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THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY FOR COUGHS, Colds, Asthma, and Consumption '. The time has come wlien Consumption may be classed with the curable diseases. The most fearful malady of our country has been contjuered ! The most fatal of all diseases bas yielded at last to the skill of man. Buclian's Hungarian Balsam oflife, will speeuily Bad certaiuly cure Consumption, even in its most bnpelen forms, and in all ordinary diseases of the chest aiui Langs, it is the most perfect and admirable remedy to the civilized world. The HnnsariaD Balsnm was first discoverd by Dr. Buclian, of Loudou, England, and has been tcsted tbr six years by iho most eminent l'hysicians in Great Britain, ai'd on tlie continent of Europe, where ithas proved the Great and only Remedy. It has recently been inlroduced into the United States, under the iiomediate suprentendence of the inventor, and is uow litterly sweeping Consumption from the land. Wlmt lunocnlatiou is' to Small l'ox., the Hungarian Balsam is toCoiisumytion - an insurmountublrebarrier ! Clieraisls, Phy3icians, Medical Societies, and the great body of Consumptive patients, every wliere admit that tlie most. important work of the ige has been accomplished - Consumption Can be cured. Wlierever it has been introduced, a!l Panaoeoi, E.xpee torauto, Syiups and Drops have been discarded as useless - all systems of' Inlialatiou, Vapor Baths, TarSinoke, Changes of Cliinate, &c, have been rejected and the wondorful produot of tlie Hungariun Gum, obtained from the " Melsonga," or Tree of Life, is now universally received by Consumptives, as the Only MUM of Hope, Let no person affiickid with a severc and obstinate Cough, Innamatiou of tke Lungs, Asthnia, or anv of the ■ymptomi of Cuiuamption bus a lúomsut of fiftcs in sêeking relief from this GKEAT ENGLISH REMRDV. Dflays are dangerous, and ill otlier pretended remedies are not oniy useless, but Titally delusiveEvery l'amily in the United States slmuld be eupplied wilU Buchau's Hungarian Balsani of Liffï, not only to counteract the cousuinptives of tlie dimite, but to be used asa preventiva medicine in all cases ofColds, Coughs, Spitling of Blood, l'ain in the side and Chest, Irritation and soreness of the Lungs, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Hectic Fever, Night sweats, Emaciation aud General Debility Asthma, Influenza, VVhooping Cough, and Croup. Tlie great u.erit of Dr. Buchan's Balsam is this - that in all cases of l'ulmony Consumption is gives Immediato Relief. A single bottle will reveal itsastonishing virtues, and open ut once the foundation of Health and Strength to the afflicted. itü" Price of the Balsam only one dollar per bottle, withfull directions, Dissertation oi Consuinption, Notices, and crelificates (f Remarliable cures, &c. l-'i m Kor liv A. T. HAVENS. New i i'HiiLiiit!iu : SiÜ. MOKE STUVES o ,op and .aa - ■ LATER PATTERNSü! ' mHE UNRERSIGNED take pleasure in otfering to X tlio dublic a inore complete stock ot' new mul beautiful styles of Oooking Biid Pnrlor Stoves than have ever befbn bee otfured i i tilia inarket, toetlier with a general as.sortmeiit of Hallow VVure, Copper, Tm Süeet Iroii, Stove l'ipe, &c. &c, &c. Tlie attent oi of tlio stove btiying community is respoctl'ully solicited toa oxamiuation ofour stock before (lurclmsing. SAMUEL S. CÜRPEE. Marshall October ñ. 1848 rpHIS may ceitil'y to all whoin it m.iy concern, tluu JL wlieieis my wile Lncy has, without cause or my consent, left mv i'welling, I therefore f'orliid every map woinan or child hSrboriDg or trusting her on ray cconnt, for I will pay 00 debts of her rontrncting nfter tuis date. HENRY YOEK. J ihiMtowii. Airil 01. KHS. To Pliysiniaim. "yOU CAN find at the Apotlvcaries Hall quinina, lo. X dina, sulph. morphina. iodine ron, Acótate nvrph liyd. pota99, piperine, oil vo]eii:in, strychuine, sesquioxide irou, ealiciue, ferrocynaie iron, and all other varistiesof inediciae,chper than at any other storei n westwn Michigan. .1, TATLOB ClilCKNOK'S Sl'GAR-rOATÉD Purgativo Pilis. Oured ufithin the laat ycarover 200,000 persuns who had been laloring under Ihemost aggravuted complaintê, and givcn vp as hojoeless caset by the most eminent physicians. 1SíSble piiJP ARE llie first and only medicine evi-rdiscovered tbat will l'ositively Cme Headache, Gidiliness, Rheurnatism, Pile, Dispepsia, Scurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice, l'ains in the back,lnwarH Wealíness, I'alpitution of thu Heart, Rising in the throat, Dropsy, Astunia. Kevers of all kinds, Female complaints, Measles, Salt Rheum, Heartburu, Worms, Cholera Morbus, Coiigh, Consumption, Kits, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Deafuess. Itchings of the Skin, Colds, Nervous Complii:its, and a vnriety of other diseases arising from impurities of tlm Blood and obstnictions in the organs of digestión. It has been clearly proved that nearly every diíeats to which the human frame is subject, origínate froio Impurities of the blood or derangeineuts of the Digestive Orguns ; and to secure health, we must leniove th dbstruciions or restore the Blood to it natural state. - This fuct il nniversnlly kiuiwn; but [rt-ople have euch an aversión to medicine that, unless the ca-te is urgent, they prefer the diseuse to tlie cure, unlil an impaireU Conslitution, or a fil of sicknesB rebnkes them for tlio folly of their conduct. Stil] they had some excuse ; finhei'etofore, medxiue in almo8t all its form was nearly as disgusting as it was beneücial. Now, however, tho evil is most effecHiülly removed : for C'lickner's Ve?etable Purgativa Tills, being completely cnvelnpeil with a coating of pure white sugar (which is asdistinct frota ti. e intenml íngredíenti as a nut shell i'rora the kernel.) Have uo taste of Medicine. - But are as easily swallowed as bits of canily. Moreover they neither nauseate or gripe in the slightest degree, wliich is oicassioned by the fact that, they are componnded on ecieutlfic principie and openite equally on all the diseased partB of the system, iiislend of confiiiiug themselves to, and r.icking nny particular regiem, (which is the great and admitted evil of every otkei kaowa pnrgative.) Henee, they strike at the root of disease, remove all impur Inimors from the body, open the ports exlerually aud mternally, prnmote the Insensible l'erspiiatioii, obiiate Klatulency, Hendadle, &c. - separate oll Coreiga aud obnoxious partióles from the chvle, so that tne blood, of which it is the oiigin, must be thorouglily pure - soenre a free and healthy action to the Heart, Lunga aud Liver, and thereby Restore Health, Even when all other ineans have failed . The entire truth of the abovo can be abcertained by the trial of a single box ; and their virtucs are so positive and certain in restoring Health, that the proprietor binds himself to return tha money paid for them in all cases where they do not give universal satisf'actiou. E All letters of inquiry or for advico must be a.!dressed (post paid) to Dr. C. V.',CLICKENBR. No. 6 Vesey st. New York, or his authorized agents througbout the countrv. N. B. Remeraber Dr. C. V. Clicknener is the inventor of Sugar Coated I'ills, and that nothing of the sort was ever heard of until he introduced them in June, 1843. Puichasers should, therefore, alwayn ask for Clickner's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pilis, and taite r.o othera, or they will be made the victims of a fraud. - K. T. HAVENS, A2ent, Ratlle Creelt. f leal the Siek. lftPr' E. L. Soule &Cfsf THE proprietórs, full of confidence in tlio virtucs of Dr. Sonle's Sovereign Bulm Filia, wliicli have gain ed fot themselves such an envi;ille reputation in the short spaco of five yoars they have been before tha publio - tbs many cures of disease they have performed - s;ime of thepatients having liecn cenfined to their beds br months and years, are truly astonighiiig, uu challenge the worldto produce their pqunl. For long standing Dyspepsy nud habitual costivHP8S, they have never ïhiled, when taken accordin; t directions, to effect a cure or give permanent relief. Old Liver complaints, Jaundice, &c, can be prmanently cured by the use of ihese Pills as they opérate directly pon the liver, aud cause it ïo perform natural and healthy aetion. Forsudden attacks in children - such as coids ferer, worms, &c. - for gravel, rheumatism spinal affectious, headache, cougb and colds, they have proved au iuvaluable remedy. Fcrra and Ague and Chill Fkvfr. No medicine yet discovered has proved bo oñVctual inoariiig agnemid fever, chill fevcr, &c, in the Weau ern States, as the genuine sovereign Balm Vills. Wo have never knowu a single case, when tanen accordintr to directions, where they havo not eftected a cur iu from ont to eight days. They cleanse umi pitriïy the blood. and ave, thereforo, an eirfctual remedy for Scrofnla, Erysipelas, and a!l diseases arising from an impurc state of the blood. In uervous debility and female coraplaiuts, ther have vvorKod wonders. Thsy quiet the nerves bv reinoving tVie cause of nervous nitation, and graduallT strengthen and bring up the whole syatem. Bv waj of advice to females afflicted with the nlove disease, we wouM say that large doses olany kind of cathartic are always injurious. These pills should be taken ons at a dose, every night until a cure is eflected. (Se Circulars. ) These Pills were fiiífcintrodaced iu a noisless mnner. No gaudy show cards, or long apvertisement Hlled with certificates from persons that never lived, were reaortcd to, bat werr left to work their way iut public favor on their own merits. They are purely Vegetable, mild but sure in their op eration, and perfcctly safo for youug and old ofdebuitated constitutions. Thev never leave the bowcU co tive, which cannot besaid ofanyother pill nowin uss. Great care has been taken in selecting and compounding the medici ne which has always been eupriiilended by Dr. Soule in person. For further directions, certificates &.C., see the New York Botanie lustitnte. publislied at Euclid, by Dr. E. L. Soule c Co., which mnv be had of aijents gratis. Bvwarc of ConiiKi (Vil! As there ii iparioas pills in ciroulation, called Oriental or Sovereign Balm, be sure to sce before you buy that the name of" D -. E. L. SOL'LE & Co." is on tho fuce of the boxes. None others can be genuine. We are not aware that any one who is makmg a spnrioui arlicle has yet dared to make use of our name; but some of tliem have had the imprudente to mitste our boxes and copy our Circulars, Certificates, &r. Uulest the public are careful when they purchase, they will b drcelved The genuine Sovereign Balm Pills can be bad whulesale and retail of Dr. E. L. Soule & Co. Euclid, Ouoadasa Co. N. Y. J. Owen & Co., whoiesale aud retnil ageuts: Also, sole by agent in every toivn in tho couutrv, and by A. T. Havens, Agent, Battle Creek. ] Cnniioo lo the Public. Dr. Herrick, beiu determined to protect the public from iraposition, and to preserve the reputation of hit beautiful ard every where popular Sugar Coated Pilis; nlso, to exposé certain medicine-mongersresidin" in different parts of the country, wlio claim to have o" patent lor coating pilll with sugar, asks a careful perusal of ths following letter : - U. S. Patent Omct, Jan. lfi, 1846. Dr. Herrick - Dear Sir: Your letter of the 5th, instant, has heen received. In ansiver to your inquiry. whether auy patent has bem granted fora pill coatéd with sugar, I have to inform yon that no record of such ■ patent can be foiinJ in this oflicc. Respectfully yours, EDMUND BURKE. The above letter, received direct from the Patent Office, shows up these gentlemen, .and their deadly uotrnms, In no very euviable licht Knrlher comment U unnecessary. A. T. HAVEFS A"ent JPIERSON has oponed a sbnp. one door Easl of , Brooks' Hardware alore, Main Kt., Battle Creek, fur iho manufacture and sale of the various descrip! lions of Boo's and Shoes. Particular attention wj he given lo Lidies' Morocoo walkin Mioes, Gaiter, Slipper aud Ties. The tirtt (uality of stoch only will be ued and the begt of workmen employed n tg manulkcturo. Persons desirous ol a first ratB fit and durable article will pleaae give him a cali. All of the above kpt conslantly on hand and madeto order. Hiiles wantcd in pxcliange for cash or work. Ra collecl thi) number. One donr Ent ol BaooksBattle Creek. May 13, 1848. 5 „CSfea. J E W E LRY and fancy goods at the choan AT HAVEX