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Buffalo Covention--the Result

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Aniong the events which have taken place gince the"organization of onr gnvernment r.0 one has eücitcd more interest, or created more gpecuküoii, than the Buffalo Convention- No one resuked more gloriously for the honor of our country.- The high handed course Of our rulers, with thedelermination of interCBtedpoliticians to urge meaguresdetrimentalto the best intereats of our country, have aroused the people to action. The repeated and continued encroachments, of one part of our nation upon the tha right and privilices of another, had been borne with unparalled forbearance, until the oppression became intolerable, and created this gpontaneous movement, which resulted in ono of the most remarkable events recorded in history. The proceedinga of this cor.vention. will ba held in lasting remembrance by a grateful people. Nothing can give ■tro neer demonstrations of true Patriotism than was manifested at the convention, when a delega'ion oftbirty thoueand freeman, from the great Polilical parties, representing seventeen States of this confederaron, were unitad in burying past dinerences, and laying party preferences upon the altar of their country, with a determination to abide by the decisión of the deliberations of this meeting. The gcene was grand beyond description : every face wore a smile, and the most perfect barmony prevailed in that vast assembly, while the ur.animity f aclion Í3 unparailed in the history of Nations. When the Platform was presented by the committee on which was based our future uctions, the excilement was intense. Every article was unanimously responded to, and at the close the whole was received by acclnmation. Among the thousands gathered, nota No, grated upon the earto mar the happiness of that glorious day. Such a day has never been known in the history of our Nation, since the Declaration of American Independerse. The prevailing influenco of harmony and unity in tne covenntion exceeded the briehtest anticipation of its fiiends. and deslroyed the cherished hopes of lts enemies. They did not think that an assembiy composed of men from all political parties, who had ever been so antagonistic in iheir political, preforences, could, from principie, at this junctnre, rise up simnltaneously, and unite upon the one great principie. But Liberty, that bond of tlie American people, is in the ascendency ; and with characteristic energy they will carry out the measures that first estabüshed their independence. We have nover witnsssed such a concentration of intellectual power, as was presentod in the proceedinga, and deliberations, of this convention. The wholo power of science and eloquence seemed to be present, all united and uiraing at one great point, our country's good. The disafFection tbat was wanting in the convention, our enemies hoped would be eñected in the committee of conforees. But in this, like the other they were doomed to disappointment - for the action of this body was harmonious ia all it3 deliberations. Upon the members of this commirtee, devolved an important trust. In them was concentrated all the hopes, and wishes of their constituents - But their proceedings wre marked by dignity and forbearance, creditable to tliemselves, and honorable to the country. 0 Like many otherg weentered the committeo ofconferrees, strongly prcpossegsed in favor of John P. Hale, asour candidale, and wo were not willing tumely to relinquish ihe man of'our choice - One whn had so nobly stood forth and advocated the principies, row laid down by the convenüon, and which these conferees had adopted and pledged themselves to maintuin. He was also the nominee of the Liberty party which was bound to sustain tho man of their choice, by every ju3t and honorable means - tucli was undoubtcdly the mind üf every Librty man in the committee. Butwhen John P. Hale in ihe magnanimimity of his nolile soul lor which lio has ever been charactorized tendered to the convention by his f-iend, his resignation, or the withdrawal of his name as a norninoe of the Liberty Party, on sonduion that tho nomineo of the Buffalo Convention take tlieir Platform. The admiration of the conferecí was expressed by loud applause, which was responded to by the general assembly with an enthusiasm that did credit to their feciings for the champion of Liberty. We voled for him in the convention of conferee. but shall cheerfully support the nominee of the convention, when he adopts the platform. - Martin Van Buren, also tendered hit resignation as candidate of tho Utica, convention. - After the ballot decided in his favor as nomineo for President, J. Leavitt, of Mass. rboved tho aaceptance, which was hailed with loud and repeatnd cheers, as wa also the name of Ch&rlus Francis Adams for Vice President. When tho result of tha deliberations was ar,rïounced to the general conventiou it was received by acclamation - and tho dernonstrationa mnnifested gave assurance that the peopio were unitecl in carrying out the great principies of reform.