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Liberty Senatorial Convention

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Liberty party of tlie Sennfo Dislnct composed oF ths Countiei cf'St. Juscph, Oam, Barien and Van Buren will meet in Convenöon al CentreviUe Bt .(osepli Cpnnty, on the lstday of August ot 10 o'clock A.M. the purpose of nommatiag a cnmlidate lor Binte Senator to be upported at the coming election. W s;iy to our friendsin other oonnties come, come by wjiggon loads, you djall findonr " latch gtrinraall out" :i ncarty reoeptíon a goodcheer. Asfast agdelegatea MTive they wil] úi'-ic report themselves toonc of the undersigned. The St. Joseph Oounty Liberty AMootaoB wil] holil iisOd annnal Meeting at the came tiraeaad place, wheii we hope to sec eveiy truc frieiul oí íreedom il the oonntry. Gool speakers and good smgers wil le iuntteudance from abvond. Come up one and 'Ml Omne and wc will broed a Halo storm that sliall smash in the oíd Windows of Wliigs and Locos, sashaml all. O, II.'STOW, W. R.BROWN. Committe oi'Senate District. CentreviUe .Tune 30 1818.