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What does P. Jacobs of Centerville; state of Michigan say regarding the medicine we alluded to last week...

What does P. Jacobs of Centerville; state of Michigan say regarding the medicine we alluded to last week... image
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[y Wliat (loes T. Jacobs of Coiln-villc; sialc of Michigan say regarding the medicine ve allnded to hut wek. Ina letter dated Nov. 12. 184(i, lio liolds the followhig language. '-We hall certainlr be out before iiny moregeta here, even if you forword inunediately. Send plenty ofpamphlet. I must say tlieir is nu medicine we have ever dealt in whicli has obtaincd so gveat and docided nrcputation as yours. The most singalar and unaccountsble part of the matter is, the uniform and uneicepionable testimony of ts corative propertie in evcry c-!ise. We have good medicines tbr many nnglo complaints - luit yonrs secins to obvíate the use of all other panaceas - it goes over the whole gronnd. Vdu will lie nirpriiedto learnthai ia every cae ■! Kever and Ague 1 have tried it for, it has never failedto cnre Anl not only in onc kind, lnt ;ill kinds of bilioua dieases ito effect isalike." Thnswritea Mr. Jacobs concerning Great American Reraeby. G. C. Vaughna Vegetable Lithoutiiptic Mixture. Bee oor columoa for hu advertisement - oall upon Agent lor i pampbleti