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Spirit Of The Whig Press

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Frorn the Boston Whig, edited by Chas. Francis Adams, a wor'.hy son of the lamented John Quincy Adams " It is then reduced to a cerlainty that the Slave Power rules both the Old Organizations with a rod of iron. In 1844 it dictated the nomination of James K. Polk. and of Henry Clay, and they were nominated. In 1848 it dictates the nmination of Lewis Cass and Zazhary Taylor, and they are the candidates. It is clear that with the managers in the free States, principies are nothing but the counters with which the game of election is played. - In 1844 the Democratie leaders turned their backs upon pledges given by them in the most solemn mminer to freedom. In 1848 the whig leaders f'ollow their example. Rottenness is in the very marro w of the bones of the system. Out upon such hypocrisy and fraud. The New York radical party have probed one side to the bottom, while the Conscience whigs of Ohio and Massachusetts have spent three years in doing the same thing to the othar, and the result is demonstration to the minds of all rationa] men that corruption is in the core. " And are we, the men who have besn battling with this monster of Slavery for years, expected to yield ourselves without a murmur to this movement ] Never. Never, Never. Thank Ciod, the men who have contrived it, know us too well to expect it. In predicting our detormined opposition they unwittingly pay a compliment lo our conaistency whilst they biast their own. For what have they not pledged themselves to ? Whera is the unanmous vote of the Whig representatives of the last Congress in favor of the Wilmot Próvisol Where are the pledges of eieren Legislatures to sustain the same principies 1 Where - Why gone to the tomb of the Capulets, 80 far as the wishes of the profligate political traders are concerned, but not gone from ourmemory any more than they are gone from the hearts r.f the honest freemen in the land, who love Liberty and who still respect themselves. "It is time that the lines bc now distincily drawn all over the United States. We care not how soon the banner of Liberty be widely and proudly thrown to the winds, and on it shall be inscribed in letters of living light the words, 'No comprormse with the Slave Pov- er !' We care not how soon, the different eclions of the people of the Free States, who aro striving for a common called together under the common fold. Democratie, Whig, Liberty men, native or foreign American, name are to us as nothing. The issue shall be Freedom or Slavcry. There is a will in God' providence which no human power can resist. Let it come. Let it come. For our part, humble as may bc our agency in the business, one thing is certain, ÍN TUIS CAUSE, WE KNOW NOT THE WORD SuRRENDEIl." The Roxbury (Mass.) Gazette, a bold and talented Whig paper, says : " The Wbigs of the free States not only havo tbe power but the disposition to nominale a candidato whose cause might be advocated without a sincere supporter of whig principies. If such a candidate is not presented for our it will be owing to the pre-concerted and pre-arranged treachery and bargain of a few ambitious Whigs of Massachusetts and other free Slates ; and under the circirmstances, every vote given for General Taylor will go to satisfy ihe pledges and reward the dishonesty of the traitors. Are the Whigs of this saction of the State prepared to swell the pride and inflame the ambmon and reward the villainy of their betrayers 1 Most of the leading ind active politicianwith whom we have conversed, have unhesïtatingly declared it to be their course never to vote for General Tay'.or. They have o declared in obedience to the dictates of reason. and common sense. How faithful they will be to their voluntary declarations, remains to be provcd. Ouc own course is plain, and every reader of lliispaper, who does not believe tljat for the last four years we have been constantly playing the hypocrite, knows very well what it will be. - We intend lo retnain a Whig - a Massaehusetts Whig - and we trust tliat we shall be 8rble to defy, as we now abhor, all the power of Taylorism." The Manchester (N. H.) American, alsohas the following : " The nomination of Gentral Taylor by theWhig Convention under such circumstances, will be an act of polilical suicide. Succes with such a candidato would be the worst kind of defeat. If the Whigs nomínate Taylor they do it, not because they believe him tobe the ablest exponent of their principies, and the most available candidate on hom they can rely for the success of those principies, but because he will be a candidate at all events, and, on the whole, they prefer his election toihat of his democratie opponent. For ourselves, we reason altogether differently. Mucfo as we deprécate the election of the nominee of the Baltimore Convention, whoever ho may be, and no whig can deprécate it more - we should infinitely prefer it to the success of General Taylor. Nor do we believe it would prove, in the end, half so disastrous to tha whig party." The Massachusetts Spy, ono of the best whig papers in the State, says : " If Gen. Taylor ever iselectcd to the Presidency, it will be as the representativo of tho slave power of the country, and whatever party may help to do it, will, in our opinión, l destroyed thereby, for it will be compelled Xo identify itself with slavery, and the time i now at hand-, when no such party can long sustáin itself." The New York Tribune, the most talenteJ and influential Whig paper in the Union - the paper which labored with so much zeal for the election of Henry Clay, in '44, uses the following language in relation to the nomination of Gen. Taylor : " For our own part, we shall take time for reflection. If it shall appear to us that the support of Gen. Taylor is the only course by which the election of Cass can be prevented, we shall feel bound to concur in that support. If, on the contrary, the developments of the next few days shall prove that the Free States are now ripe for the uprising which must come sooner or later, and which this nolnination has done very much to precipítate, why then wtt are ready. Our present impression is that the time has not quite arrived - but we shall see."