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ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER CAMBRIA. Six day. Later from Europe. BUFFALO, May 15-7 P.M. The steamer Cambria arrived at New York this morning. She sailed on the evening of Saturday the 25th ult. The Provisional Government of France has issued a fresh decree, abolishing slavery and taking possession of the railroads. Another quarrel had taken place between Lamartine and Ladru Rollin, which threatened to overthrow the government. The latest advices from Paris states that the election returns continue satisfactory. The moderate party represented by Lamartine prevailed, which produces a very considerable improvement in money matters. It was reported that Ladru Rollin was only waiting the meeting of the National Assembly to resign. The Bank of France has suspended. It notes have been made a lawful tender. In Prussia the approaching elections were not expected to pass off peaceably, Austria appears to hourly expect a revolution. | In Spain affairs are fast progressing towards Jan outbreak. Advices from Madrid indicate that a month will expire before there will be serious outbreak. The disturbances in Rome have been put down. Engagements between the Italian corps of General Sencha and the Austrians at Vesca. - The contest lasted four hours. The Italians gained possession of Vesca, Lord Palmerston had addressed letters to the Spanish Minister. The Duke Rotoladored sent back letters containing strong expressions of rudeness and contempt. MECHANICS IN KENTUCKY.--The Kentucky Legislature has refused to admit a colored mechanic to move into that State from Virginia. The reasons assigned were various but among them, and as chief were these, that they wanted more white mechanics, and they should nerer have them until labor was made reputable. TO TAKE INK OUT OF LINEN.—Take a piece of mould cnndie, (or common candle will do nearly as well) melt it, and dip the spotted part of the linen into the melted tallow. It may then be washed, and the spots will disappear without injuring the linen. We acknowledge the favor, of a valuable Congressional Document, from the Hon. Alpheus Felch, of the United States Senate. 13 The Stnte of Mexico gives her voice for Gen. Herrea for President. [Herald.] RAYMOND & WARINGS GRAND MENAGERIE! TRIUMPHA ENTRY OF THE NEW AND GORGEOUS COLOSSEAN CHARIOT! Drawu by Ten Grey Horues, OF THE LARGEST SIZE, Containing the New York BRASS BAND, which will precede the enrringes containing the varions Aniels, silie whole forming a GRAND PROCESTION On entering each place of Exhibition, The diman sions of this stupendous work of Sculptural and Decor ative art, are ys follows: Height to summit of canopy - - - - - - 20 feet Length of chnriot -- Weight in full -. ..- 8000lbs Will be Exhibited at Battle, Creek on Wednesday May 24, 1848. from 1 to 4 P. M. The Proprietor respectflly announces to the public that on this ocansion they will have an opporttoity of witnes sing the novel aud daring performance of Elle CYBELLE, who, during the past winter, lins created so great an excitement in the Eastern cities, and bus gained for her. selt the title of the acom WebmShe will enter the den of the fiercest animals with the renowned HERR DBIESBACH, under whose instructions she has been taught to prac. e tice that almost superhumt exhibition of self-possession, -- fearllesa ndress.nud indomitable contrage, 1 The case and tact which she displays in bringing **the inost urtarmble animals to crouch ut her feet; shows the wonderful supremacy of the human mind over bente force and furocity. 22 Herr Driesbach has excibited in almost every part of the civilized world the surprising power which he pas esses over the animal cretion. The performances of - the Teacher and the Pupil, with their pet family of TEN of the most savage animals, shows ons wonderful do at minion over the Beasts of the field and the wild denie zens of the Forest. The following is a list of tht Animals in this extensive 8 Menagarie, Herr Driesbael's Trained Animals: A fall grown Numidian Lion, Asinstie Lionens, Afri. can Lioness, Puma or Silver Lion of South America, Alrican Hunting Leophrd, Cheta or small Asiatic Leopard Cougar, Pet Tiger from Brazil, Royal Bengal Tigur. The War Elephant Hannibal, AN ARABLNPAOK GAMEL. Oage No. 1 contains a Canadian Elk. " 9 An Afrien Zebra -). 3 An Ema, or New Holland Ostrich, and Kan anroo. ** 4 A pair of Peruvian Llamas. * 5 Powees, Macaws, Parrots, Armadillo, and Egyptitu Wenzel. 6 Zebri, or Sacred Ball of Burma. 7 Fall geown Lion, Lioness, and Leopard. +18 Asiatic Lioness, Tiger, Pama, and African Leopard, 4 9 Royal Bengal Tiger, the only one in the U. States 4 1 0 Four North American Panthers. "11 Pair of Brazilian Tigers, and Prairie Wolves. 12 Pair of Spotted, or Grave Robbing Elvenns. * 13 Senegal Leopard, and Beach or Strand Hy* 4 Rassini and North American Brown and Binal Bears. 15 Monkey Family, Ichaeumons, Badgers. * H 16 Collection of prepared Beasts, Birds and Reptiles. 17 Bon Constrictors and Anaconda Serpants. 60 Men and 100 Horses are required in their care and transportation. ADMISSION 25 Cis-Children under 10 years ol at age 15 cents will also be held at Marshall May 23, Kalamazoo May 25, 1848 By Telegraph. New York, May 17th, 3 o'clock P. M. The market for stock to day was heavy FLOUR MARKET-The demand for flour is less active today and heavy. Good brands firmer than poor. Sales at $5,95u6 for Oswego, Genesee common to very good, $6.25. Corn doll, sales at 57a58c. The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of yesterday, says freights range from 50 to 52 for flour to Albany 14 to 15 for wheat, 11 to 12 for corn. Detroit, May 17th 5. P. M. The Yucatan troubles have been settled by the appointment of an Indian Chief for life over the Indians, and also a Government for life over the whites. Detroit, May 17. The flour market exhibited more firmness yesterday under the advices by Cambria, which we published in our last, and buyers seem inclined to advance their views from the quotation of the day previous. There is but a very limited quantity now on sale in the market, and the receipts continua light. Sales of 200 bols, Livingston Mills at 84,90; 120 bbls Farmers' Mills at $1,87 1-2; 100 bols Phoenix $4,90, and 100 bbls Marengo at same price. Freights are low, shipments being made at 18c by steam for flour and not much offering at that price. Battle Creek Market.-Wheat $1, Oats 38c. Corn 38c. Late accounts from Yucatan state that the Government has made a treaty with Jacinto Pat the Chief of the Indians, the terms of which are first, that Pat shall be Governor for life of the Indians of Yucatan. Second that Don Miguel Barbushano shall be Governor for life of the whites of the State. Third, that 2500 muskets taken from the Indians before the treaty shall be given up to Pat.Fourth, all debts due by the Indians to their masters shall be forgiven. Fifth. unoccupied lands which have been sold by the Government shall be again held in common. Sixth. No personal tax shall be paid in Yucatan. Seventh, provides that the Descho de Estola shall be reduced. New Orleans, May, 5th, P. M. The Schooner Heroine which sailed from Vera Cruz on the 26th ult. has arrived at N O. with dates of the 20th from the City of Mexico. Sevier reached the Capital on the 18th. Strong hopes were entertained that the Mexican Congress, would assemble and ratify the treaty, Robberies, Murders and outrages of every description are of frequent occurrence in Mexico. Sevier and Clifford were invited to Queretaro where the Mexicans suppose that our Commissioners will modify the treaty. Parades is reported to be marching to Quer etaro to depose the Government. The report however is doubted. Renders! we do not wish to inflict non you too constant trotices of what is to be found in our advertising columns worthy of your attention,-nor do we wish you to believe we are always paid for pafling an article into notice We are not now puffing "Vanghn's Lithon triptic" for in justice to the medicine we must say it stands so high that our puff would never give ita greater latitude, it'it rios kny higher it must by its own intrisie merit, it is already far above any other Panacea of the age. While upon the subject we will give an extract from a letter dated New LONDON, Conn. Sept. 17, 1846. Mr. G C. Vaughs. I have the pleasure to write for inore Lithontriptic, and will inform yon that I have maile it my purpose to learn the result of the trial fo every bottle sold. It has far exceeded my most sanguino expectations. It is a great article. A man of my acquinton ce has been under medical care for a long time. confined to his bed with gravel--he is now able to at tend to his business. Such has been its effect in all kiuds of complaents-it will have a great sale. &c. &c. Yours, F. L. ALLEN, Reader ! get a pamphlet and read about it, the Agent lies them to give nwny. Look into our columns for Vaughn's Lithontriptic, the Grant American Remedy." Administratora sale, NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an order of IN Sale granted by the Judge of Probate of the Coun ty of Calhoun to the undersigued, administrator of the estate of Thomas Willson, deceased, late of the Town ship of LeRoy in said County-I shall sell ut public vendne to the highest bidder, at the Battle Creek house in the village of Battle Creek in the County aforsaid on the 1st, day of July next between the hours of one and Two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the following described real estate to wit: Six Lots on Biock Six in East Battle Creek in said Connty being the four East Lots and the two lying south of lots lately owned by one Edmund Astley, E. PACKER Administratot, Dated May 17. 1848 Tub Factory. HE SUBSCRIBER takes pleasure in informing the I public that he has resumed the business of Tub making and is rendy to supply the public with articles of his monunfiture on as rensonable terms as any other establishment in the State. He proposes to manufacture nothing but Wish-Tabs, and he will guarantee that all works shall be of the best quality. The putrouage of the publie is solicited. E. DAILEY. Baile Creek May, 19 1848. CITATE OF MICHIGAN--The Circuit Court for the D county of Calhoun--In Chinery. At a sersion of suid court, held at Marshall on the 27th day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight Present Hon. George Miles. Cireuit Judge. ORLANDO PATEE, Complainant. versus GIDEON F. SMITH. BETSEY DUTCHER and SOLOMON DUTCHER, Defendants. It satisfactorily appearing to this Court That Betsey Dutcher and Solomon Dutcher two of the defendant in this cause are non-residents and that they reside in the State of Ohio-Ou motion of Abner E. Cain bell, Solicitor for the Complainant, it is ordered that the said defendunts, Betsey Duscher and Solomon Dutcher cause their appearance to be entered within three months from the date of this order, and that in case of their appearance they cause their an wer to the complainant's bill to be filed and a copy thereof' to be served on the complainant's Solicitor within twenty days after service of a copy of vaid vill and trotice of this order and in de fanit thereof that the said bill be takunne con l'essed by the said defendants Betsey Dutcher and Solomon Danther And it in further ordered that within twenty days the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the " Michigan Liberty Press" a newspaper published at Battle Creek, in the county of Calhoun, and that the said pablication be continued in said I paper at least once in each week for six weeks in ad. cession, or that he cause a copy of this order to be per sonally served on the suid delendanta Betsey Datcher and Solomon Dalcher at least twenty days before the time abova prescribed for their appearance. (A true copy) JOHN MEAOHEM, Register. A E . CAMPBELL, Solicitor for Complainant 5-6 JOHN MEACHEM. County Clerk, Ofica No. 1, Court Houns Hall Marshall. Calhoun Comity, Michigan 91.1 CITATE of MICHIGAN--The Circuit Court for the county of Calhoun-In Chaucery. At a bension of said court, held at Murshall on the 25th day of April, A.D., 1848. Present Hon. Geo. Miles, Oircuit Judge. CLARISSA A. McCOURTIE, Compluinant, verstis OLIVER R. McCOURTIE, Dofendant. It satisfactorily appearing to this Court that the de fendant, Oliver R. McCourtie, is a non-resident of this State, and that he resides in the State of Tedin -On motion of Willim C. Rowley, Solicitor for the Complainant, it is ordered that the suid defendant, Oliver R. McCourtie, catuse his appearance to be entered with in three months from the date of this order, and that in case of his appearance he cause his answer to the complainant's bill of complaint to be filed and a copy thereof to be served on the complninani's Solicitor with in twenty days after service of a copy of shid bill und botice of this Orders and in default thereof that the said bill be taken as confessed by the suid defendant, Oliver R. Courtie. And it is further ordered that within twenty days the shid complainnnt cause a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Liberty Press, a newspaper publislied at Battle Creek, in the county of Calhoun, and that the said publication be continued in said paper at least once in each week for six weeks in succession, or that she cause a copy of this Order to be personally ser ved on the said defendant, Oliver R. McCourtie, at least twenty days before the time above prescribed for his up pearance. A true copy) JOHN MEACHEM, Regis'r. Wt. 0. ROWLEY, Solicitor for Complainant. 4-6 w STAE OF MICHIGAN, 3 County of Calhoun ss. AT a Court of Probinte held at the office of the Judge A thereof in Marshall, on the 5th day of May, A D. 1848. Present Horace A. Noyes, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estate of Elenzer McCumly deceased. Upon reading and Sling the petition of Sands M'Camly, executor of the last will and testament of said decensed, duly verified, praying for reasons therein set forth, for license and authority to sell certain real estate in said petition described. Thereupon it is ordered that the consideration of snid petition be postponed until the 17th day of June next, at oue o'clock in the afternoon, at the Probinte Office in Marshall aforesaid-at which time and place all persons interested in the estate are hereby directed to appear before the Judge of Probate aforesaid, to show caitse why a license should not be granted to sui executor, to sell so much of the real estate of suid deceased us shall be necessary to pay the delits, legacies nudexpenses of settlement of the estate of said deceased. And it is further ordered that said executor cause a copy of this order to be pablished in the Michigan Liberty Press, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, for four successive weeks prior to the time of hearing in the premises. H A. NOYES, Jadye of Probate. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Calhoun, ss. A Tu Court of Probate, held at the office of the Judge A thereof. in Marshall on the 2d day of May, A. D., 1848-present Horace a Noyes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of Hermes Sweet, decen sed. Upon reading and Siling the petition of Martha Sweet, widow of suid deceased, praying that she may be appointed Administratrix of snid estate. Thereupon it is ordered that the consideration of suid petition be postponed until the 29th day of May, inst, it one o'clock in the alternoon, at the Probate office in Marshall aforesaid. And it is further ordered, that the said petitioner cause a copy of this order to be published in the Michi na Liberty Press, ti newspaper printed and circulating in mid county, three consecutive weeks prior to the time of hearing in the premises. 1. A. NOYES, Judge of Probate. 1848. PA 1848. HUNT & ROBY, STORAGE, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Warehouse, Foot of Bates Street, Detroit. Agents for Troy and Western Line. No transhipment it Albany or Troy PILOPRIETONS ---Rice, Ciapp & Co. No. 31. Coenties Slip, New York; P. S. Sterubery & Co., corner Front and Dock streets, Buffalo. J. J. Newcomb, L. Wharf, Boston, R. Robinson, Pier, Albany, Agents. Also, Agents for the Washington Line. PROPRIETOrs.-- James Grilloy & Co, 49 Quay st., Alhany, Lanc Jerome, 125 Broad si.. New York, Coats & Folger, No. 10 Central Winrt, Buffalo, Agents Liberal Caslindvances monde atill times upon proper. ty destined for Eastern Markets, or for sale bere. 2-if CUTATE of MICHIGAN-The Circuit Court for the county of Calhoun-In Charcery. At a session of said Court, held at Maralull on the 25th day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forry-eight Present Hon. Geo. Miles, Cirenit Judge. JOSEPH W. BUCKLEY, Complainant, versus SALINA R. BUCKLEY, Defendant It satisfactorily appearing to this Court that the defendant, Salinn R. Bockley, is a non-resident of this State, and that he resides in the State of Illinois-Oa motion of William C. Rowley. Solicitor for the Complaisant, it is ordered that the said defendant, Salina R. Buckley, cause her appearance to be entered within three months from the ante of this Order, and that in Case of her appearance she cause hier answer to the complainant's bill to be filed, and a copy thereof to be ser ved on the complainant's Solicitor within twenty days after service of a copy of suid bill, and notice of this order, and in default thereof that the said bill be taken as confessed by the said defendunt. Salinn R. Buckley, And it is farther ordered, that within twenty days the suid complainant cruse a copy of this Order to be pab. lished in the Michigan Liberty Press, a newspaper pub. Tished at Battle Creek in the county of Oulboun, and thut the nail publication be continued in said paper at least once in each week for six weeks in succession, or that he antiso copy of this order to le personally sery. ed on the said defendant, Salinn R. Buckley, at least twenty days before the time above prescribed for her appearance, (A true copy) JOHN MEACHEM, Register. W. C. ROWLEY, Solicitor for Complainant. 4-6 w Family Bibles CIO ARRANGED that the books, chapters, &c,, may D be rend as one connected history. Also, commercial and fancy envelopes, tisse, perforated and billet paper, Napoleon and this Marsuls, and Washington and his Generals, &c., &s, just recoived at the drug stere of April 12, 1848. A, T. HAVENS. Pills For Nichigan. A MEDICINE FOR THE SEASON.-Most nil the prevniling complaints of this time of the year are only cured if attended to in time, by the use of the proper medicine, and it is admitted by Plıysicians well known bere, that Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's Indian Vegetable Sugar Conted Pills are not only safe and pleasant, but really the most efficacions fainily medicine in nse. Cluildren can take these pills with entire safety, for Cold Dysentery, Mensles, Eruptions and other disorders; and the aged find them admirably adapted to their use for a good general medicine. They will purify the blood and induce a healthy action of the Liver and all the vitad functions. Aron V. Brown, Governor of Tennessee. buys these pills by the dozen boxes and is the best customer in Nashville. He says, "they are the best pills his family ever tused," which is also the opinion of all who make trial of them. A.T. HAVENS First Again. TUST RECEIVED from New York, a splendid as J noriment of ladies and childrens Straw Bonnets, consisting in part of Tuscan, Pedal Braid Lact, Fancy Braid and Split Straw. ALSO- A lot of beantifal new style Ribbons, not forgetting a choice assortment of printed Lawns, Or gandy Maslin and Scotch Gingham of the finest coal ity-chenp for cash. 5 BROWN & BREWSTER. T PIERSON has opened a shep. one door East of J, Brooks' Hardware store, Muinat, Battle Creek, for the manufacture and sale of the various descrip tions of Boo's and Shoes. Particular attention will be given to Ladies' Morocco walking Shoes, Guitars Slippers aud Ties. The first quality of stoch only will be used and the best of workmen employed in its manufacture. Persons desirous of a tint rate fit and durable article will please give him a call. All o the above kept constantly on hand and made to order Hides wanted in exchange for cash or work. Re collect the number. One door East of Baooks! Battle Creek, May 13, 1848. A JEWELRY and fancy goods at the cheap Drug Store of A.T. HAVENS. THIS may certify to all whom it may concern, tha I whereas my wife. Luoyans, without cause or m consent, left my dwelling. I therefore forbid every ma woman or child harboring or trusting her on my uc count, for I will pay no dabts of hisz oontracting afte this data HENRY YORK Johnstown. April 21, 1848. The Daily and Welly Chronotype EDITED BY ELEIZUR WRIORT. Pup I.ISHED BY THrTE. POTTER & RIGHT 15 STATE ST, BOSTON TERMS-DAILY, ONE CENT, each number. Fo Lany sum forwarded to the publishers free of expense they will send the paper at that rate till the money exhansted. WEEKLY.-Two dollars a year in advance, or fo any shorter time at the same rate. For five dollars three coppies will be sent for one year. This publication is made in the nest style of news paper typography. It is independent of all sets, par Lies, and cliques, expressing freely the views of its ed itor and of such corresponents as he thinks proper to admit, on all subjects of human interest. It advocates egnality of human rights, and the aboli tion of slavery, thorough lind reform, cheap postage, ab! stinence from intoxicating drinks, exemption of tem perance men from taxes to repair the damises of drink ing, a reform in writing and spelling the English lan guage, the abolition of capital punishment, universa and kindly toleration in religion, life and health insu rance, water cure, working mens' proteclive untions and all other practical forms of association for mutual aid--and generally, Progress. It also gives the news from all parts of the country in the most condensed and inteligible style. Apothecaries Hall. This well known cheap establishment is still in blast I at the old stand in Eagle Block-now know all met by these presents, that bere is the place where a good assortment of pure, unadulterated, genuine medicines may be found at low prices. Here inny be found also tens, green and black, of snperior quality, spices, inger, coves, mace, citron, &o, &c., together with puinta oils, dye-stuffs, perfumery: pen kuives, triukets, toys, steel bends, etc., etc., ail of which are sold cheap, cheap cheap. At the Hall may be found a general assortment of the most approved und efficient patent medicines, for the cure of fevers, agues, coughs, colds, consumption, piles. wounds, bruises and putrilying sores. In a word, for the cure or relief of all the ills which flesh is heir to. Should any be faithless, let them call; they shall have the PROOFS. N. B. Don't mistake the place ---'tis in Eugle Block next to Buckley's corners. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.-The undersigned, I Special Commissioner under the Aet appropriating 5,000 acres Internal Improvement lands for the purpose of improving a State Road from Battle Creek in the Co. of Calhonn, through Bellevue and Charlotte in the county of Eaton, to Michigan in the county of Inghum, up proved March 23d. 1849, hereby give notice that lie will receive bids for jobs on and road in Charlotte on the ist, 9 and 3d days of June next, and will lire la borers, and let contracts at any time thereafter, until wid appropriation is expended on snid road. Bidders will be required to give good security for the performince of contract. Specitications and information per trining to said read can be had at my office in Charlotte at any time after the 29 May next. JOHN D. BURNS. Clusrlotte, April 220, 1813. Removal. MHE Tailoring Establishment of William Roe is remo I ved to MeCamly's Block, the corner store, where he will be glad to wnit on his old customers and all new ones who my favor him with u all. 3-3 w Attention! MESSRS. HARNED & MERRIC, No. 1, Brick Block, I would invite the public to the examination of their Bamerous specimens of Photographic Likuesses, executed by the improved Daguerrean process. The beanty of execution and boldness of appearance of the Daguerreotpe impressions taken at this establishment have been acknowledged by persons of the most discriminnting faste, to be equal, if not superior to my taken in the eastern elties. Persons wishing to obtain likenesses of themselves or friends, will do well to call and sit for their portraits. How often do we hear the remak made after the loss of I friend, If I only had Daguerreotype Likeness, no money could buy it." Therefore is it uot policy, in this time of prevailing epidemies and sudden deaths, to embence the present opportunity of securing a correct reRemblance of sin honored parent or beloved child before it is too late. N. B. Oall soon as our time is Ilmited. 9-2 Invaluable Companion. SIX Loctures on Causes, Prevention and Oure of Con Dsumption, Asthma. Diseases of the Heart, and all Fe male Diseases. 234 pages, 28 engravings. Paper 50 cts; bound 75 cts. Minil to any part-postage 9 1-2 cts. Shoulder Braces and Chest Expanders, . Mail to any part. 10 cts. postage. Inuling Tubes, Silver, $3. by mail, letter postage. Abdominal Supporters, parfect, $8 to $10, forall Buptures, Falling of the Bow els aud Womb, and IVeuk Back, and Chest ; sent by Express everywhere. For Braces or Supporters, or Rupture Supporters, give heiglit from lead to foot, and cir cumference of person next the surface, just above the hips. If Rapture, mention which side. Agents wan ited for the sale of the above goods. Address Dr. 8. S. FITCH, 707 Broadway, New York, post paid. Feb. 24, 1848. MHE CANTON TEA COMPANY has been popular I ly known for many years. This is the largest and oldes Ten Establishment in America. The public luve had all proof of their integrity rod responsibility. Their scrupulos regard to all principles that tend to elevate the character of a large house, is well anders stood, and has already secured them a counection, prob bly, larger than all other Tea Establishments united. and they consequently are determined to sell Tens por or, more fragrant and perfect for the prices, in the age gregate, than any huse in the world Every package, (in addition to its containing FULL WEIGHT, independent of the wrapper,) bears the stamp of neatness and elegance, and the Tens therein are so thoroughly secured from light and air, that their quality and power will remain unimpaired in any clinate. A. T. HAVENS, Agent, Battle Creek. Paper, "THE undersigned will be supplied from the Ann ArIbor Paper Mill, with the various descriptions of the above nained article, manufactured at that place, con isting of Printing, Wrapping and Writing, together with Blank Books. The above articles will be sold for Cash or exchanged for rags D. DORRANCE, Agent. Battle Creek, November 20, 1817. Carpenter's Tools. A GOOD assortment will be found at the hardware A store in Battle Creek, consisting of brond axes, odz's -. s. and common augura, long and sliort jointers, jack lanes, smooth ditto, hollows and rounds, skew and rab. pit planes, brads, matol planes, base ditto, grecian ovaos, sus planes, plouglis, saw sets, (a new article) brate ud bits, nagur bits, steel squares, marked to 12th, slicks new magog, scotch gray nad bindostan oil stones, all of which will be sold cheap. New Cabinet Warehouse THE SUBSCRIBER wishes to inform the publie that he ins established himself in the Cabinet Business, next door to the Barber'a shop, formerly ocoupied by Maard. of the same line, and offers his ware cheap. Call nd satisfy yourselves Collins made to order on the shortest notice. Lumer taken in exchange for Cabinet ware. MATTHEW E. CRANE, Battle Creek, April 13, 1848, 16-4in. School Books. UILLS, Steel Pens. L'en-Holders, Black, Blue and Red Ink, Wafers Sealing-Wax, Letter Stamps. &c. or sale cheap at the APOTHECARIES HALL, Eagle Block To the Public. EIFG obliged by ill-henith to discontinue the above business, all unsettled accounts must be arruged rithout delay. I will be found at the shop of Naiban urfee, where all my former contracts for work will be alfilled. 1 JOHN CALDWELL. THOSE INDEBTED to the subscriber, will please not wate for the bell to rin , before calling to the aptuins Office to Settle, Battle Creek. April, 1818. B. R. OSGOOD. Thell Lime, constantly on hand for sale at J. A. Jacobs & Co's., earrings shop, Battle Creek. 50 THE UNDERSIGNED take pleasure in offering to the dublio a more complete stock of new and beauil styles of Cooking and Parlor Stoves than have ever efore been offered in abis market, together with a genral assortment of Hallow Ware, Copper, Tia Sheet ron, Stove Pipe, &zo. &c., &c. The attenton of the stove buying community is resootfally solicited to an examinatio of our stool before urchasing BAMUEL S BURPEE Musabell October a. 1848. The Piles. A CURD FOR LIFE SECURED - Dr. UPAME A Internal Remedy for the cure of Piles. The VER table Pile Electrary, invented by Dr. A. U tin emished Pliysician of New-York city, is tinguished Physician of one ally successful remedy for this dangerous and this dangerous and ing complaint the Piles, ever offered to the more public. The Plectuary contains no Mineral Medicine, oes, Colocynta, Gamboge, or other powerful and ting purgative. No fear of taking cold while its influencer no change in diet is necessary. I according to directions a cure for life is runni Inflammatory Diseases. Although the Electanry was originally prepared for the cure of Piles, yet it has proved itself to be a faili cino for superior to all others, in all diseases of nu flammatory character, with a determination of bloato any particular part or organ. In inflammation and on question of the liver and spleen: inflammation, and some ness and ulceration of the stomach, bowels, kidney bladder; in inflammatory and mereuriul rheumatism is the best medicine ever discovered. impurities of the Blood For all impurities of the blood, arising from prudent use of thercary, or other cases for eases of the skin and scrofulous affections, in all where the blood is powerfully determined to the producing dizziness and distress, Dr. Uplan's Liube ery is entirely unrivalleil. TO MARRIED LADEIS. Married ladies are almost invariably subject to painful and injurious disease, the Piles, with cote quent inflamation of the stomach, bowels and sind, wenkness of back, flow of blood to the head, &c. be Electitury is perfectly safe for pregnant ladies, and the most useful cathartio that enn possibly be used is it will not only remove the files and all inflammatory diseases, withont pnin or irritation, but will ensure easy time, a sofe delivery, and a sound constitution the offspring Peculiar Cases and Effects in New Englad. Chronie Piles. --A workman in the gas hnusnt Cambridgeport, who find the piles fifteen years, very se verely, and was constantly exposed to the intense heat of a furnace and greatly reduced by the disease, received great relief and a final oure by the use of Drus Upham's remedy. The case was a very obstitite one. owing to the nature of the occupation and the dorang ed condition of the patient. Bleeding Tiles-A gentleman in Bedford, Minsk who lud the bleeding piles for m y yeurs, grently ex Intating his systemu, was entirely relieved of this distressing tind dangerous symptoms. by taking a dosa of the Electony once or twice a month. Falling of the Bowels.- person afflicted with pilca. nnd falling of the bowels, to such a degree that no evite untiou could be hand without lying flat upon the floor was entirely relieved and cured by this medicine. This case was a very extraordinary one Extreme Castiveness.- Numeratis person, de pecially females, ufficted with extrema contiveness and piles, with all those distressing syptoms attendant upon such a state of the system, luave been able to effect entire chinnige in this condition by the use of this modi cine. It is a very mild cathtirtie, and an amirable remedy for costiveness, especially for married women Fistilns, Ulcers, &e, It the worst one of piles, where fistulos, ulcers, and cavernous holes exist, tha Electuury is always salutay in its effects, and il poredveringly tuned, will produce a eure Two or three es, wliere 6 surgical operation was thought to benedes stry by the doctors, live been cured by this medicine. It is a perfect remedy for mercurial diseases in the it testines. Prioe, 81 per box, of twelve doses with full directions and other information respecting the treatmeu and cure of the disease. Sold wholesale and retail by WYATT & Keten , 121 Fulton street, and by A. T. Havens, Battle Creek Master's Saie. STATE CF MICHIGAN, In Chancery, sd Circuit CHESTER BUCKLEY, Complainant, v. CHARLES L. BIRD and JOSEPH A KENT, Defendants. JAMES W OUT GORDON, Comp'te Salir. TN PURSUANCE of a decretal order, mnde in this Ienuse, at a Court of Chancery for the State of Miel igan, holder at the Court House in the village of Kolu mazoo, in the county of Kalamazoo und State of Mio igan, on the 25th day of January, 1818, by the Hon. Charles W. Whipple, Associate Judge, sitting in chi cer-I, the salecriber, one of the Masters of the Con of Chancery, residing in the county of Calhoun, in d State, will sell at public auction or velue at the Court House in the village of tid county of Oulhoun, on Mondny, the 29 day of May next, at one clock in the afternoon of said day, the mortgage rath ises described in silid decretal oriler as follows to wit All those certain pieces or punculs of lund, itunes and being in the village of Baule Creek, county of Cuthan and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to wit Village lot number twenty-six, (26) in range of blocks nenber one (1.) Also a strip of Innd ten feet in willi on Main Street, and eight rods in length, to be taken oi!! from the east side of lot number twenty-five. (25. aud Buljoining number twenty-six, (26) containing thirteen hundred and twenty (1320) quare feet of laud. Als the following described plece of land to wit all that part of lot namber twenty-seven, [27] in range of blocks number one [1] in the village nf Battle Creek as it is situated on the easterly side of the tail roco lending from the Flouring Mill of A. Whitcomb & Co., to the Kalamazoo river. Said part of lot lies adjoinins lot number twenty-six [26] in the same range of blocks, and premises being inore fully described on the recorded map of said village. Also t strip of land fise feet and eigūt inches in width, and eighteen feet in length. being a piece of land of which the said Kent & Bird now have the right of way or use, excepting from the parcel above described the following to wit: A piece of land forty-two feet in front and thirty-six feet in rear, on the easterly side of lot number twenty-six, owned by Gideon F. Smith and Felix Duflie. Also a peice of land thirty-six feet eight inches on Main street, and sixty-four feet on West Canal street, being the northeast corner of lot number twenty-six [26.) ELI L. STILLSON, Master in Chancery. JAMES WEIGHT GORDON, Solicitor. Dared Battle Creek. April 13, 1848. 1-8W Cheap Drug Store. THE SUBSCRIBER hins boen enlarging his store. I and receiving large additions to lnia stock of goods. and is now prepared to wait upon all his old customers, and as many new ones as plense to give him a call. You will find every article sually kept in n Drug! Store, including Paints, Oils, Dye Woods, Patent Med. icines, and a great variety of articles in this department. together with a large stock of School Books. booxs for town libraries, Blunksund Blank Booes., Letter, Foolscap and Wrapping Paper, fingy Stationery. Jewelry Musical Instruments &c. &c. This is the agency of the Canton Ten Company and families enn be supplied with a choice article, and inta low price. All kinds of Groceries can be found here. and the prices are just right to suit those who wish to | bay cho Pa Phywicinna, Merchants, l'ediers, Farmers and in short all can make money by calling, as I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD, either at wholesale or retail, by any similar establishment this side of New York, A. T. HAVENS Battle Creek, April, 13, 1848. * Hold Your Horsest) THE SUBSCRIBER would informu niddle and Land Harness busing public, that's on lond, is Constantly manufactoring, Saddles, Harness, Bridles Halters, Trunks, Trunkaen. Vuliedes, Carpet Bags, Whips, &c., &c., which will be herefter Sold for Cash and Cash only-at prioes down, down, down so low you will think he stole the stock, or that their is some mistake about it. Call and see! Dont forget your Pocket Book, Shop on Main St, opposite the B. Creek House Sign of the mammoth Collor. Battle Creek. April, 1848. R.R. OSGOOD. TOBLACKSMITHS Anvils, Vices' Sledge and hand hammers, scrow plates, tud a good assort mentofiron and steel, for kule by William Brooks Battle Creek. April 13, 1848. School Boolis. TTHEY DO SAY that Havens hus the best foolscap. I letter and billet paper, and that he sulla books low er than at any other establishment in town. Call and see for yourselves. Marshal House, by L. KINGSBURY. Marsha1 11 all, Michigan. Stage leaves this house for the North and South. Dissolution, MHE PARTNERSHIP lieretofore existing between I the undersigued salgeribes Bathis day dissolved be mutual consent. All persons indebted to the above fun will conter a favor by calling and settling immediately 8. B, THAYER, O. E. BARTLETT. Battle Creek, April 20, 1848. STOVES!! STOVES!!! NEW ESTABLISHMENT MHE UNDERSIGNED having opened store one I door East of W. H. Coleman's, respectfully invite the attention of the Stova brying cominuzity to an es senination of their Stocle before purchasing elsewhere. Stovas, Stova ripe and general sorteost of Tin snd Jappuned were kept constantly on hud. A. ADD BUNNELL Be tla Orosk, May 16, 18 18.