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The Piles. ACURE FOR LIFE SECURED !- Dr. UPHAM'S Iutertial Remedy for tlie cure of Piles. Tile Vegetable Tile Electuary, inventad by Dr. A. Upham, a distinguished Pbyacian of New-York city, is the only really successful remedy for this dangerous and distressing coniplaint the Piles, ever otlered to tile American public. ïhe Electuary coutains no Mineral Medicine, no Aloes, ColocynU, Gamboge, or other powerful and irritating purgative. No fear oí' taking cold while under its innueuce ; no cliange in diet is necessary. If taken according to directious a cure for life is guarantied. Inflammatory Diseñare. Althongh the Electuary was orieiu&lly prepared for the cure oi' Piles, yet it has provea itsell tu be a medicine Oír superior to all others, in all diseases of an inHammiitory character, with a determination of blood to auy purticular partor organ. In inHammationand congestión of the liver and spleen; iiiHauiination, and sore ness nuil ulcrratioii oftbe .stomach, bovvels, kiduey und bladder; in innaininatory and mercurial rheumatisni, it id the best medicine ever discovered. Iinpuriliesof Ihe ttlood For all impurities ot the blood, arising from tile imprudent use of mercury, or other rauses; fur all diseases of the skin and scrofulons affections; in all cases where t!u lilmul is powerfully determined to the head, producing diztinen and distress, Dr. Upliam's Electuary is entirely unrivalled. TO MARHIBD I,AI)EIS. Married lailies are almost iuvariably subject to that paioful and injnrioui disease, the Piles, with cousequent inflammarion ofllie stomach, bowels and spine, weakness of back, flow of blood to the head, &c. The Electuary is perfectly safe for pregnant ladies, and the most usefnl cathartic that can possibly be used as it will hot only remove the Piles and all intlammatory diseases, svithout p:iin or irritation, hut will ensnre au easy tirae. a gafe delivery, and a sound coustilutiou in the of&pring. Peculiar t'asps nnd Fffects lu New Bnslml. Chronic l'iles. - A workman in the gashouseat Cambridgeport, who liad the piles fifteen years, very severely, and was constantly exposed to tlie intense heat of a furoace anrl greatly reduced by the disease, received great réliefand a final cure by the use of Dr. Upham's reinedy. Tlie case was a very obstinate one, owing to the nature of the occupation and the deranged iiiiidit.ion of the patiënt. Bloeding l'iles. - A gentleman in Bedford, Mass. who liad the bleeding piles for many years, greatly exhausting liis tnténi, was entirely relieved of this dis tressins and dangeroiiB symptoms, by taking alia'f dosa of the Electuary once or twice a mont.h. Falling of the Bowels. - A person afflicted with piles, and falling of the bowels, to such a degree that no evacuaron could bc had without lying flatupon the floor, was entirely relieved and cured by this medicine. The case was a very extraordinary one. Extreme Costiveness. - Numeróos persons, and es pecially females, aftlicted with extreme costiveness and piles, with all those distressing syptoms atteudant upon such a state of the system. have been able to effect an entire change in this condition by the use of this medicine. It is a very mild cathartic, and an admirable remedy for costiveness, especially for married women. Fistulna, Ulcers, &c, - Iu the worst case of piles, where fístula'!, ulcers, and cavernous holes exist, the Electuary is alwavs salutary in its effects, and if perseveringly used, wiil produce a cure Two or three cases, whrre u Biirgical operation vva thought to benecessirv by the doctors, have been cured by this medicine It is n perfect remudy for mercurial diseases in the intestint-s. Prioe, $1 per b'ix, of twelve doses with full directions ancl nther infiinnatiou respecting the trealment and cure of the disease. Si. ld wholesale and retail by Wtatt & Kktcham, 121 faltón streef, and by A. T. Havens, Battle Creek. STATE Oi' MICHIGAN, ) County ol'Culliouii, ss J SHERTKPS SALE ON EXECÜTION.- By virtueof oue exfcution issued out of tlie i'ounly Court in and for the county of Calhouu, to me directed and delivered, in favor of Richard H. Huil, and against the goods and chattels, (and for want ihereof theu of the lanas and lenementH) of the defenilaut named iu said execution, I have levied upou the follovviug described real estáte, viz : The west half of lot tweutv-four of range of blocks niunber one in the village of Battle Creek Also, all that certain piece or parcel of land, known and described as follows, to wit : Beginuing at a stake sniith fifty one (5l)de!reos west seveuteen and twenty-six huiidredths chains from the intersection of Main and JetTerson 8treets, in the village of Battle Creek. thence south fifty-one degrees west along the centre of the National Road, so called, two and fit'ty-six hundredths chaius - thenco noi'th thirty-aine oegrees west aix chains - thince north fifty-one degrees est two and filty-oue huudredths chains- theuce sonth thirty-nine degrees east six chains to the place of beginuing, contaiiiiug one and lifty .ne hundredths acres, Se the same m ire or iess - together with the fixtures and appurtenances belouging to each piece or parcel of land, which I shall expose for sale at. public auction or veudue al the Courl House in the village of Marshall county and State aforesaid, on the 7 til day of Aug. next bet ween the hours o'' uine o'clock aud the setting of tliu kuii of that day. C. DICKEY, Sberiff. By E. CLARK, Deputy. Dated Tune 23th, 184S. 10-6 w lnvaluable CompanionSIX Lecturesou Causes, Prevention ■ ad Cure of Consumpti'ni, Asthma. Diseases of the Heart, and all Female Diieasea. '-'34 pages, 28 engravings. Paper 50 ets; bnund 75 et. Mail toan y part - postage 9 14 OU. Slioulder Uracos and Chest Expanders. $1. Miil to any part. SO ets. postage. Inhnling Tubes, Silver, $3. by mail. letter postage. Abdominal Supporters, perfect, $f! to $lO,forall Ruptures, Falling of the Bow els aud Womb, and Weak liack, and Chest ; sent by Express every where. For Bracos or Supporters, or Rupture Supporters, give hei;lit from head to foot, and circumference of person next the surface, jolt nbove the hip. If Kupluro. mention wliich side. Agents wanted for Üie sale ol the above gnods. Address Dr. S. S. FITC-H, 707 BroaiUvay, Xnv Vork, post. paicj. Keb. 24, 1848. cá JE WE LRY audfaucy goods at thechcap VF X p,.„ f. Store nf AT. f.r.VF,S. CIjICRIVOK'S SlGAK-iOAïE Purgativa Pilis. Cured within the laat yeáróver 200,000 persons who had been lahoring undcr the most uíí;i(lvated complaints, anl gioen up as hopeltts cases lij the most eminent ]hysicians. EEwble pTypp ARE the first and oiily medicine uverdwoovered thal will l'ositively Cine Ileadache, Giddiness, Kli iimatiam, Pile, Dispepsia, Scurvy, jbnallpox, Jaundice, l'ains u the back.Inwurd Weak'ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Rising in the throat, Dropsy, Astlima, Kevers of all kinds,' Female complainta, Measles, Salí Rhernn, Heartburn, Worms, Cholera Morbos, Cousjh, Oonsumption, Fits, Liver Complaiut, Eivsipi-his. Deafne tl ings of the Skin, Oolds, Nervoua Oomplainta, -i ■ I o ■ riety of otlier distases aiisiü Blood and obatrnctiou iu tUe o ti t It bis been clearly proved tliai n to which the human Frame BuJijè I mpii i'it ies of the blood or deramjetuents ui tive Organs ; and i" si cure healtb, we rnusl 1 1 ;.... ,■ li obstructions or restore the Blood to tta atural Tliis tint is univers.-illy knnwn: bot people have auclj nu aversión 10 medioine tfa it, anlee the case ia urgent, they jiréfer tlié disease to the cure mrtfl nu impaired Cnustitution, ir a til of sickurss ivhukes tliein lor the iblly of their eonduct. Still they had gome eic heretofow, medicine in almos] if I ita ferm Was aearly as disgusting as it was benoficinl. Now, howcv. r, the evil is inost effectually removed ; for Clickner's Vegetable Purgativo Pilis, being completely enveloped with a btnting of pure white sugar (wbieh i asdistinct from ti.e iiiternal ingredients as a nut shell f rom the kernel.) Have no taste of Medicine. - Bilt are as cnsily swallowed as bits of caudy. Moreovei' they rieither nanso ate or gripe in the slightest degree, which is oicassioned by the fact that, tney are compntnded on scieutific principies and opérate equally m aü the discased parte of the system, instead of conh'ning themselves to, and racking any particular región, (wh:'ch is the great and admittedevilofeveryotherknownpargative.) Henee, they strike. at the root of disease, remove all impura humors from the body, open the ports externally and intenally, promote the Insensible l'erspiration, obvíate Flatulency, Headache, &c. - senarate all foreigu and obnoxious parlicles trom lliechyle. so that Ine blood, of whicb it is the oí sin, must bi thoroughly pur. - secure a free and healthy nCtiou O the Heart, Lnn's and Liver, and thereby Restore Health, Even when al' othcr means have i'ailod. The entiif trut!) ofthe abovi can be a&certaiued by the trui of a sii)'le box ; ana their virtues are so positive nnd certaiu in rotonn Health, that the proprietor buida binwelf to retara th money pald for them in all cases where they do no give universa] satisfaetion. Ep AH letters of in(iiiry or for ndvice must le addressed (post paid) to Dr. C. V. CLICKENBB. No. 6f Vesey Bt. Neu York, or his authorized agents thronghout the country. N. B. Remember Dr. C. V. Clickneneris the inventor of Sugar Coated I'ills, and that nothiug of the soit roa ever heard of uittil he introdneed them in .Tune, 1843. I'urchasers shonld, therefore, always ask for Clickner's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pilis, and taKe no others, or they will be milde the victims of a fraud. - A. T. HAVENS, Agent, Rattle Preek. STATE ol' MICHIGAN- The Circuit Courl lor the county oi'Calhoun - In Chancery. At a pension of said court, helil al Marshall on the 27th Hay of April, n one tttouaand eiylit buadrad and lorty-ciglit l'resL-nt Hun. George Miles, Circuit Judge. ORLANDO PATEE, Compluinant. versus GIDEON F. SMITH, BETSEY DUTCHER and SOLOMON DUTCHER, Deiëmlants. It sali.sractonly appearing to lliisCunrt ihat Betsey Dulcliur and Solomun Duicher tvrq of the defendanta n tliis cause are non-residenis and that they reside in the Slatc of Uhio - On mulion of Abner E. Camp. jell, Solicitnr tbr the Compliiinanl, il is ordered ihat llie eaid dvlendanta, Betsey Dmcher and Solomon Dutclier cause their appearance to be entered wilhin [hree mnnlha from the date ol' tliis order, and üial in caso ol't hei ruppea ranee they eause theiranswer tothc coinplainant's bil 1 to be filed and a copy thercof lo be served on llie coinplainant's Solicjlor within twenly days alter service oí a copy of said uill and i.otice oí tliis order; and in dclanlt thereiií' Ihat the said bill be taken as confessed by tlie said del'endants Betsey Duicher and Solomon Dudher. And it is litrllier ordeted that within fventy days llie said complainant cause a copy of tliis order lo be pubhshed in the " Michigan Liberty Pre-ss" a newsaper publislied al Baltle Creek, in the counly ol'Calhoun, and tballhesaid publicalion bc continucd in said paper at least once in each weok for six weeks in succession, or that he cause a copy of Ihlf order lo be personilly served on the said del'endants Belufy Duicher and Solomoii Dutcher at least Iwenty days bel'ore llie limeabove prescribed fur their appearance. (A true copy) JOHN MEAOHBM, RegisterAbnkii E. Campbell, Solicitor for Coniplainant. 5-6 WeAV Tailoring C$tablislimciit THE SUBSCRIBER hiiviug opened a sluip tbr business in the village of Battle Creek, on JeH'ers-ni st., aearly opposite the Battle Creek Hoase, wlmld respect' fully annouuce to thecitizens ofthe ptftoe and aarrounding country, tbat he is now preparad for operatkms iu tlie Tailoring Business. Ilaving the experiencn ofüM ny years in tlie trade, and by ine subotautia) and elegance of style iu whicb he may lo hú ■ trusts he sliall be able to notisfy aud p . ise tlinge who may be disposed to test bis skill for therasolvea - and. Lheret'ore, solicits a share of public patronage. Particular attentinn will l)e paid to the fulfilmont of eugagenienls as Lar the time as possible. Prioea ad ipted to the times, andthereceiptsfor p.iymcnl iu theoommon currency of the country. Cnltinu done to order. J. 8. MEACHAM. Battle Creek, June 10,1848. 9-3m TBC7 JB'J !k_ 9sB - fTlHE CANTÓN TEA COMl'ANY lias been popularA. ly kiiovvii for many years. This is the largest and oldes Tea Establishment in America. . The public have luid full prooi' of their integrity rndreaponajoUity. Their scrupulos regard to all principies that tend to elévate the character of a large house, is well nnderStood, and bas nlready secured thema coiiuection, probably, larger than all other Toa E-jtablishments united, and they consequenily are determined to sell Teas ]uier, more fragraut and perfect fur the pi'ices, in the aggregate, thau any house in the world Every package, (iu addition to its containing FULL WEIGHT, independant ofthe winpper,) beara t listamp of neatness and elegance, and the Teas therein are so thoroughly secured froin light aud air, tbat tlieii quality aud power will remain unimpaired in auy climate. A. T. HAVENS, Ageut, Battle Creek. 4 Tiib Factory. THE SUBSCRIBER takes pleasure n infonnillg the public ihat he lias resumed the business of Tub maktiig and is ready to supply the public with articles of bis manufacture on as reaaonable terms as any otnei establishment iu the State. He proposes to manufacture notbius but Wash-Tubs, and he will giiarantee that ii' wnrk sliall be of the bestquality, The patronage ol'thi publie is solicited. E. UAILEY. Ballle Creek May, 19 184S. JPIEIISON haa opened a chp. one iloir Ea-i oi , Bro iks' Hardware store, Main t., BitleOreek l'ir the mmulacliire and sale ol' the various descrip liooaof Uoo s and Shoes. Particular attentinn ui be given lo Ladies' Moroeeo walking Shoe, Gaili-iv Slippers aud Ties. The first quality ol' stocb onl will be ub'cI aud the bcsl ol' workincn employeil iu il manufacture. Persons desirous o: a firt rate fit an i durable article will please give him a cali. All o the above kepl OOB'tanUy on hand and made to ord Hide wanted in exchange fur cash or work. Re cullect the niiin!er. One H'inr Easl ol'BaooksBattle Creek, Miv 13, 1848. 5 Fint Aguí. JUST RECFIVEDfrom New York, a splendid o-, sortment ol' lailics and childrens Si raw Monneieonsislin in part ol Tuscan, Pedal Braid Lace, Fanci Brai'l and Split Straw. ALSO - A lot of bcantiful new style Ribbons, no forgeliin a choice assortnifut ol' prinlod Lavvns, O ffandy Muslin and öuoteli Oinffham ofthe lim-st i.ual il.v- obeap lor cash. 5 BIIOWN & BREWSTER. rpilUSË INDEBTED to the aabaflriber, will pleas 1 not wate fur the boll to rin , bel'ore calling to tin Captains Olh'ec to Settle, Battle Creek, April, 18 18. R. R. OSGOOD. Marshal House, by L. KINGSBÜRY. Marl all, Mtch'fwi. 8tgeVavosthi hoan fx tha N -nh Olltl S'TOtJl, UMIVALLED ATTRACTIOIÜ - a. i i AND &REAT BARGAIflS ! C. WAKELEE & Co., Are novv receiving at their Storo, in the Brick Bfock, neai-ly opposite the American Hotel, nn entirely new nnd general assoitinent of MERCHAND1ZE, consisting iu part of the fullowing articles- Broad Cloths, f.awns, Dnss Muil, Hats Caps. Kancy Cassimercs, Shawls, Bonnets, Palm atid Igborn HtU, Salinetts. Slieetiogs, Groceries, Gooil Awortmeut Of Suramer Blue and Brown Drills, Tea, Ooffee, Good, Bagging, Sagar, Molaases, Prints of all Pricee, ' Kontuclty Jeans, Tobacco Cigars, Ginuhnn, - Scotch, American, Cotton Vavii and Warp, Crockary, and Kngliah. BooU aud SUoes, Nails, Muil Giuglioins, Ladies' Slips & Ties, Glass. &c., &.c. l'rnnellá Boots, &-r , Cottoa Batting Waddibg, &c, Ao.. fe, HAEDVARE, PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS.. and w 11 aelected. and liought at such rates as will enaMo the subcribers to ,( i , elieaj), ilcfying c'oinp tition. Thoïe who want any aiticle in their lino, will do well to culi, as the inducemeiits offwud ni uaosuai. :' ■_. Any quantity f Woel and Country Produce wantedfor which the Highest Fnce wilt bc jiard. liaitli' Crci'k,'Calh(ioii county. -MichigaD, June, 1848. 7-Gm Él JAMES A. BA1LEY, m SIIOE AND LEATHER DEALER, ftj BATTLE CREEK, M., tjiLj Keeps coiisiantly 011 Imml and Por salean Mj V fi assorttneutuf ai lióles in liis line, consistiugot Kj Kg BOOTS, 8ÜOBS, tEATHKB. xSí Trimmings, &c., &;., and for sale cheap. Sj i Tlie subsi-riber vvoulil respectfuüy say to gr? jJ those who desire a GOOD FIT. and a tasty J jL$ Fashionablc Boot, or Shc, öS Aiul at tlie same time durable, that lie is pre. $ ■A pared to execute orders in sucli a ma.iner og SÉ TO DKFV COJ1PETITIOX, 'Ó,Q íoé Having the best ot' material and every SCg ■ñí ity necessary to gratify tlie particular taste of wj W? every individual - in short to suit the most Q gM fastidions. Sliop, Main st., oppoaite Brick jyj "'■■' Block. Hides wanted, and the higheat pnce x'i pg paúl. 5 LL W I S T A R ' S fitJliiSAn of wild cherry. 77e Gr Remedí) for Lung vomplaints and all Affections of Ihc Respiralory Organs. YE WISH tobedÜÜuoílyonderstood that every certificateand tíatement of c"ire performed by Wístar's Balsain ofWild Chery. wiiich 've pnbtísh, II stnctly trae. We ve ñames and .lates, an'l myite tlie closest scrutiny, and challenge the most rigid Juquwy asto the authenticity of our statements- kuowmg '., wel' that a knowledge ol' facts, as to the great superior. 'v ot the medicine, is alone necessary to usure its use, iu pre,erenee to any other remedy , or ai-y physician's prescription. This is strong langiiage. For a proofof its truth examine what follows : Mr. Josephl. Younglove; - Sir- As a duty I owe to thecoinmuuity, and pnrlicnlarly tlie afflicted, I would state that I have been for a nuinber of years Uboring under disease and weakuesa of the lniigs, vvhich cansed me to cough a great deal, uncí produced a conseqnent debility ot rny system generally to stich a degree that it wa with dilBculty I could walk, to do whicli, even 'or a short distance, I experienced great fatigue. I lad various medicines recommended to me, which I i-rd vvillnrat any beneficial etfucts whatever, until 1 prcicured a bottle of V istar's Balsam ofWil.l Clicnv. thennofone bottle offided relief, entirely relieving ne of cough, and restoring my lnngs to healthy actioB. The use of it for a short timo increased iny general ; lealth and strength to such an extent that I was ' er aud moro hcaltliv than 1 had beeu for many years befare. From the trial I have made of the medicine I j ' can confidently recommend it as a powerful tonic, and and a ceitaiu cure for aflections of the lungs Uttfosa it niay be in cases of cousimiption, obstinate i.nd of long standing. JAMES A. LEVVIS. March7, 1846. Bowling Green, Ky. CONSUMPTIVE PATIENTS ! Will please read the following statement from the Ilarruon Gazette. The incredulous are invited to read the l'ollovving note from Rev. Mr. Coldron, whose character Por truth aud veracity stands above suspicion, and have doubts dispelled as to the superiority of Wistar's lialsam of Wild CUerry, over all other remedies uow fore the public of the same character: Coiitdon, Ind.. Jan 28, 1848. It is no less a dnty than á pleasure to state, for the I benefit of the afllicted, that I consider Wistar's BaUam of Wild Cherry, a great blessiug to tlie hninan moe - I e ing tried it in a case of gayere allhction ol the hings. 1 uuhesitatingly recommend it to those similaily afflicred,a9 theliBstromUy Ihav rr tried, aod one whicli cijrej i,,,. m Phyaicians sald 1 must die, ;ki! v bi n I ■ to lepa ■ wan netiral hand. LJAMC )I,DRON. n Wf'ild ( 'hermld bj us, c.ou... ... i ■ !■■ bark, ether ..;,];, :e ltgO gi al i lia acteraiid afficaoy in the care , ofoougbs, ookls, aad goueral disenKS of the chesl liinirs. But the all uipurtnnt diffraaou betweeu tbis medicine and nllotbera of the kind is thal NVistan lialasra ouree, white otber rwnediea gjve only teniporary relief in the suffererSoldby.I. ). PAEK. (successor to SANOFOBD & I'AHK,) 'l'.Hirth and Walndt streets, Cincinnati, Ohio. General Agent for tha Boutb and West, to whom all orders must Itr adreiised. A. T HAVENS, liattle; Comstock, & Halsey Marshall; D.'A. McNair, Kahimizoo ; H. A. Goodyear Hastings J. Owen a Co. De r. it. 0 L848. jj5.,7!5 1848. IIDiT & KOliY, STORAGE, FORWARDIXG & COMMISSIOJV MERCHANTS, WnrchoiiK, I'ooi of Bulos Slrcrl, Detroit. Agentsfor Troy uiid Western Line. No transhipment at Albany or Troy PropriïTORS. - Rice. Ciapp & Co.. No. 31, Coenties .Slip. New York; P. S. Sterubery & Co., corner Krom ind Doek streets, Buffalo. J. J. Newcomb. L. Wharf, Botton, R. Robiusou, Piar, Albany, Agento. Also, Agents for the Waihingtoo Line. piioptUKTors. - Jaini-s Grilley & Co, 4!) CJuay st., Alany, Uaac Jerome, 125 Broad st., New YorK, Coats & b'olger, No. 10 Central Wharf, Buffalo, Agents. Liberal Cash advances made at 'dl times upon property destined for Eastern Markets, or lor sale liere. 2-tl' Apothecaries Hall. CHIS well known cbeap eotabluhment is stillin blasi at the old stand in EagleBlock - now kiiow all mei; y these preseuts, that bere is the place where a gooi! idoortnont of pure, uuadiiltrratrd, genuine medicine nay be fniind at low prices. Here niay ba fouud als is, green and black, of superior quality, spices, giner, cloves, mace, citrón, Sul; &c, togethcr with paiatc tb, dye-sluffs perfumery, pen knives. trinkets, toya, .teel beails, etc, etc, ail of which are sold cheap, obeap heap. At Hall may be found a general assortmeut. of the nott approved and efficiënt patent medicines, for the ;ire ol teven, agues, coughs, cold, consumption, ))iles. vounds, britises" and putril'ying sores. In a word, tor he cure or relief o I all the ílls which flesh is heir to. Shoilld anv be faithless, let them cali; they shall have PROOF8. N. B. Don'tmistake the place- 'tis in Eagle Block fffictto Buckley's corners. 3 public JVntice. Wil ARE AS iuv wil'e Susan has obtained articlet al different places unknown to me for which she lias ised my credit and thereby involvedmein debt tolarge :n unit. This. tberefbre, U to forbid all jiersous trustig her on my account as I will pay no debuof her con racting aftcr this date, RICHARD [X] GCDSMARK. Bedford, Jane 5, 4848. mark. 3-3w J TOBLACKSMITHS - Anvib, Vicos' Sledgc.nnd áSjS) hammors, screw plates. and a ocd asdort mentof iron and steel, for saleby WïHlaa ■Brccks Hatrip Crr.rk. April 13, 1. STATE Of MICHIGAN,? County of Bwty, i T a court of J'rob'ite, holden nt theofficeof the judge thereof, n Hastias 0:1 the Í23d day of May A. D. 1818. Present, Isaac A. Holbrook, Circuit Court OommiMioner, acting Jttdge "f Probate: Ia the matter of the estiite if Edward New, dsceaud. Upon feeding and tiling the petition of Charlott New, praying lor roasons tlierein set forth, that letters of administratiou of said estate may be granted unto lier; widowof said deceased, ind Georze lïruwn. Tberenpon, it is ordered that tbe considera! ion of said petition bepostponed untiltlie 19th day of June uexi at oni' (iVliicK in tiieaiter-noon. at the Probate office in Hastingt, aforeaid,at which time and place, a!l persons interested may appear&show cause why the prayer of said petition shotild not bo granted. And it is lurther ordered that said petitionev causeacopy ot tliis order to be published in the Michigan Liberty Press, a hewa paper priuted and circalating at Battle Creek. in the conuly ol Calhonn, for three weeks saocessively, once in each week, prior-to the time of hearing in the pivmises. ' ISAAC A. HOLBEOOK, Circuit Court. Com.: acting Judge of Probate. [A true Copy.] 3w7 Cheap Drug Store. THE ijUBSCRlBER has been enlargiug his store, and receivinï largo addijious to his stock of goode, and isnow preparad to wait upon all his old customers, and as many new ones as ploase to LÍve liira a cali. Yon will ftnd every article usuauy kept in a Drug Store, wclnding Paints, Oils, Dye Woods, l'atení Medicines, and a great yariety ot'articles in this departraent, togelher with a large stock of School Books. booKs for town libraries, Blanksaud Blank Booes., Letter, Foolscap and Wrapping I'aper, fancy Stationery, Jewelry' Musical Instruments &c-, &c. This is the agency of the Cantón Tea Company and families eau be supplied with a choice article, and at a luw price. All kinds of Groceries eau be found here, and the prices are just right to suit tliose who wish to bay chop. l'hysicians, Merchants, Pedlers, Farmers, and in short all cari make money by calling, as I am determined not to bc DNDÍÍRSOIjD, êitlicr at wliolesale or retail, by any similar establishment this side of New York, A. T. HAVENS Baltle Creek, April, E, 1848. IIowolI Temporalee House. THIS Establishment, Situated nearl opposite the Court House in the village of Howell, has again cuino into tlie hands of its forrner proprietor anu occupant, who is univ hrepared to aocommodata a portiu. of the travelling public in a quietand comlbrtablo manner This House will be kept as fornierly upon strict Temperauce principies withoutan exclusive referauce to the protits of the business oporations. The subscriber feels assured from the verv liberal support this house has formely received, that his etforts in the cause of Tcmperance will be fully rcwarded, his inotto is still ' Liberty and Temperance" E. F. GAY. Howell Livingstong Co. May 15lh 1848. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) Couiuy of Calhoun, ss. J WHEltEAS, Heinaii Cowles has this day, presen tcd his petitiou, duly verified, to the Probate Court for said oounty. praying for reasous tlierein set forth, that he may be appointed Aduiinistrator of the estiite of Stephen GrtHMileaf. hito of Battle Creek, deceased - DOtice is therefore hereby given, that the consideración of said petition be postponed uutil the 30thday nfJune, instant, at oue o'clock. I'. M., at the Probate office in Marshall, where all persons interested can appear and show cause (if any therebe) why the prayerof said petition should not be granted. And it is hereby directed that this 110tice lie published in the Michigan Liberty l'ress, a neus paper printed and circulating in said county, for three weeks succesiively, prior to the time of hearing in the [nii;.'s. " H. A. NOYES, Judge of Probate. Daled at Marshall, June G, 1848, 8-3w Ifliltinerf. L%■ MH8. PIRR8ON lias recentry opened a Milliner,sS ry Establishment 011 Main street, at the dwelliog LV liouse fornierly oecupied by E. L. Stillsoo, Esq. Her present' stock was carei'iilly selected this priQg in 'lic city of New York, and consists of Chinese , ■■, r I . liine Stmw, Frenoh Gymp, Petal Straw, Neopolitan 111. l l'loi'unco Uraid; a vmicty of sillistor bonunts embroldered ribbons, itraw IVInge, artiliuial borders, face trimmingB, band-boxis, &c, all of the vory latest style. Dress niaking in all its various branches, and according to the latest fashion. Pintes of Kashions Will be received regularlv frnm New York. Uonnets allered or dresscd over neatly and ■ peedilv, at moderate rates. Battle Creek, June 8, 1848. " 8 " ITo'd Yoiir Hores?' THE SIIBSCRTBER would inforin uddlc and and Harucss buyiag public, ■' 1 on hand, & is Constantly. inanufactoring, Sadillfs, Uarness, Bridles, Halters, Trimks, Trunkaes. Valieces, Carpet Baga, Whips, &c, &c., which willbehereafterSold for Cash - and Cashoniy - at prjoes down, down, ttown so low yon will iliink he 6tole the stock, or that their is soms midtake nbout it. Cali and see. Dont forget your Pocket Book.Shop on Main St, opposite the " B. Creek llnuse" - Sign of the inaininiith Collor. Battle Cre'ck. April, 18 18. K. R. OSGOOD. tl and Tot for Sao. MRS. DÜRANT, intending to leave for land very soon, offers her house and lot (situateil in Kast Battle Creek) lor sale ata veryrralueed price. She vill als dispuse of her household fnrniture at very low ates. Also, one Turning La the, in Chadwick's Cha'r Shop. For tennsapply to her at her residence. Battle Creek, June 7, 1848. 8 Carpenlcr's Tool.s. AGOOD ssort ment will be found at the hardware store in Battle Creek, unaistiugof broad axes, adz's :. s. and common augura, long and short jointers. jack olaues, smooth ditto, hullnus and rounds, skewandrab!)it planes, brads, match planes, base ditto, grecian ovalosiioth )lanes. ptongbs, saw sets, (a new aricle) brace and bits, augur bits, steel squares, inarked to 12ths,slicks new magog, scotch gray and hindostau oil stones, all of which will be sold cheap. AdminUlrnlora Msilc, "VTOTICE is hereby given thatbv virtue of au orde of IN Sale granted by the Judge of Probate of the Counly of Calliouu to the nndersigued, administrator cl' the estáte of Thomas WiHson, deceased. late of the Township ol' I.cUoy in said County - I shall se 1 1 at public venduc to the highest bidder, at the Battle Creek house in the village of Baltle Creek in the County aforsaid 011 the lst, dayof.Iuly next between thcliours of oue and two o'clock in the afternoou of that day, the following described real estáte to wit: Six Lots 011 Biock Six in East Battle Croek in said Coimty being the four Kast Lots and tlie two lying soath of lots lately owued by one Eduiund Astley. 6 E. PACKER Administratoi. Dated May 17, 1848Schooi Books. rpiIEY DO SAY that Havens has the best foolscap, J. letter and billet paper, and that he sells books lowerthan at ny other ertabliplimniit in town. Cali and fnr yoitrílves. i WKWTKItSf NEW VOICK COLLEGE OF HE ALT IL SOT, Jtfatn streeí, Buffulo .Yeir J'ori DR. G. G. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Litlioiitriplic Mixture. FTU-llS cèlebrstcd remedy is eonstantfy inc JL fame by the mauv cures it is making ;iii ovej vvorld. It has now become tbe kok FAMii.Y uttz, and jparticularly recfitnnieuaed DROPSY: all stages orthi compfaint tvlievêd, no matter of how long standing Sc Pamp] lor testimony. GRAVEL, and all diaeases nflie urinnry organs : these diBtreasing cunpi.iiuts t staucl.s alone: no oí arricie can relieve yotr ; and I lie cines testifica fu wül convhice the mos! . l.ivcr Complaint, BiHi diseases, IV ver and Agoe. To tire Wem ly, and whevever tlieae" complaínts prevail ihis mi cine isoffered. No material agent, no déletcripii c'oiñpound isa paii of ihis mixture, il crtres these dist willi certainty and celerity, and does not lea tem torpid. See PausphlBt. PILES, a pomplaint of a moet paiufal citar;, ctov. 'i imnicdiaiely relieved. and aure folluws by a lew da i uso of this articie i ii fhi befiré aay otber preparatiim for this discase, for :.'■.. from impare blood. - See p&nipblct. DEIHLITY OF THE SV8TBW; wdc b.-ick, vn-al nessofthe Kidueys, &c-, óY iuflauiatidfl ■ mi mediately relieved liv a tew daya use oí thi medicine, and a core is always the reault of i ts i. se It Btnnil i .' a certain reinedy for such compluints, and also f - rangement of th fian rities. euppre'sBÍons, painfnl meustruation. No articl has ever h offered except this whicli wouW to'i'bthis kind of deransements. It niaj bc; relied upon as a sure and c(feütlve reinedv, and rtid ve feel pennltti'il liriiow. could giv-f a ihonsand ñames as proofof cures :■.' distrcssinií clasa of complamts. Alt brokeu ii' debilitated comtifntione from t-lFiTi of mereury, will find the bracing powee of thc nrticle to nct immediately, and the poisonous mineral eradicafetl fröm the system. " ERUPTIVE DISEASES will find tbs alternativa properties of this articie to punfy the blood, and drive Biich diseases from tile aysteni' Sce paimihlet Tin' tes' imony of cures ín all discases, whichtbe liinits of' nn advertisement will not permit to !■ immed here, Afrentegive-them away ; tbey contain 32 pnges of certifícates of high cbaracter, ana a Rtronger array oftheproofuf the virtnes of a medicine, nêverappcared. It is one of the peculiar features of tilia articie tlint it oever tails to benefit in any case, and if bonc and mncle are lefi ti Imild upon let the emaciated and Imperiug nvalid HOPE ON, and keep taking tho medicine as lung as there is an improvenienf. The proprietor vvonld camión the public nfrainst é rumber of arttcles which come oní usier the head ot Saisaparillas, Syrups, &c, as euros für Dropsy, Gravel. &c: They are good for notbing, and concockteil io gull the unwary ; touch them not. Tbeir inventors n er tfaeoght of curing such diseases till this articie had done it. A particular study of the pamphlet 'u caniestly 8olicited. AecLt? anil ol! who se!! the articlr are rlad to circuíate 2r:itutously. Pntopin 30 OI.lMltllo, at$2; lïOS. loatjl fiicli- Ihr lurser holdinï 6 oz.murs than two (mail boul. Lonk uit l and notgttimposedvpou. Kvpry battle hui "VitityhiiN Vefetsbln Lithontript'c Mixture." btown upou thc glas-s, the rillen ignatureof " G. C. Vruglm" on the directioos, :ui 1 ■' G. C. Vauglni HutTalo." stamyed on the carh. Nuotlicrnrf fsniline. Prwparèd by Dr. (ï. C. Vaughn, and soil al the principal office, 8U7, Main street, Buffrtlo, at wholesale aml rtail. No attention "ven tu letters unless post paid - orders from regular!? cOBfttltuted Acinexcepted: post paid letters eoliciting ulvicc, jjromptly attcuiíed to. frratis. Offices devoted exclusivelv to the alp of Ibii nrlicle- 132 -- sau st. New York city; ÜOÓ F)sst- st. Salem ; nnd by t'ic principal Druggists t'hroughoul llic UniloJ Stans ami Canada iisAgents. For sale by 7to,dcl A. T. HAVENS, Battle Creel. G. J. GHilI and J. Owi-n tío., )' .: Haynards, Aon 4rboi; E. Sampson Ypsilanti; J. Breckford Saline. Bf ïch.; P. 8i Concord ; Hall, Smitll & Diinham. Grns.! Lakr ; I). (.'. Uliii vi.o.l Dexter; T. Wheeloek. Alliion; W. J.ickson, teoui : A. C.Otmtl rich, PawPaw; J. T. Clapham, KalamaznO; Bnnvn ir S Schoolcran; J. C. Lumnore, NileR: J. I.. Ttiby & ('".. J.r k-n i . aud O. II. Hyde, Marshall. J.H'.OWE1!, TrarollilH; .', 5't. 300,000 Cash Capital, With a Perpetual Chartt r. The -l-'liiu Firi I iMiirnncc l'o., oí Olnrlfttri?. (f. THIS Coi.ipany bas been in iuccessfnl nperntion lor morethau ajuarterofa centmv. itnd from il promjit and honoraijlrf mode cf' adinsting losaes, li;.-; never been dishonored at home or abroad. It has paid, within the last two ears. $4,560 fot' ses sustained by fire in this coun1 . Policies issued, insuring against the loss or dam by Kire, on DWEWLI.INfi HOUSE, MAXÏF JLCTORIKS STORES, MILLS, FUESIIURÏ, W Iü: HOI PKODUCE t STOItK. CHORCHK, ■ and upou all kinds of InauTuble I'ropérty, at 1.UW RATES. Any loss which this company may sustain on riski taken at bis genoy, wil] be liberully sdj usted by tbs agent hsre, accordmg ts the usage of the bcl Fire componics in the country, and with pronaptuess, in money current in the city of New Ymk. This company has never contested n loss in the city of New ork. In case difierences should arise tooching any lof or dañinee, the coinpiinv is pledged, by a resolutMin pftlie Board of Directora, to submit the same to Hi-bitrtitorg, indillcrcntly chosen, bral thc opinión of the [iisurod. TUOS. K. BRACE, Preimlonl S. L. I.oomis, Secret ary. 1 Application foi Insurance, or therencwalof pol. ices, and all business connected with the office, m be made to the subscriber, duly appoiuted agent, with i'ull power to receive proposals and isme jioliees on terms as favorable as any office in the state. JOSEPH C. FIÍINK, Agent, Oflice, No. 1 Court llodïeMarshall, Dec. ?, 18-17 CJrocerics at lVholesalo. The subscriber offers a vcry large and well selectcd s'ock of heavy At lowest pOseible prices, and on tbs uiil accominodiiting terms. AIho, a large and full iov stock of DVEWOÜDS and DVE SÏUFFS, and Woolcu .llanufacturcr's Ma;binory, Wnh a heavy and caiel'ully selccted auortment oi' Paints, Oils aud Giaii; Also the followiug genuine DRUGS & MEDIC1NBS- 200 ouuces Qiiinine '100 Ibs. Gum Opiuu, (new 30 do Moiphine erop.) 25 do lodiue 50 do Calomel, (Eng.) 40 do Hyd. de Pot 2 bbls. Camphor 10 do Stryclmiue 5 do Sulpüar 2 Ciises Rbnbiirb 5 do Epgora Sahs 1 do Jallup .5 do do 2 do Magnesia 2 do Ci'eam Taitjr 2 do Borax 2 do Castor CU 2 do Liquorice 10 d Alcohol 2 do Sup'i. Carb. ] bs!e Sennn Soda 2 casKsSal Sod:i 2 do Tartaric Acid. 1 cuse Sal Roohelle. THEO. H. EATl'N. 80, Jegenon Avenue, Detroit, adjoininu' h'. & M. Buik. E3í" REMOVED SINCE THE FIKK. a STATB OF MICHIGAN, ) sj Cottnty of Barry, ) AT a court of Probate, holden at the offiVe oftliejudgl' thereof, in HastingS on the "Jtith dav of May, A. ! 18J8. Present, Isaac A. Holbrook, Circuil Conri Ci missioner, acting Judge of Probate. In the matter el' the estáte of Joseph S. Blasdell. prayiuj( (br reasru therein set forth, that. letters of Ddministratiouftf said estáte may be granled unto her. idow ol' said di-epasedandHeiry rarsoni. Thereapon it is ordered thai the cousideration of said petition be postpoiied unril tli" 26th tlay of June next, at oneo'cloi!; in the after-iuton, at which tinii and place, all persous nteiested may pi pear, and show cause why the prayer xliould not be granted. And it is further Ordered hat said petitioner cause a copy of this order to be pubiisbed in the Michigan Liberty Press, a uewa paper pobliebed aml ciroulating ut Battle Creek, in tlie county of Calhoun, for ihree weeks successivelyt once in eacli week prior to the time of hearing in the premises. ISAAÜ A. HOLBROOK, Circuit Court Com. acting JuJye of Probate [A trae Copy.] 3 Paper. rpiIE undersisned will be supplied from ton Aun Ar _L bor Paper Mili, with the various deiiptionK of tho above named articie, mauufactured af t. cousisting of Printiug, Wrapping anri Writing. toether witli Blank Books. Theabov artioles ivül be sutdfor' oasfa exehanged for rags, The above may be found at the shoc Stoie of.!. Pinson, onc door east of the Hardware Store of Wil Brooks. e. noRii ven, a - ,.. Battlp Creek, 20, IS17. 1 1