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Insurrection In France.--continued. Sunday

Insurrection In France.--continued. Sunday image
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On su n doy morning the inturgents bad collecteJ in those quariers of ihe faubourgs which are beyond the Canal St. Martin, and in ihe Fuuljourg Poissonnierre. Every house in La Villetle and La Chapelle was converted into a fort, and every window was a loophole. On the Place Maubert, ader two hours, the insurgenls were driven out, and took refuge at the top of the Rue St. Yictor. The troópa followcd, and kept up afíre on thern. In the Faubourg St. Marcean the insurgents defended their barricades with obstinacy. At this point the wonien threw boiling oil and water ir om the Windows on the troops. Regiments of the line, infantry and cavalry, continued to arrive during the morning from the departments. At six, severa! lesrions of National Guarda from the province3 inarcbed into Paris. The engineers soon began the work of miHing the honses where the insurgents had taken refuge, the staircases of which had been destroyed. Severa I thousands prisoners vvere taken among the insurgents ; rnany of them were immediately shot. The vaults of Notre Dame, the Loavre, the Tuillerie?, and the Assembly, were filled with them. Members of the Assembly, dislinguiahed by their iri-colored scarfs, vvere aeen in group3 of 10 or 12, pntroJIing the streets. Whenever they passed between the Chamber and the Hotel de Ville they never failed to be fired upon by the insnrents from the windows. Alihough the number of regular troops in Paris, wilh ihe accession of the arrivals, did not exceed 30,000, the number of National Guards was incalculable: altogelher 300,000 troops were in the city. The journals of Paria were not able to ippear, except in single leaves, and even these in limited numbers. The line of telegrapbs had been every wbere broken ; this had seriously retarded tha arrival o!' the iroops from the departmen's. The irsurgems wlio '.veré in po3session of the Hallt ;aix Vins poisoned the wine?, with ihe view of Jestroying the troop3 and the National Goard, in which they BUcceeded. A delay allowed the insurgerits in the Faubourg St. Antoine to surrender having expired without aii}r reply, the operations commenced. The firsi barricade was vigorously attackeil and Carried, hut not without considerable slaughteí on the side of the assailants. Col. Banaud, of the 4Sili regiment of the line, and several officers, were killed. Gen. Boquet, of the engineers anived at the Place de la Bastile, with the Greinen and sappers. Some houses were in an instant blown up, and severa! barricades thus turned were captured without loss. On some points the insurgents had dt.ig trenches, against which artillery was unavailable. They fired froin within, and, upon theapproach of the troops, escaped through passages opened in the cellars of the house?. A large body sniled from the suburb towards noon, cntercd the island of St. Louis, and fonned a barricade on the Pont des Tournelles, which was undergoing repairs. - They were thon kept in check by tronps stationed in the wine stores on the opposite side, and were actually placed within two fires. - The enclosure of St. Lazare was re-occupied in the morning by the insurgenis, who cnrried away ten 8 ma II pieces of artillery belonging to the Cliateau Rouge, wliich they loaded with stones and pieces of bottles. On the Quay de la Megisserie some ruffians fired from a window on a baitallion of troops of the line, and escaped by a back door into the Street. Others were, at the same time, orecting a barricade close by, in the Itue de 15ethizy ; huta patrol of the National Guarda disijersed tliñtn, and they fled, throwing tbeir arms in streets. Battery of artillery had been placed on the Iiill of Montmartrc, aiul tneasures were ailopted to prevent the nsmgents from gaiiiing possession of that important position. At two o'clock it was announced that a tesolution had been taken by Gen. Cavaignac to bombard Montmartréi Several places in the Clos St. Lazare and its envtrons were se' on fire by the insurgents. The combat continuad during tho day on many points, but became isolated on all for want of cotninunicution. The in9iirgent3 síill held out m the Faubourga, St. Antoiue, incl du Temple, on the heights of Montmarté, and the Barriere St. Dcnis. At the Fanbourj St. Anioine barricades bad been made, and were still occupied by the insurgentB, but 110 altempt was made to take ihem : the troops surrounded tliem lo oblige the insurgents (o lay down their anus. At the Faubourg du Tempte, the Rue du Feubourg was occupied by the line, by the pompiers, and the garde national or garde mobile, but they were stül Cghting on the banks ofthe'canal. The bouievard was also occupied by the troops to the top of the Rue Fiües du Calvaire. The barricade oí the Barriere Rochecouart was taken. At Montmarte they weve still Gghting, but the firing was stayed until the Clos St, Lazare H carrieá byassault; the greater number of insurgents Ibund there were taken prisoners. About 6,000 muskets and anununilion were taken. The insurgents only ocoupied some points on tlie left bank in ihe evening. Tliey been ; dislodged frora their positions in the Rue St. Antoine and the streets which are between the Hotel de Ville and the basin of the canal. The National Guard and three troops were in possession of all the line of the canal fiorn the Bastille to La Chaparle St. Denis. After the Place du Pantheon was taken, tho barricades of the Rw. Vielie Eslrapade, and the Rue Neuvö Gonevieve wen; still to be forced. For five hours the ennnon roared incessantly. The most dreadful carnage ensued ; and it it was not before 4 o'clock (the attack havingcomme-nced at one) that (bese streets were freed, and that a representative of the Ardennes, M. Payer, whose house had been invaded by the insurgente, nould get out of h-is house and come to the ! A3semb!y. j ]