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Green Tea Aud Black Tea

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There are two or threo opirtiona common in the Unitad States about green tea, which are great mistakes. One is, that the Chinese themt'lves do not use green tea, this is a mistake. Hut ihey dont nse sucli green tea, as is used ín England and Americu. They most commoniy piek out the fine and dried parts, and separate thein, calling one gunpowder, and anotlier hy(oi, and anotlier hyson skin. The jecond mistake is, that ibe green tea is made by roasting it on copper )lales, wliich turn it green, and give it its sharp and stringent qualities All the tea made about Zeetung (a good many thousand pounds.) is fried in iron IIHI1S. But if tli e Chinese don't make green tea on copper pans, they do what is a great deal worte. They mix Prussian blue with what is sold to foreigners, which gives it the greenish blue color which it so ofleu has, und something of its astringent qualities. Prussian blue is poison ; and the oniy rcason why green tea doe those who use it at home so littie harm is that itrequires but a smal] quanlity to color a larga amount of the tea. But still, small as the quant.ity is, it does harm ; and the pcople nol accuatomed to the use of green tea, can hardly sleep af'ter drinking it. You may always teil whether there is any Prussian blue in thu tea, by drawing off the infusión, and piacing it in a white cup, If the infusión is perfectly clear, and of' a safron green cwlor, it is all right ; but if it has a dirty appearance, as if there was some cotortng matter suspended in it, then there is some of th; Prussian Liue, or something else there. The Chinese put the Pragsian Blue, and luch'stufts in their tea, as foreignors havo taken a notion llial green toa is not green tea unies it ij very green. Peoplo in England umi ATierica don't liko green lei. such as the Ciiiinjie use, :iii) Wön't Duy it. Wt-ll.tlie Chi e are wery ci ommodatitig people, and , ■ 1 1 ti say: "Since ■ . ei green Tea, we'll give ;.u , hey must pay usa liïtle more .:..-:ii : ?i preen." Lntle green tea ...;■ f i ■:',,,: ['ir, i I Sinirs, that has not more ir loss Prn.;sh'i Blm , or gome othi r drug adí!e i to gfv ■ it ;i 'lígher color. The foreignors v' . 'i live in China, very geldum drink green tea, aiid nsB none but tti black. It is very -h better, tnd iias not the same stimulating iiVct upoa the perves that rnany people suffer from wlitrn they diink the green. VVhere so ":iuc!i grean tea is ruised, Wack tea is more used by the people, though the greater part of what 's use! hy the niass of the people, is very coarse indeed, and not half so good as our conajnon sassaí'rHS tea. [Scientific Amerif .ii.'