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We are glad to see the friends of Free Soil interested in a subject that should claim the attention of every true American...

We are glad to see the friends of Free Soil interested in a subject that should claim the attention of every true American... image
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We are ghi}. to see tlie frionds of Fr e e ÍS01I interesled in a swbject that should oiaim the at'ention of eveiy truo Amfirican. The agita on that prevaili, üie oontinued chIIs for meetings, and the strong resolutoria tat. d at. the rniglify gatheríngí, indícate 8fl ipprnaching revolulion. We hail ils approarli uo the only means of breuking the cljaius of despotism wliic'u havo eo long manaolod this na:on. We sliould IiuWj L.;e n Lcttt.T pluased had the iiliove culi hee.i extuntlud to ail, without reference to party, inastnuch a it isdenominated a Free Soil meeting ; but if we 'jnderstand tlie above comrnuuication, Whigs and Liberty men are not identified with the movement. - Stilt, there seerna to bo a dispogition to hare thenri do so. For our own part, we are entire!y satisfied svith the nomination of J. P. Ha!e, and have no doubt of the integrity of the Liberty party iu supporting him, believing hiiu competent to carry out every measure the North may require. Still we rejoice to see that party prejudires are giving way to reason.and men are willing to compare sentuneuts - to see if by co-operaHon ihey cannol gain strength to urgo on the great car of reform. - We hope all will respond to the cali, without reference to party.