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Nfv Youk, Muy 31 - 9 o'clock, A. M. The itenmer United StntM arrived tliis morning from Liverpool. She s;iiled on tlio 17th instiinf. The snpply of grnin, ineul nnd flour, since lust Tuesdny, lias been smalt, wliile the. exporta to Ireland continue to inciensa. Tlio last quotatioo for American white coro wns 28;i30s., and yellow 31n 33a., for 2801bs. ludinn inenl brings 13s. 7d. per bbl. Whent per 7011)9., 7s. 6d.n8s., Amricnn nnd Oanadian white and red, s. 6tl.fi7s. - Flour per 2801bs., 38s.a40s., for Western Canal nnd Riehmond per 19Glbs., 27s 6d.n28s. Cotton improving. Biicon, hnms nnd Inrd are in fair deinnnd, ns well ns beef and pork for ship stores. Consnls opened at 82 7-8n83, and ndvnncpd to 83 1-8a831-4. Exchunge billa have been worth 39a. premium. Bank stock is worth 189 l-2nl91. Nkw York, May 31, - 3 o'clock, P. M. Some corn offering for Liverpool, but ship masters nsk higher figures. Flour is in fuir demnnd. - Sales 5,00f)bbls. nt 85,25aSG, fame ns yesterday. Corn is held higher, with good demand for sound Northern at 59a60:ts., sales 5,000 bushels. Rye 6869cts. Oats 46a48cts. Barley dull. Pork at S8a9,87 1-2 Büffalo, Mny 31,- 3 1-2, P. M. The foreign nrwg had no effect on the mnrket. Holilers offering good stiaislit branda freely nt S4.75, - sales 500bbls. good Michigan at 34,72, nnd a Int of mixed inferior pareéis nt S4,6'2 1-2, sales 5,000 bushels good qunlity Toledo whrnt at 9 ,03 nnd 1,000 bnshels inferior nt 81,00. Sales 8.000 bushels corn nt 3Hct.s. Oats dull. Buj-ris offering 34cia., holdei's asking 2Gcis. Mess pork S9.25. Hains nnd shouldeis duil at 3 3-4a5 1-4. Dei roit. .Tune I, - 9 o'clock, A. M. We clip the followingfroin Daily Advertiser : Nkw Vork, May 31. Lord Ashliurtnn is dead. Mitchill tile proprietorof the Uniled Irishman, has been soiit to Newgate to nwiiit his nial fbr felouy in publishiog certnin tractl in his paper. Tlie jury. on the case of Sinith O'lnii n, ;id not ngree. The trial of Meagher vh9 going on with no prospect of un agreeinent of the jury. The latest accounts fiom Roine stare, Haat tlio new Mioistry had not pi'ovd satisfartory to the people, and fluit all was in doulit and uncertainty. The Cufdinals had ,ïll been relcased hut Burnett. A battle was fouglit on the 6tli instant, l)Rtveen the I'iodiuonteso and the Austrians under Berond. After n Bnnguinflry engagement tlie troops mider Charles AJbert were defentcd - !)8 külod and u lurge iiumber wonndedTlu' province of Bellcrno has sunendered to the Austrians.