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Michigan. - The Whig Convention motnt Jnckson on the l-lth instant nnd nomhwted Jacob M. Howard, HkzaKIAH G. Wk.lls. Hknry Waldhox, He.nrt B. Lathrop, nnd (IiraM L. Mil, ns cnndidntes for Electora. They pnssed resolutii)s condemning tlie wnr, nnd the pnlicy of hcquiri g terrifory for tlie extensión of Slnvery, nnd thnt it 3 the dutv of Congress to ndopt tho ordiDance of 1787, nnd npply the snme to n II newiy ncquired twrilory. iBtrt we do not lenrn, by the report of their procee3in, thnt, their delegntes go pledged to the Philadolphia Convention to vote for n particular enndidnte. The Cnnvention expresses its full confidence in the decisión of tlmt body, auil n determinatii n to support its nominee. Orno. - The Libprty men have cnlled n Convention to meet on the 22d of June nt Columbus, nnd iuggest the iden thiit the Whiss or Deinocrnts mny nominóte n enndidate who will cnrry out the views of Liberty men - perhnps so, hut he will cnrry out the wishes of his own party first, nnd Liberty men, if they unite with either of the oíd partios, may, in the end have the enviciblc sntisfaciion of ncting ia the capacity " cat't p ir." There eau lm bnt liltle eó&fld?Be placed in b party thiit will submit to be led liy slavt-holdiiijr InflUSÜdS. WiscoNsiN. - The Liberty Convention on the 19th ultimo, nominnted Chrlks Durkek for Governor, nnd Jacob Labrand for Lienteunnt GoTfrnor. Tho friends of fieedom nrr widc nwake in thnt State, nud nre preparing for vigorons nction. Gf.oegia. - The Whig State Convention, wbich tnet on the 8th instant to nppoint delegates to the Philadelphia Conv ntion, nnd nomínate Electora, pnssed the folio w ing: " flesolvrrl, That the nominiition of General Zachaiy Taylw for the Clii'-f Magistnicy of this Unküi meet the Uenity concurrence of a majority af this Convention; bilt, in the spirit of s just nnd li'ral concession, we stnnd prppnred to support Henry Clay, or nny olher VVliig wlio may be nomnee óf the Whig party, provideil the views of the no'niuee neeoril with onr own on the subject of the Wilmot Proviso nnd Southf rn rights." Which shows a determiniition on the pnrt of .Southern men to cnrry their mensures. How will the non-slaveholding delegates relish this whon they .re unqualifiedly pledged to nbido by the nominntion. Nkw Hampshire.- The orgnn of the Liberty party in this State represent the cnuso ns progressing-iínd cives n:i editorial on the course of Jolm P. H il ■. which closes with the following: " Tlio stnpid oranns nt HnnUeriHm inirl Slnyery in this Stiitfl, may, mid will, we suppos.-. continue to ask, Whnt has Jolm I'. Hle done ? Not so will their mustera at tho So th. Thoy Unow and feel Uvalv thnt he is doiog n work 6r Fieedom, before wbirh this BCC.ind gystorn of wrong is doomed to áMímction. Ler nll thfl Weoda ot Freedom and fw Deinocjncy thm.k God ai:d take courage. The day of tiiumph may tnny ; lut it will come. Cloiidsand ilurkness may hover above all our iree. uistitntions. Trust in God and his Providence.- Let no man be discouraged. Slavery, diiven fi-om the old world, may find its last resting-pluce in the land of Washington nnd Jefferson. But tlmt resting-place shall be its grave." Illinois.- Thf Democratie State Convention did not deern it exprdient to its.-lf to the principies of the Wilmot Proviso íia a set off to Southurn mensures but passed this: " firsolvceJ, Thnt we look Cirward to the deliberations ot the Democratie National Concentran, 1 soon to nssemble nt ISiiltimore. with sotiiethins of eolicitude, lut without distrust ; believing that it will bo composed ofclear-headed nnd high -miudml men, wlio will Imnish discord from thcir councils. &m whosf action will be such us the crisis nnd the time dfiinnnd ; and we horeby unreservcdly and unco-iditionidly pledgc our cordial support to th.iTit-n whom they muy select to beur the standard of our principies and lead us on to victory." ( )verlookiug in their prospect of victory, nll the rightaofthe Norih and West, disregardi-ig Hip fate of the River and Harbor Bill that was ])ockoted so unepranaoniously by President Polk. But they did tiot furget to bind themselves ' unrescrvedly and UQConditionnlly' to support tho tiomiuee.