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Michignn - Tha inconsistent, course of our Seni'.or in congress by which Cuss hopes to gnin Southorn influence, contrastad with the independent coone of Hule will we have no doubt, arouse the toni of the Península stnte frons their narcotic slumeer of party influence and-wduco them to take a decided stand, in favor of their own rights, and the ntiviyicement of the general interest. We Bgroe with our correspondent C. G. in h3 suggestion of of the propriety of calling a mass meeting to take mensures to forward the great principie of reform. Say meet at Jackson, orany other fnvourable place. Wiil the committee take it into consideration ? If Liberty men will be active and efficiënt, we may expect a large accession to our nnmbers. Thewhigs of our Stnto are divided betweeü Clay, Scott and Webster - preponderance in favor of Clay - Democrats hoist the flag for Cass, but. are waiting with anxiety the result of the Baltimore convention. New York - The Leaguers are strongly opposed to John P. Halo and have accused him of not defi'iing his position. But we think his course in the Sonate is sumcient evidenco of his strict adhornce to tho principios and ought to be a conclusivo pledge to evei-y Liberty man - The Democratie raembors of New York Legislatura at a late meeting passed a series of Resolutions we give the first, " ' Res'ilvfl, Thnt while the Democracy of New Vork will faithfully adhere lo all the compromises of tho Consf.itutioii, and maintain all the reserved vights of tho States, they decjaré - since tho crisis aas arrived wheïi thnt question must be met - their upcompromising hustiütv to the extensión ofslaveremtory now Tree. which has been or may after acequired, by inv actioi) of tho Government of tho United States.' h shows that their course ii dcided, How they will reconcile the difficuhies existing among : tho Baltimoro Convention remainsentirely in the dnrk. Accordingto the Tribune, the Whigs favo ur the nominaiion of Clay for President - but there are exceptions in favor of Scott and Taylor. N. H. - Althoughthe Democratscarid the State Electicn yet the liheity reform is progressing, and tht State may well be proud of giving the only man vho dares independently to advocate the rights of tho whole American people in the United States itO. The Independent Democrat and Freeman lm cjüimoticed its 4th volume it has done mucb to reform the State- Success to it. Missouri. - The Democratie Convention which nominated A. A. King for Governor forgot theirs wns a slave Stilte wben they, in remembrance of Franco, passcd the following resolution: " {esolved, That Missouri views with great symp'ithy nd intense interest the efforts of the People of Franco to tbrow off the yoke of tyranny potism, and rt;ai' upon Ibe crumbling ruins diva free and Republican (Jovernment; ■ I 11! tbem, as we do nll the world, good i in the cause of liberty nnd equal rights." ois - uwen Lovejoy is holding n series of iga in tbis State. He is a Liberty candidato for Congrega - F rom his known ability, we shall je accessiou to the liberty ranks in that : - The Democrati seem to be in as great a quandary o Jll'muis as New York, hut the mnjoriry lenns towards freedom and at varions meetings have passed Resolutions against the extensión of Slave territory. The whigs of Chicago go for Clay. Marvland - Tho lnta convenlion at Baltimore resolved to support General Taylor for President and riorainated an oqual nuinber of Whigs and Demócrata &r eioctors. They adopted aa address rieclaiing tbe o!d questions of Bank, 7'ariff, Scc, obsóli " and that tho Wilmot Proviso was the test - that tbe oM paitiea are dismemliered, particulary the Dflmocratic in New York, beyond re-union. And thir conrse shows, that they consider Taylor the only man who can draw the North over to their !,terest8. Wisconsin - The people have adopted the Constitution submitted to thera preparatory to being adinitted as a State. I3T The following passage from n speech of John Van Buren, is spirite J, and decisive, nad worthy of notice, as we have no doubt the setjuel will provo ; v,i!iit !et the Baltimore Convention force upon North the nHiTow nnd miserable test to which gentleman f the South have committed themff.!vp9 - let them exclude our delegHtes from ttieir ventiim, nnd bunish the advocates of freedom thf list of President int cnndidates, and the .if.e of thi-ir Convetition , . vvhen the polls close in tbis Statn, will require iiifidavits to prove that he bus been ïunuing at all.