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From The Utica Liberty Press

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We know these are creative times, and we cannot foresee wliai a day may bring forth. - Men are ckanging very rapidly from the wrong to the right. Large sections of ilie old partieg aro loaviug their " falso positions," and assuming higher and h o Vier ground. Old politicians and young politicians, who liave spent years n (leur;incinT and opposing the Northern abolitinnists of slarery. are nmv leaving them and turning to denounce and oppose tlio Southern abohtionists of frerdom. We have attended sonw " Uemncmlic" meetings lately, and sorae ' Whiir" meetings, and sume meetings " irrespetive of party," and if we had Hstened to ttie speeches without reading the calis we shonld have supposed we were in regular Liberty party meetings! And hetter thn all - the persons who c mposed these assemblages seemed resolved to act ns they talked. - All this ís cheering, haart cheering, to tliost; who. through evil report, have been lnborin? for long and gloomy years, to produce ti. very results. The Liberty party has alwnyg said the old p.irties must bo brokon op, befbrn atiy permanent steps can be taken to overthrow the slave power. Well, they are break - ing up. The last weights are bñing laid on the back of Northern endnrance. lt may make out to staggor through this campaign, possibly, with its infíimous loíul. But the time draw near when the gallad and winced animal will rear and pi unge and throw the rider off, The Liberty party has always said that the party wliich would drive shivery to the wall and nail t there, must lie rnale up of " Iioltors." good and true, fi-om the old partie, who would rally on common ground and for a comrnon object-r-ihe supremacy of human riglits. Well, the " boilers," are being counied not by hundreJs, but by hundreds of thousands, and soon üwy must be measured by acres and notcounted by numeráis. And, the Liberty party ha not only said th3 ought to be, hut it ha affirmel that it would be. Well, the good lime is coming! One-third of the votes of the Empire State stniid readv to quil their o'd party platf.irms to-day. Stiir.d ready to do it ? - They have UI Massachusetta and New Hiimpshire are taking up arms in the samo 1 strugtjle. The Ohiu Jlcsoive moves almiti in
i body against Cass and Tnylor. Am! clouds of witiiessos are tü lollow ii llie Irein. fjiliprty pariy ( linos nr licincf noted upon ís urrdictions being fuifilloJ. Aildrofisin;.' llio.=e prngresiiing Dotñoorali rnd Wliigs, vrn nsk, whp i l!ie man tlint liuad t'iis grcat Aonmont, ar.J jnile a'.l iss elernetur eü wel! as J. H. Hai.f. í


Michigan Liberty Press
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