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Why General Taylor Mas Nominated

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Nortlicrn Wilmot Proviso Wliigs ! read the fullowing from tlie A berdeen (Alabama) Whig: There is one important qucstion to be consiJered in relation to General Zatliary Tayloy, as a candidato for President. He is the only man South of Mason $ Diron's line who iGii bc elected ! Thero is no other man upon wliom the enthusiaem and boumlless admiraüon of the whole nation aro so completely centered, as upon General Zacliary Taylor. An awful, thrilling, and liighly dangerous crisis lias been forced upon the country by Locofoco demagogues, regardless of the sanctity of that Ünion, which is so dear to every patriotic American citizen. The Wilmot Proviso, as it i.i called, lias opened a fearful mine, Ir, neath the foundations oflhc sacred Constitution That mine ma y explode at the hour ofmidnight, and forever destroy the prnudestfahric of hu man genius and virtite. To avert this ■ (edéri!, to close the mighty chasm that begins (f) yawn between tlie free and slave States is a duty we mve to ourselvos, to our posteriIV, to the rnemory oflhe illustrious dcad. How shn.ll this be done 1 Wc must clect a vían for President of the United States who lires uicurou-n sunny South - who is willing lo peril al! for ihe Conslitution, who loves the South and HER CHElt]SHED INSTITUTIONS, and vet will do ampie justiee lo the North. And last, though not least, to ensure success, support a candidato for the Presidency, of such an ovor-ehadowing popularity ; of a reputatipn that towers as the Himmala mountains, abovc all others. Such a man is General Zachary Taylor. - He Hves in the South, and makes 1,200 bales of cotton on the banksofthe Mississippi. HIS 1NTERESTS, HIS FEEUNGS are ALL WITH US. Throughout the Norlhern and Freo States, he enjoys the unbounded confidence of the entire people. His patriotism, bis genius, his undoubted honesty and entire devotion to the Constitntion and the Union, will ever secure him the sujiport of a large majority n every portion ot tbf United States. - Who -s'iall say that General Taylor has not been raiscd up at ihis cventful crisis, 0y analluise and over-ruliug Provitlpnce, to quench U.Cfires of discord, and prevent the downfall of the republic ? Where is there another man in the South, who can receive even a rcspectable vote at the North ] If we eloct General Taylor, his genias will eBable him to guide our ship tlirough ihe g-athering storm, his lioneaty, liis sterling integrity will secure to us his best endeavors, his immense popularity will enablehim to tritimph over all opposition. Then we ask in all candor, who win oppose General Taylor?