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General Taylor And The Wilmot Proviso

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The friends of General Taylor at the Norlh are laboring veiy arduously to prove that their candidate for the Presidency is opposed to the extensión of Slaverv, and favorable to the principies of the Wilmot Proviso; while at the South, the Rough and lieady advocates are laboring with zeal to promote his popularity by persuadiug the people that lie is the firm nnd unflinching friend of their darling institution The tone of the following in reliitiou to the action of the wbig National Convention, copied f rom the Alabania Journal, the leading Wbig paper of that State, is, we tliink, a very strikina contrast withthe tone of the Taylor whig papers in this latitude. " Cilorioim Wctv.- The Uniaii Prewcrrcá.- IScpiilüatijn of the Wiluiot Provino by tlic 'hij CouTcnlion The friends of the South, as vvell as of the Union, will learn with inexpressible satisfaction that the Whig'Convention promptly met the question of the Wilmot Proviso, and repudiuted a resohrtinn adopfitig that doctrine at mice by an overwhdmiiig majority. It. ivovld not touch the unclean thing. How dift'-rent is this generbus and patriotic action from the dangerous and sectional fanaticism of the Democratie Convention. It will be recollected that a resol ution was introduced there by Mr. Yancey to repudíate the proviso, vUiich the Convention refused to do, by a vote of 216 to 36. This vote airned a death blow to the ïights of the South, and Is effect bas been to cast glöom and distnay in the licarts of those who struggle for the preservaron of our glorious Union. Doubts and fears began to overwhelm tho public mincl, 'est even the Whiga, the great conservativo party of iIü: Union, also might bc infected with this hcrcsij, and have yielded to the " progressiye" notions of the Locolocoism of the age. Thanks 10 a kind Providence, which bas alwayj watched over our heloved land - a party still exists determined to regard the " Compromisos of the Constituiion,'' &c, and tbosejust and equal rights toall sections, without ivh'ich our glorious Union cannot exist one niomcnt. They have met this incendiary and destructive principie as Whiga - in the old Whig spirt of eulightened patriotism of the patriotic fathers, and ofwhicli the party is founded. They dared to stand up and meet this fiiebrand of uuprincipled lactioaiots bolflly, (as the Democratie Convention did not) - to meet it as men aware of their duties, like their leader at Buena Vista, " asking no favors, and shrinking from no responsibility," - to cast 11 out of their Convention in the teeth of these infuriated fanatics - and to declare that it ghould be no piirt of the Whig creed. This the Democratie Convention would not do. - .We congratúlate the South - we congratúlate the Southern Wbigs who havenever appenled to the fidelity, honor, patriotism and generosity of their Northern Whig hrethern in vain. We congratúlate the Union that there is still one great patriotic party which is determined to resist the raad and nialign influences which, if uncbecked, would soon leave off its sacred rights, but the name." Who can doubt, alter reading the following from the Charlestown (3. Carolina) News, a Democratie paper, that Souihorn men of both parties, in giving their support to Taylor, knew ihcir man. Here is an influential newspaper, in the very heart of the slave región, avowing its fletermination to drop even the candidato of its own party, for the reason which it boldly avows, that he is more surely pledged to the support of the views of the Slavery extensionists, than even his democratie competí tor, whom cvery body kuows Las sold bimself, body and soul, to do the bidding of the negro-drivers of the South. "General Taylor's DOtninaÜOD was by the Southern and Western vo!e almost exclusiveiv, and their union in his upport wil] control and color bis administraron. South of Ma6on & Dixori's line and the Ohio, he got the vote of every state, liso a majority ofNorthWt'stern state who have supported our conUtutiooal rihts hitherto. While the great lioritv of the totes of New England and the Middle stalen, and Oliio, the section and hot bed ofnbolition and proluction, wei:i pol only for Clay or Scott, but many denouticed and repudiated With reference to the issue, is not tliis eminenily significant to us ? Has it not divided upon the aectional line as lo slavery, he being upon the Slave and constitutional side oí it. Wélt, again, Gen. Taylor stands unpledged specifically to the Whig pa.ty, and therefore his avoucd party doctrines and measures are not forced upon us in his support. All ihe great issues belweenthe lwo partios have been in the main determined, and are nenrly obsolete. Even politically objectionable as is his Allison letter, he yet in it planta imnU" on the Constitulion, and recognizaa propeily the veto power as a highly conservative óne. - His loose position ihat " the will of the people.asexpressed ihrough thcir repreaeotativea in Congress, as to the tariff, the t:ununcv,anl internat mprovements, ought to be respected and cairied out by thr execuiive," tnay turn out as much in our favor as against us, cspecially as that will has hitnerto generally defeated errors on those quesiions, But evun f we support Tnylor, can we not nlso mainlain and strugïle lor our principies ;is to measures? But all these are now trifles to the great issue - the slave quostion. If we catinot trust him who owns Southern slaves and Western mides, rasss rollón, and is devoted 10 agriculture, lives in the heart oi the slave section - who obtained hia nomination by Southern and Western votes ahnost exclusively, and vvill only be elected by thein - and uho bas always shown n Roman firmness - whom can we trust? - While we wo'd pledge our support to him as a Southern man ; mul upon ibis issue, we should give it onJy in this view. At the sanie we conld and sho'd repudíate Whiggery, and all party aflSliaïionl pledge ourselves onlyio Dgmocratic llepublican measurcs. and insist upon the election to Congress of Republicana only. By this course, we tbus use, as I have suggested, all thal is available to us of principies and men. We will defeat the North and Cass - the great finfl"