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Life - denth nre links of one unbrokpn chnin;- Hi i is ti) each othar interchnngeably. All tlmt is dead hns lived - will live ngHin, All that now lives, was doad - ngain will die. Enrth lins bopn sown with genprnfions, - grnss Is bnt past fifi, of present life the prop : - We ent - drink - sleep - into our graves we pnss, And forni for the unborn a future erop. Things human - vegetable - animal, Exchange their forms as death renewstheirbirth. Lot us then own. nnd love as brethren, nll The producís of our common inother - Earth. 'Tis this Promolliean thought that vivifies And liumnnizes uil the forms w spe, Bidding wake new sympnthies, nnd rise Above their du!) inateriulity. Our nnrestors nre in the corn and trees, The living fields are fertilized hy death. The dust was human once, nnd every breeze Tb.Ht blows nround u.; hns been huinun bronth. O, ye depnrtfd benuties, turned to clny! Who wept or laugh'd in long forgotten hours Methinks your tenis, nnd smilos, nnd bright array, Live in the dewy and the sunny flowers. Even the beasts nre kin to us ; wo trace Their blood in ours ; nnd therefore should eartb's Lord, The Fnther. not the Tyrnnt of the race, To their whole tiimily his love accord. The life they sliare - in flight already swift, Coming fiom God, nnd meant to be enjoyed, Is far too precious, too divine n gift To be in sport or wantonness destroyed. Associntion mnkes the whole world kin: - O'erlenping time and spnee, its magie power Can bring the future nnd the past within The scope nnd feeling of ihe present hour. O sun, nnd moon, and stars, and painied skics ! O sen nnd enrth, witli your enchnnting siglits! How much more deeply do I sympathize With your resplendent glories and delights. When I reflpet tliat nll within the tomb Once shiirnd the raptnres ye awako in me, And tlmt ye still shall gladden nnd illume Myriads of human creatures yet to bo. Since, then, in unture every chnngeful forra lts consanguinity with man enn prove, Let the whole v.'srld to our afreikJSS wnrm, Be one united family of love ; - Of lovp, sublimed nnd hnllowrd by the thought That nll creuted things, from star to sod. Are brooded over by the power that wrought Light, life nnd love our cominon fatlier, God !