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The Piles. ACURE FOB Lino 8ECURED !- Dr. UPHAM'S Interna! Remedy for the cure of Piles. The table l'ile Blectnary, invented by Dr. A. Uplnmi, a cíís' tinguuhed Physician of New-York city, is the only really sucoessful remedy for iliis dangerons and distressiujr eomplaiut the Piles, ever oflerèu to tlio American The Electaary cootaiut no Mineral Medicine, no Aloes, Oolocynla, Gainboge, or other powerful :uni irritatii1,' purgativo. No fear of taking cold while under ooo nochmtgein diel ís necesinry. If taken accordiog tu directiuua o rare íbr Life is uar.intied. luílaminatury Discusts. Although the Eloctuory was origiually prepared ior ni' Piles, yei it Ímis provea iteofi to be a medicine fur .■ni ,-i-inr to ull olliers, i:i Lili disensos of m iuflammatory character, with a determínation of blood to any particular partor organ. ín iullnininütion and eongectionoftfae liver and spleen; inflammation, and sore nees and aleeration ofthe stomach, bowels, kidney and Mmlder; in tuflauimatory aod mercaria] rlieumaüstn, it is tlio beat medicine ever disoorered. ImpnrIUea of Ihe Hlood For all ïmpnritiea ol the blood, arisiug from tlie imprudent use of mercnry, or other causes; for all diseases of Ilie skin and scrofulo iis affectiomi n all 1 w bare the blood is poverfallydeternined to the head, producing dizziness and distress, Dr. Dpham's Electaary is entiiely uurivalled. TO MAIÍHIED I,ADEIS. Married ladiea are almot invariably subject to tlmt painfiil nul injurious disease, the riles, with consequent inflammation of the sloinach, bowels and spine, weakness of back, ftow of blood to the head, &c. Tlie Electnary is pei f il ladies, and the moei usci'ul cathartio that cim possibly be nsed is it vvill not only remove the I all infiammatory di casps, without pain or rritation, but svill cusure n bb y time, a safo deliveiy, and a sound constitiitiun iu the offspring. Peculiar Cases and Kffccls lu New Englnd. Ohronic Piles. - A workman in the gas house at Cainbridgepórt, who bad the piles fifteen years, very severely, and was constnntly exposed to he intense heat ol a turnace and ereatly redaced by the dioeaie, re:eived groal reliefand a final cure by tlie ose of Dr. l phaaa'i remedy. The case was a very obstinate oae, wing to the nature of the occupatioo and the deraiiged coudition of the patiënt. Bleediua Pile8.-A gentleman in Bedford, Mi who bad the bleedingpilea for many yema, greatly exïaiisting hia systeni, was cntiroly relievcd of this d3 ;rcssin and daugerous Rvmptoms, by taking aha'fi 1 the Electuary once or twice a inouth. l'alling of the Bowels. - A persoiiafflicted willi piles, mil falling of tlie bowels, lo sucli i i no evaclation could be had without lying flatnpon the floor, was entirelv relievi d ond cured by this medicine, 'i'be Cftje was a very extraordinary 011c. Extreme Costivcness. - Numerous persous, i pecially females, afflicted with extreme costivencss and pilos, with all tb i ing sy ptoms atiendan t apon such a state of the BVBtem, have been able to effect an eptire change in this enndition by lbo use oí' this medicine. It is n very mild cathartic, and ttn admirable remedy for oostiveness; especially for married womeii. Fístulas. Ulcers, tic. - In the worst ense of piles, w'uerr fístulas, ulcera, and ca vernon B hole exist, the Electuary is alwnvs e ilutary i:i its effects, and i( peraeveringly used, will produce a cure Two or lh-ec cases, wuere u surgical opei al ion was tliouglit to be neoessary by the doctors, have been cured by this medicino It 18 a perfect remedy for mercurial discases in tlie intestines. Brice, $1 ■ i twelve doses with ful! di and otlier information respecting the treatm ind cure of the . Sold wholesale and rétail by W'yatt it Kïtcham, 121 Fulton Btreet, and by A. T. Havens, Battle Creek. i; i'. PEER1 VERMIFUGE OR "DEAD SHOT," EOR WORMS A Higklij Vaiuable Preparation, Cap oble, rom Ihe Promptiiudc ofits Jctiortj ofOUcuuing the Systcn in a ftio h.tnns of est i r . npnEcxceediog sinall quanüty of thii Medicine reqaired tu : iaenoe of wormí, or to remove v. ery ooe irum ihe systniü, its operating iu n few bourt, together with ii certa íuty of 6ffect,ccQstitute it one oftbe mo.-t brilllaot diicorerios of Ihe nge. It seldom needs to be repealed and ncver to be followed bj aiiy otherpare. 'Pherefore io urgettt cases, as tliüse ofpiTS, SPASHS, or convuí.sions, cauted hv i-orms, ti i ■ r i - rsltd lUperiorit; is numiiest. Fe medicinu arsbett tated to i ni provo ilie iieulth ofehitttreu, eveñ whare no worma extst; m it ramnves tiwae massea of cntdit ies ihat maú close I y ti li ere to l!ic stotnsch uid bow4U,.gívíng rite i o tymptome tiiüt couoterfeil ever; rarietj? ofvorm-dixaaso. Although inuiíiiti üod eortaio iu its operatiou, and not unpleaant to ihe ta.-t!, it is perlcctly sifi:, and nditptedto theteüderesi ag. The foliowing is an extfart from :i letteraddreased to A. B. &. D. tíuiids fruüi tlic Agflat tl the Drrljy Liiic. Djuby Lihb, 't., Mav Tin, l tf 4o. GkktlrxxK; - I rece i ved ihe box of"D#ad Slioi" V Tmifuge about fifteen days sioce, and have non only ;i föw dozen lei't on huid whfcbwHÍ be fíoiic. in loss t'üiii tenday. It seeai to !o tho work to the prftfcl latídaction oí aH who ase iu I hear ■ome greal accountsof it, where it baa producod líir sxpuüion ofi'roin 15 or 20 lo 115 woruia froni une person, aiul ocftrl) tli■ama number from soine cliildren. Ofcourue yon will tliink wormü ono oftlie pre'niln dUeaaea in Canada Rod Ver moa t Please se nd ine unutiier snjnl v assoon aieonreni mL Resiiect fully. T. C. liUTu':;. The foliote ing i$ f om art eminmt Vhjiciant JoN'EIBOIlOUQH.TeDD., DSr.3d, IhÍÍ, Dr. ir. F. Pbcrt - 1 tak e great pleasure ki revoinmendhtg to t!io public your valttitble Vermifugo, (propvrtv c;ilU;d Dead Shot.) I have beeo vendiug it for two years. Notfaing oí the kind bare I ever sold that lias given biicÜ uuiveisat satisfaction. Thcrc was one ciue i my ífflntedlate neighborhood ihat I now recolloef ofin niiich m ■ José canMd expulsión oJ tëO wwum froin ü suiíill clñlfl, a ihe pareo t iuformed ra ■ aftorwards. Vcry rpsjjocuully, JOHN YWI'KV, M. I. Priceííj cenn )cr vial. Prepared by Dr. II. I'. ili , , n . rrtailbyA.B. & D. SANOS, Druggi U, 100 Fuhon at. cortero WiHiam, New-York. Suld ilobyA.T. HAVEN 5, J. OWE Sl Cf. Detroit, atnl by Druggists ireiieraliy t .. . hout tho ü- níted StíitOi. i THEY DO SV tint Hav6áa basthe bosl foolscap, ir and billet paper, nu. thal he .! . lower tlt tu at any other eitablishmeut iu town. Cali an.l see for yourselves. ( Tí tlie Public. TDEIFGobliged by ill-henlth lo discoutinus th 1) bosman, all uusettled accounts must be ai without ilolay. I will bi? round Rt the Bhop of liiian Diirfec, whareall my formar oontraeta for work will be tulfiUod. l JOHN OALDWÍtL. Removal. ryU E Taflorín g Establishment of Wüliam Uno h remoL vea to MeOamly'a 13!ock, the uorner store, where ha will be glad to waiton hieold costomers and all new oncs who m iv favor liim with a i!. 3 School JS;joís. ÖUItLS, Steel Peus. Peu-Holder, Black, BJue and Bed luk, -Wafera Sealing-Waz, Letter Stamp. ,U. lor sale cheap at l!ie Al'OTIlBCARIES IIaLL, Eagle Block Jfc TOBLAOKSMITIIS - Aiivils, Viccs' Slod-eaiíd M& nand hammers, actevr platos, and a gocd Sf mentofiron and steel, forsuleby WilUain Brooke Battla Oraek. April 13, 18. Five Toas TRCDND and drv U-:i,l. whitlng, red lend, &c. Also J 20 bbla liuaeed, carriers and lamp oil, tnrpentine aso., jnst recsived and for sale at the cheap drus store! A. T. HAVENS. Tnb Fartory. ÍTUIE SUDSCRIBEU takea pleaaure b infomingthe X publio th.i hshas reiumed the business of Tub ag and ia ready tp supply the publio with artii of hia maaufnoturo on as reasonuble terms as nay o OHtabli ihraont in the State; He prbbnsoeto manufac uothmg bul Wah-Tubs, and be wïll gaarantee thal -ill woritsh ill be i.i'ihe besl quslity, Thenntronaire ol'tbe p:iblio is solicited. E. IiAII.i'.V. B&uleCreek May, 19 I84fl. Oarpeater' tooIü. AGOOD nssnrtujent wil] be fannd at the hai I store u Battle Oreek, cousiatingof brea I a o. s. and common auj urs, I ing an ' sh irl join rs, jack planea, sm th ditto, liüllows and rounds, Bkew 1 rabbit planea, brodi, match planea, base ditto, precian ovntoa.aaah planes, plougb, aan sets, (anew brice and bits, augur bits, steel squares, markedto lSths.slioks new magos, sootob orayand bindostau oü stOnei, uil ol' which will lif sulil cheap. Town .ibrarics. HAViSNS hu jnst réomve la large assortmeut of books ! suitable for towa libraríeá. :ml tliov ure o I at low erices, f les&l the Sioft;-. r.E. L.Siurlí&ColfeS . - THE proprtelors, fll of confidente u díe vjiines o Dr. Sonle'i Sovereign Iii.lm l'ills, wliicli have pain ut) for thexngelvee tuch n euviabJe reputation ai Um sliort ipace of fivo yeare ihey have been bef;:; iln public - the manv c cil diseaw llicy hare [ i!o;t;. i'il - Bome of the palien ta baviug ijen cenfiBed to ihejr beda for monthi :uu yean, aro trnly Oitouiihhig, dot challenge lbo world (o produce tlieiv cquitl. For loug taudiug Dyspepsy and hnbituul co . nes, they have nevef Ihiled, wheD taken aecordiog direciions, to effect .1 eoro or uic permanent relief. Old Liver complaiiiti, JauuUice, &c, can lie j , .-. manently cnred !jv lh nee of ihote i'ill, ns tboy ojü . ate directlv njuui ilie livor, md ciiusu il !u jieïforiij a. natural and healthy action. Forsudden attacka in children - Buct ns colds fer: worms, &c. - fur grave pura] offectioo, beadache, cougb and culd, they havo pro ved an invalremedy. IKVLK AND AnUÍ A.VI1 t-Hir.L Fl V!;R. No medicine yv r-iToctual ncuring agueand fever, chili fever, &■, iu the Westera Stntes, nsr the genöine oí I :;:i PilU. o have neycr known ;i single case, whm tunea aecordjng to direction, vvhere they have uot effi cted a eurs in from om to i i ht da Thcycleauseaud] 1, and are, thcrefora, etaal remedy for Scroi i ipelns, and all et ariring from an impure Btate of the blood. In nrrvoub debility Biid female complaints, they have womod wonders. They quiet the m-i vcs by rumovins the cause of nervous irritatíou, and gradnally strengthen and bring op ilif wljole aystem. fty way of advice to females araicted with the ab wc wonlJ gy tliat I.uyr dw s i ñay kind of cathartici are always injuriou. Thes ■ iiiüs sliouid be taken ono nt a doe, overy ojglit until a cure ij eüected. (Ses Circulars. ) ■ Pilla were firét introduced b B i aúless ni.-i:;ncr. No gandy sliow curda, or long apverti ülled with certificatci (rom persona tnat never lived, orted to, but were Icft to woik their woy i::tu Miblicfaror on tlicir own merits. '■'' pnrely mild bnt aura in tl eYop eration, [aud perfectly safe for young and o!d ofdebilitions. Thev never leave the bowels co hith cannot besnid oi'anvoiher pill uowiu usa. 3reat care lias been taken in selectiug and cfunpoundng the medici ne w'.iich lias lilwaya been eupriutendeti jy Dr. Soule in pereoii. For further directinn, certificatte f:c. sce tc New Tork Botiiiiic Institnte, published ui Kudid. by Dr. E. L,. Soule & Co., wliïcfi i Btrtrare of CotüiiciTriia! As tborc is spurioas pilla in circnlstion, rulled Oriental ur Sovereign Balm, be snre to see beiore yoa 1ut ■ of" Dr. E. L. 80ÜLE & Co." b ou the ■ fcbeboies. None i . bo genaiiie. Wo thatauyone who h making n (puriona iirticle lias yet daied to theiu have had 'Jir iuiprudcnce u ndcopyoiul Certifícate, &a. ünless the public ure careful when they purchase, they wil! be -d. Btmuinc Soveroign Bata Pilis can be hnd triol. of Dr. E. L. Soulo & Co. Buclid, Ómm■ " . Y. J. Owen & Uo., wholesale and rel ■ AIho. soleby agente in evcy town in the couutr, and by A. T. Havens, Ageu:, Battle Creck. 1 ' ■ v . . ff J& . t '■'--'L - L-tSí?Siíb3; THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY FOK CÓDGH8, Colda, Asthma, and Cousiunptioii: llie lime haa come whoa Cousamption m ed with the curable dusases. The mogt feorful malady ol our country lias been conquéivd ! The of all disoases Las yielded at last to : inuM. Bucliau'o Hungarian Balaam of life, wHl speedily and certainly cure Consumptiaii, ven in its most bopi lo.-ms. and in all ordmary lUaensea of tlie chetl uncí Lnngs, nis the most perfecl aud admirable renu-úv t Uic a world. The Hungariun Bjilaanj n-as Grst discavord by Dr Buchau, ofLoiidon, England, nud Iwa béeu teslfd tot mx years bj iho mo siciaua in Greut Bntain, ai'd Qn the continenl of Europe, where itfaaa proved the Greal and Duly Eem -y. it has recently Ur-.-n iutmduceti into th United , undor immeiliate suprenlondence ofth r. aud is now liiierly sweeping CoiiBumptkiii from the land. Whal tunuculatiou i' to SjuuII l'ox., the Huugarian Balsatn ié loConjumntiou- aa insarmóuutubu'ebainer ! ChemMls, Physioians, Meaioal Societies, and thg body ol Consumptiye patients, every where adHUtthat the most important wprk of the a has be accomplisbed- Cuiisinnption Cnu b cu-imI. Whereveril has been jntrolucetl. uil l'anaceas E peotoraiita , Syrupa and props have been dii 11 syatems oflubalatiou, Vapor Baths Tar■ ■ .. ■ ■ b, ,.-, rejected of the Hungarian Gum, obtamedfrom the . MeUouga," or Tree of Life, is now saily received by Coiuumptives, aa tho Oulv ■ Hope. " - „ U' '"' B :"' with a severe aud obrtinate Oough, Inflaination of tUo Lum-s. Asthmn, or nnv ofüio aymptoms of Constunptimi foae u mni i „f time'in seeltiDg relief from ihis (iREAT EKGLISIJ KEMKDV. are d uiroas. and all otl.e.' pretended rant. du-sarenot only u - ■ . !„,l - l.vcv Inniily 111 hu Unitod States Lhould be supplied with Buchan'a Hungarian Balsam of Life, not onlv to counteract the consumptives of the cli.r.ate, hut to be ffsed asa preventive medicine in all caaes ofCoIds Coughs, Spitting of Blood, in the m'de and Chesl Imution and sbreness of theLunga UronchitÏB, Difficulty ol Breathing, Hectio Fever, Night sweat Bniaciatíon and General DebiUty Asthma, IufluenM, Whoopmg Cougb, aud Crotip. ' _ The great i..m-h of Dr. Buchaca Balsam is tbis- 1 1 ate ei"'?9 üfl'"l"10"' Oonaumptioi isgjveIn A single bottle will revea] itorfstonishiag yirtuea and toTaáüMT ""; fuu"d;lti11 juflie:'"!' ani Btrength to rX,','lí(: of,tne Balsam only ono dollar per bottle with full directions, Diasertation op Oonaumption Notioes, and cretifleates of Remarkable curea vl1-6 'n ''! S.'le hv A. V. HAVEXS. Wew Arnumaent : WJSj MORE 8TOVB8 'S 3. Tï? LATER PATTERNSü! SW EUNDERSIGNBD t,k, plawureu, oftring tb the dublic. mora complete stook ofnew ;n„l !,,,,„- t hl stylea ofOooking t'arlor Stores tban hare evei lu-loie been uffered ia tliis mavket, !.._,; !„■,■ wiil, a KenThe tentón of the stoVe bnying comnmnitv is rsmrchaau ")'''"' 8XaminatioB ofonritock beforo Murtuall October S. 1818. T1HH .,„-,! wil] be loppüsi f,,,,,! U,o Ann Ar X bor I aper Mili, with the varioUs aewaiptiona oiilm ■ iiamed urtiole, maaufactored it that place conlutii ig of l'riutiug, WrapniBgaud Writing, topetk witb Blank Books. TI tictes wilfbe soldfjf can or excbanged for ra i, The above may be fonml al the sluw Store of J IVrson.onc door naat of the Hardware Btoré of Willinm Battle ( rwk, November 20, J8-17. i rpKOSB INDtfBTED to tl.o sul.scriber, wiH leaso X im; wn-, r. .-ü.,1, h tori,. , belbi-, aUingto th;uiis Office toSotile, Catüe Croek. April, WB.' r. 1!. 0SG0O&. Criell ï.iisu., coustwaljr on-kaud for ü al I A Lcob 0o( in-!.-.) !,.,... p:l,(i.. („■,.„..,-_ ,,„