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John Van Buren

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John Van Buren, as most readers of thp : lasare aware, ís the second son of the ex-Presrdent 'an Buren. The good olJ couuiv of Columbia claimes him (br her child, and some lof her best and bso n test Dutch blond are in his veins. He took his Jégree with markcJ hon; nrs, at Yule Gpilege Suon afterwardi Ite hung ! up his hat, ns a student of l;iv, in the office ot Benj. F. Butler, (the present U. S. District y i ■ f . r !:■%-,) at Allmny. Unjerliim and Ju hdèrpooi; óf thia city, he completed his studies, lie was just aurnitted to the bar, when lus father baving been sent minister to London, he ■ Bcootapanied the legatlon. Ha took the opporlunity to si.'e i-nost of the European oountriës ; whfn kts f ilher'á niiminiition hoving been re!jeetcd bv the Senute. he returned with him to i 1832 to the Uniied S t ; i ■ . From the date of bis return with his f.ither, Mr. 'an Buren went back to his desk and his law books, and for several years pin-3ued the i practice of his profession with nssiduity and success. During this inlerval he visiteo England, in 1838, on professional business. Hia poiition, not more ihiin bis personal accomplishmcnts, "ivo hirn the enlreeinio the most exclusive circles in the world. The youtig republican was the lion of a whoie tondon winter. The proud men and women of proud aristocracy were darmed in spite of themsclves, bv a inaimcr of breeding as perfect as their own ; and the fu turo " BaFnbimier" had the dislinafuished honor of dancing at one of the siate halls oftho SöOSott, with gracious majesty herself V"ictoi-ia the First. His succes at court was rogarded as a phenomenon, and funiis'icd more additkins to the city gossip of:he papers in London, and this country, than an event of state mportánce. Befo re Iris return ha spent a considerable time in Ireland. Tlio generous hospitalities of a ivarin h Bantod people were lavished on the son oí' a Democratie President of the United States, and, in thtrt one citv. he was enn ■ strained to dncline the honor of public Corisideriitions ofubvious propriety connected uith liis f'athcrs publig relations 10 the democratie par.'y, and subsequeülly ui trepará Idoraegtic affliction, [the death of-tütt vif] kept, himin comparativa i-i tíreme at unti! abont. 1815. In that ycar, the long grovírf feud between the twó sectious of this stale, the " liur-ikers" and " barnbunioi-9" ConsëVvatlves mul radicáis whicli liail lii'i'ii sinot.lKM'tv] : ii, by the irbing stpugle F 184 brko om wiili vitee. Ilie ult.'uUiui i)f alloi'noy f;i:iicral, io:' llirBfe ycar?, was in.uli: tlu; cltcrcl de bataille between the two división. Mr. Ruí'us W. Packham, of Albnny, was the candidate of the "hurikei'S," and Mr. 'a:i Buion ui Barnburners." Aftera hoi strutizlPi MLr. 'iin Buron was : IJ in the tnucus by a rtiíijori!' une ; and su'osequently ap the ro. l''rom t!iii hourho was [efone thé pdopte. - On hi:n the " 3árribtitnci'sM aichíoVcd (rhjeir (irst victory in the p:i:tv. Vet it tfts hot 'ül ifierwards that lie disphiyod tho ; yhich liave rnado hitn thcir unquestioned champion and leader in t'ae sli Hu ' aroi'r an altoi'niry geDpfal was dintinguishcil y a skill and a!üiiy,iti his profession, tor which ï::v, even i;f his frfenda, Vöré ; pared, and whicli at mei: gave hini n hij;li positio n at the bar of New Yok; sorjle of h:s prosecutions of thre anti-renters, and of the nogrp f'reeman at. Auliurn, weru raasterpieces oi' gal scienco and pmvcr. His rencdiitro wilh Amlirose L'. Jordán Èsqi, afterwardi his successor in oliicc, tliring the groat anti renttnnTs] at IlmKon, is fri metnory of evc-ry reador. Thé insult oflbrcd by Mr. Jórdafn was (h"rnnf, ;ind liis cbastise ment va;; jirtimpt ntid surnitiary. lt wns one of tliosocasps when tbc popular sympailiv was all on one sido. Mr Jordán' mnimer wai too well kmiwn to the 'uar. and the pubüc, to cause ''■ much dissatisfaclion that iti one iiijtance at lnast, thfy liar] ipet n alutary nproof. Soon aflerwards occ.urrpd the Inmous New I ;: f. i i r. WtiO was right and wrong in thni. 'rroat and memorable collision between liiO " barnburuers" and " hunkert," the young Democracy and the ancient liegency, of Albany, itis uotonr.s to decido. It was an rnporant convorilion to both partiet, and it must. lie Carricsd. It was car-ricd by tlie " barivburnerg." Thu " hunkers " wera routed horse and i'oot ; i ssly, nor without il image to nose, eyes, ! face and garmenls. To tliis day thero is a ii-;i:iiiion, ihát víolenl Jiauds were lai'd on dis hod me in Kers of tlio " Regency ;" dnd icli r : i . ; : : t ■ t i in tlie land n i i Cor■■: 1 Edwin Croswcill, wcre forced to seek by flíht, through innít undignified exitl IVom windows and along 3hfdf. All Allunv was tlicre : áad Mr. Van Buvcn Mucl) W9 saul, ifierwai'df, bout. liis lia viü nr countunanced the indignilies iolfipce done to tho discomfitcd " liiiukn ■ ;" bol na no prf w.-i-, pyer attempi liim, whilc other prominent "barnriijrniM-;" vvjre uotually iiufictecT, if i; manifest that ilt -e charges were as usual, the óffapring of i;i -asan nperátío'n. He is a man altor Dr. Johnso i's on heart, thongh "a c;ood hater;" and thère is reason to teavv thar., thongh he did not ootmtehancé.as he did not witness ohii rouarh i and tumlile treaiment. oí sueh noíiticrtl sonal cneinies, as Crosivel!, Corning e leading anti-n -uiers, he did not hoar of it willi any overwhelming alfliction of spirit. [t neecis, thoy say, a great pcoasion to deve ipe a great man ; such an occasion is near I tor Mr. Van. Burén; While Silas Wrifjht live ,hi icoi imandln personal strength an i character gnve the Barnliurners a hopeJess lage Bver theír opponeñts. His sudden deoth, while it. dishe&rtened the ibrmer,enoourtbe latter to iwake a last desperate etroggle i'or their ost ascendency in the State. A nti n was lo In; held at Sy racuse, in Sep.■ IS 17, to noiniua'e state (ilücers under the-new Constitution. The Hunkers strained nervo to carry it. Barnburners : dij not a wake to their danger until too late. doings of the Convention produced , sulft too cxtiaordinary in the State, tobo soon ten by uur renders. It was a memorable erri in the history of ihe j Democriitic pörty"; it was not less so in the career of Mr. Van Baren. It was a convenfion of distinguishod strength anJ talent. Tiie er spirit of both pftrtiee wero amone: its members - Ba.-ker, Gitmberlenjr, Kink, Grover, 1) bu ti, and Field, on pile skiO : and on tho itiier, Bnidy, Sey m lur, Slrykeryiud Peckham. The very flower of the dcmccracy ' ihorc;. To bo an equal urnopg such men was an lionor. Dut in tho beat and struggle.John Van Buren, like tbe grecian King at Troy, stopd a head and sho'uldors above them all. - He v. is rej'Tted%s i delégate by the convenlii i. Tliat was not mucli t him. He was too ■ .. ,,,,„, ,-.,■ por the 1-:::hr . ■ once thev had him in thcir tmls. Thai cr,u enbiouglit liim out. fop the ftrtt time, in liis native power if' intellect and focce oí will,and raaile hit:i at nnce tlie fcremost man of his )ir!y in ihe state., His speech in bis own case, was rresistaijle in iis argumeni- in i;s invective, tremendous. 'J'lwi! day he smote tho Philislinea, " hip and thigli, with exceedng slaugh'er. The editor of the Argus hé flayed alive. For montln he hád Ijcen the object of his constant nttacks, without the op; tunity to reply. Now. it was his turn, and the vengeance he took was " full mensure and running over." Si tree ihat sppeech .Mr. CrosweU'8 bitterness againit hira has evidcntly tak deeper tinge. It was a complete and s; triumph for Mr. Van Buren, and as un&Xp ed os it was signal. A feiv men hal known him as a strenuous and uncotnpromisihg radical, tlie object, necírirtiy, ol' the constant a;nl bitter attacks of Mr Croswcll, whose intuitive icity had discernfld in hiin a foeman worthy of his steel. Most rnen remernbored him sirnply as the son of a Presiden! - a young man ruther ornamontal than useful, tho " P.ritice John," in short, of the London gossip ; smart, good looking, and well bi-eJ, with rather a' narroiv escapo uf being a d.áiiuy. Xot si men in the state were preparéd for the power he i maniffSted at the cotivention. Like the 1 i s ! rebellion, he broke out forty thousand strong when mi body expected it. Thencefurth hls has been sutliciently direct and decided. , He seenis to have feit that for him, the Rubicon liad been passed. - He Ciinic at once into the contest, with a heart iness and vigor, wbich, while it Bttachéd H'S party to hira morenrrnl.v than ever, and estabishecl liim in the leadership, n tho same de, e emmttered hit opponent; Kis ippecMés at Aibany, (directly after his return IVom Syraciise,) nul nt Horkiiner, worü nrarkód wltli böldtifeis.n poiwt and ar e loc] u . inknnwii iti the politioul coirtsota of the state. He did iK)t hfiitatii !o ;imiv that lio would not iote " ilio Syrncne tiokel" Wit ii invective t.lmt ovorwlii'liricil, and sarcasnj that out to tha jone, ho asíailiul the caijijiuutesori tho ticket, the Kien liiat made it, and -ill wlio snppott ed it. Ho arou8ed the whóle state. Every blow told. For weeks he enípfoyed tlie entiro Hunker presi in this state in parrying or returnin? li is attucks ; hé m;ile himsalf feit i at WashingtoH. He rose tri n position of tlia firsl imporlance, not only in the statu but in lin I:nion. His lnteet speech nt Hudson, before the Co. . mi (.'ouiity Conven! less pungen! than a ai Syracuse, Albanv and Herkimer, was . lered i'v manv as lua 1 ejeposition of the great and difficultqaestiofi of thé 'vri!::ot Proviso, it is most ab'o. nor is it wantirfg in pjingenoy. Heré and thore liis 1 tiveiecige woutd liie thVougti. Por instance ;i ■ w'w.r'n is 6ald 10 li;ve prodilcod the iteBt impressTttn, urn! vvliich ia noi in pnuüshèd report, of lus speech. S,pea.J;ing o the prevailing tenJency of the young inen ol the day to e " Baniburners," and its efíeet on the relativo posilioii of tho two secüons, witiiin i frw ycars, Ko Sftid : " Wiii;i(U-or I go, [ sec i new race nfmenj herween tven!y-one and thii'ly, preseing hi;-yra into pr-lilical lifo n iho repubiican p lt' 1 ware a cQnservaüve, as I aui not - lo seo theso young shoot.s i'iiug up all around rae, woulii rn al a; I cquH faney a dead I mm vvonld füol when tho grasi wa growmg ) óver hun." Itis in illustrations like thia, plain.diteot aml ■ keen, wnioh go homa to every inaü's brcaat, that one power of hts eloqtiencc lies. Hij hits are " most palpable" lo every body - ' ly to the nnlucky objects of (hem. Mr. Van Uuren is now about 35 years ofaga -in the bloom of' lus manhood and intellect. Sinee Win. Crawf'ord was hurried to a too , ly gravo, no man at tlier saino age has enjoyad such a position before the country. Ofcöurse he lias enemies - many and bitter. That 18 9 part oí' his clüiraeter. 13ut he lias tioops of Yiends, devoted enthusiaslie and efficiënt. Among the youtfg men of'tliis state his popularityis unbounded. Thoy art-.proud of his courage, his lalonts, and his unswerving le.yality to j liis l'rifiids. In tuis Ia3t quaütv he is a enume chi) of tlio oíd block. Singularly unlike his fatlier in many of his pMimirie.nt'crharncteristics I lie resembles him ín his fidelity io his friends. j That he canias to tho utmost. He never siirinks fi-oin them, though to stRnd by tliera is certuin ruin. His friendsmp has, in that respect, the - devotioii of the deepejjjfeeling of whích tho )oet says : TlironL'li tiif funincc iinahrinking, thy stop 111 pn Añil shiciií thi e, Bi) 1 -:v" tii i The elementa of popuiarity l'n his character are not. mere'y of a public nature. In coraman wi:li al! w-ho have c ver distuiguished themselvesas populnr leaders, he has the happy facnlty of attraeringequálly al! classes of men in public or i:i private. He is the ufe of the. circ] ; the wine dees not sparkle brighter, and his i: the joke that is sure to set the tabla in a roar. HU sty-le of speaking is strongly marked. - Endowed by nature or educalion with coolnesa and selí possession that are ímperturable, and at times, perfectlv supero, he has the habit of saying his most bitter things without apparent effnrl.and as if unconsciously. With the smoothest voice and the bhmdest air.he drops sarcasms and invectives that rank Ie forever. This is ■ quaiity that makes him ünequalled in adcI bate. His persona! ippearance is stnkiiiíX. He 13 till and slender, with a stoop noíurtgraccfalin one oí" his hoight, anda gait which, like his ! casm, is as uustudicd and a spjontoneoug a possiblc The liead, howevcr, in the man. - In any cotnpanv, uncovered it wonld strike the most ciircleaa obscrver. It is perfect in its way, and is a type of Ít3 CittS3. The features, sniall and finely fcraed - tlie qoick, well cut nostnls, the clear, !u?e:i evo - 'he íirrr, upper lip - it ia, ahoffether, a face and licad fuü of rare beauty and exprc5Siv.