fhis nuniber.