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The freedom anJ eqanlity óf Mnn are the foundations of Uepnhlic GovernmeDt. T!i faction which strikes at tliom strikes :it the existence of institutious. It mnst be overtbitrttro or they will perish. Such a faction oxists nmong u al this moment, lts object is tho porpoiuntiou and extensión ! man Servitude. itisboM un8crupalouaandactive; it : -i grant degree, tho pntronaga o# tbfl Federal GovermiitMit ; U llms nddressra iisn If tn llio lars f aomn, unit nf others ; iiifd ït haa by ihia tneans gut pOMPBSi in of tiie IntB ■ CoDTention, and proolnimpd the candtdite fortha I'ri'siuoncy, To thia Cactioo ■ will wit submit. We will nevfr cense to r sist :'- il ia B.feetuuliy d fi ited. - And we lake t'iii occasion to explain ' you, in a few plain wovJa, Üie gronml "ti vli:.:h we tand. To dn ny th ifl of Siuvei-y ivas the only one, thtit uhi'y entered ioto tlio iiumioution, wouid bo deny wiiat is notoiUyis to all tho world. Wc know tliiit. the nominre obtained lu noiniimtion oalv as the prico oí'tlio m igtabjectsubservieocy to tli Sliive power; fhat our dttlegntes weit) rejectetl becnuae thy wera Fivemeii. muintnining ttiti rigiita iiivi spenking the Innguiige of Freemeo ; the ri'presentatives ot' tho Sniva puwer Ijy mou3 ot" the public patronage, which thoy have ■ been pertnittel ro use tbr ypurs by violenco and by fraud, dragujiied auJ misled D.-h.g;itcs froin the ■freo Statos, so hs tti form, with tho Delegntf.B. fram tho South, t!;o mitjoriiy which the cundí date tinnlly obtnined. Knöwing tliis, wa ehould be fulge to oureelves, talse to oir country, furgetful ot' tho pust und iadinforent to tbe future, it' u did uut declai-8, tlmt we rejecl mid condemn thia Domiiiation. ÜTicA, June 23, 1843. The Democratie Cohvention of Barnburnort - consiáting of delegatea from various States - niet yémerday, umi have numiiiated MARTIN VAN BUREN for President, aüd IIEN'KY DODüE, oí Wisconsin, for Vicc President. Several of the lieretolbre Btrong Democratie otates are pltlidged against Cass. Buffalo, June 22. üreat Meeting on Ikisii Affairs. - The ilieetuig last eveningin relation to Irish atfairs and the conducl of the British Government in the conviction and punishment of Mitchell fir daring to exercjse the iiberty of speech and the press was a verv lare;; and, - The friendty sona of tJt. Patrick wora out with banriers and rausic, and onc foeling of ii)dination seemed lo invade all. D