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Letter to the Editor
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Jackson, July 17, 1848. Mr. Editor : A cali fora State Convention of the Free Soil Democracy, on the 3d day of August, at this place, is now being circulated, and hcipes are entertained that it will be one of the largest meetings ever held in the Península State Tmrncdiately after the Convention, a mass meeting of the friends of Free Ter ritory will be held to ratify the proceedings of the Convention. lts object is to eleci delegates to the BnffWIo Convention, and nomínate Electors for Presiden! and Vice President. Will not the West attend that meeting? We trust a delegation will be here that will teil on the minds of the people We are organizing an assoctation here for the purpose of more effectually carrying out our views, and dissemina ting " Barnburner" principies throughout the county and State. The movemont, 6o far, is confinpd to Demor-rats here ; but the Whigs dnd Abohtiomsts are fallin n. Letters have bei n received from Adrián, Ann Arbor and Detroit, seconding the cali. Yours, Q. A meeting of the Free Soil Democracy, of Jackson, was held at the office of R. C. Baker, in liie villaje of Jackson, on Saturday eveninc July 17, 1848, The meeting was called to order ly chosmg Archibald McMlLLAN, Presdent and Samuel Chadwick, jr., Secretary. On motion - Resolved, That we organize au Association in this place, to be called the Free Soil Democratie Association, of Juckson. A cornrnittee was appoitited to draft a Constitution and ByLaws, and report om Monday evening next. - Also a committee of' five to draft reaolutioM, xpressive of the sense of this rneetim. On Monday evening met agreeable to adjournment. The commiltee on Constitution reported which was accepted and adopted. The follow ing officers were elected : ALONZO BENNETT, President ISAAC L. TOBEY, Vice do Recording Secretary, John H. Kimball ; Cor■esponding Secretarie., R. C. Baker and Samïel Cliadwick, jun. ; Treasurer, Amos Root ; Executive Committee, A. McMillan, L. Wilcox J. E. Beebe, J. T. Wilson and H. L. Greioi he committee on resolutions reported the bllowing, which were read, discussed and adopted : . 1. Resolved, That, as Free Soil Demócrata, ve cannot in justice to our feelings support lor 'resident of the United States, either Lewis Jass or Zachary Taylor, for while one eays ie cannot see in the " Constitution any power granted to Congress to prohibil tlie introdneion of lavery into Territory now free," the other is an extensivo slavehokíer, and in favor )f promoting laws for the perpetuation of tliat unholy institution. 2. Resolved, That we would say to those vho ask what our principies are, that we hold o the doctrines of Washington, Jefferson and Miidison, ecjual and exact justice to all, and exclusive privileges lo none. Also Free Soil and ÍVee Territory; the admission of the whole ontinent to our government, but not one inch ot slave territory. 3. Resolved, That we heartily respond to the entirneiits of Martin Vun Buren, in his recent etter to the Ulica Convention, on the subject of Free Soil and Constitutional Rights. 4. Resolved, Tha.i we recommábd to the peoile of this and other counties, the establisement n theirseveral towns and schoei districts Free Soil Associations, for the inore general dissemnation of free principies, by personal discus ïons and otherwise. 5. Resolved, That the friends of Free Soil hroughout the State are invited to attend the State Convention, to be held here on the third ay of August, to elect delegates to the Buffao Convention, and nomínate Electors f'er Presdent and Vico President. G. Resolved, That the proceedingg of this meeling be signed by the officers, and that the ackson Patriot, Michigan State Gazette and he Michigan Liberty Press be recjuested to lublish them.