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From the Union Herald: The advocates of an independent abolition political organization...

From the Union Herald: The advocates of an independent abolition political organization... image From the Union Herald: The advocates of an independent abolition political organization... image From the Union Herald: The advocates of an independent abolition political organization... image
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From tlie Union Hcrald.

The advocates of au independent abolition politicai organización or"parly" are only responsible for the success of the plan in case the abolitionists of ;l)e lanc had unanimously cspoused it. They deemed such uniled action by ihe friends of the slave as admirably nppropriate and fiüed for ihe specdy nnd eer f a in overo throw of ihat untighleous icgisluíinn, bv whichslavery subsisls. They hul i right to expect ihat all abolitionists, who do not renounce the elective franchise, would unire in such action - they diü, and they do stil so expect, notwithstahding ihe opposition the measurehas met 'witli from many abolitionists, from lfe enürc bodyof purly politicians, and from ihe mibroken phalanxofslaveholders. Whenre lliis opposition? From the laiter two classes it can be accounted for. It might be excused in aboütionists, if ihe plan involved a renunciation of the power of truth, as is alledgcd by soma; but so lon as Ve continue our warfare against the sin by moral meansand superadd ihe exerjion of al! ourpolitical influence lo overlhrow a monstrously vvickéd insiiuuion. then, indeed, the blame rests on those wím oppösé us, ifour course lo v;cíory and tnum}l be retar ded. I, for one, beiieve in ihc proprieiy of abolitionisls. who vote, cufting loose from their respective pari e?, and associating politically for the elecliun of men who will use thé authorify and infiaence of official station for abolisliing liiosc unholy laws by which our fellow men are enslaved in this land. Wilhout the abroalion of those laws slavery cannot be ábolishedjí - Individual emancipation ly the simplo force of moral simsion would lo somc extentperhaps toa largeextent. be ellccied The faitbful use of moral suusion, ihen, is our duty. Now suppose bcn, a fiiend to independent politica! aetion, Í shoutd ex-rpend a great part of rny time anti energics in eflbris to prevent othcrs frum preaching, praying, printing, and taiking agitinsl the sin of slavery, and f rom pouring the truth inlo the ears of ihis guüly muion. - Suppose mysëlfand my assocjates in ihis course should prophecy that ihe tnorai sua sion enterprise would bea fiiHure,and then aftera few months cófitinüïtfgtoac hösüle action, should assert most coufidently that it had provcd a failure. ÊSuppoae wc should cali conventions and pass resolutions, condemning moral suasion; and ridiculing as visionary, the ideït of tliecy of trulh m the contest wilh error; nnd warning the friends of the shive ngáinst sinister and ambitious designs of i'some" tof the advócales of moral suasion: I say, Pshould we do all this, insie.ul of wishihg our brethren God-speed in Iheir cfforls to effect our comraon object in the way dictatetl by their judgoierfl and conscience, would it be fair, manly or mngnanimous in us to aftribute to the impotetice orabsurdity of tiieir mcasures, the slow progress of the abolition enterpri3e? Would Tt be noble, after having done all we roukl to thwartour brelhren, then to ridicule them hecause their expeciations had not been fully realized? VI may be íold for I haveheard itsaid,that muijy of i lic "third party leaders" do ridicule and renounce moral means as nppropriate in our cause; but I have neveryet heard such rhiñga fromihe lips, or seen ihem in the writings, of an'y frienJ of distinct polilical aclion. I know indeed, thatmany, if nut all of ihom, Have small hopea from ihat moral stiasion which preaches, prays, writes ind prints, in 'dchalf of the slave, ond then votes íbr the elaveholder. I know, also, ihat muny of them regard faithful, uncoitipromiin action at the polls as a valuable instruïnentality within our reach, for the subversiónot the slave systcm; muinly hecuuse llmt by it, we can testify in the most emphatic and convincing manner our full com ction of the enormous wickedness of the System. We might, indeed, clear our own conscience from Uie charge of sustuiniu" slavery directly, at the polls, by absemin ourselves, or by casting a scattering vote" B.M of whnt further avnil is theholding of votes? Volea decide wliat is public opinión in a pppulur government. The Covenaniers, as a body, and mnny of the Friends réfusé lo vote at all, beertuse the constitution of this governtncnl recojinizes sluvery and war. WImt influence have these no-voiers on ;h; pUbHc coutrcils? Nota wiiii. I admire ;íi. ir un- beoding conscicniiousnes - .i so c! üenry Chty. Whilc ihe wliole ■ I was iti cominoiiou ai ihc m?olcní pcíiti-on-ing of vuiers, Henry Clay i-ose in bis place and wiili ihe utmost conjgjacegey, pie énted a pelition f rom u yearly mceiing of Friendá. '-The petilioners!" (said he in substance,)'are conscietiliousíy uppóséd U siavery. They have no conneciion wiiii modern practical abclitionists. Théy de not propuse lo inierfere wiih o?cr inslilutions except lo e.v)ress in i hts peucéfu! way, tlieir cóhscientious views. They are enlilled lo respect." He liad n feirs 'from sufch a.bolïtionistsj nót he. Blü - whena few uf iis be a ti to make thid gréát quésiion Uie lest ihe ncw. ciught the oars oí' flériry Cay. üis whole ínner man was alarmed. Ilis bowels yearned in dreadful cdftipjiisüh over the '"üme-sanetified" propériy of íhe South. íle saw a cioud ariíing big wiih evil potent to thp dear cherisbed palriarchal instituiíoii!- He took the fbor and n bis famons anti ;.b oliiion speech warned the señalo of danger Whyso alarmed ? Mr. Clayí-'lhey are'agoing to regúlate ihéir votes by ibis quost:on,"said he. But say some abulitionists vvhü oppuse our organizatiun, "ve can make' ibis question the lest of our votes without a party. We can s.aüer our votes, or piefer eme party candidale lo another." Votes indeed may be scattered, butwilhhey, or have ihey been, in any reat numbers,scaltered? I doubt íf the wholo numueruf voting alolitionisls who scutier'ed tlieir votes tt ihe recent eiection voidd amount to one-twcntielh of íJiosé vho voied l he Liberty t .kef. Al Ihe est ofihe 100,000, voting abolitionisls in he Uniled títatcs of course voted íbe iheoppressor, tiius givuig ilie musl unde.uiuble cvidence ia the moral uid policial ihtéjrilyofthc slaveholder.and endor.sitig aíí of hen own condemnation of liim as wilfu Uuulcr. As (o preferring (üie party cunidate tü nnollier, i s oniy preierri'ng ue uppprjtef of a pro-slavery purly to anotiir, so long as botli parlies refusc to own ur principies. Besides, I can see no ïoro danser, or evil, or deréïictioij of An-Slavcry principies or renunciütion oí iü power of trutli, iVom assoeialing tu o!e in concert for good men and irue, uin from associaiing to viihho!d or scater votes, or to cast liiem for candidatesrende red unworlhy oí ihe súfrale of ircemen, by reuson ol iheir aiiachment and subseiviency to proslavery parliesIn my viewit is die tq'ihink: of inflt:ejicing any considerable nutnber oi" our peoplc to give up ihe oonalittriiopal, rajntn al and pcaceful mode of redrcss, for real r maginetJ griev.inccs, ly the ballot box, br the purpose of expressing in a negalive ud intangible manner, , their sentiment i any que.stion ofpublie policv, or any )iinciple of nglueousness. Tbis people is voling people, and at= sueh every elector is responsibie for the oppression that is Pramcd by iaw; and this re-ponsibility is bcgioning to bc lelt. The poor slave. bas claimá u'poq ihe oor'.liern ballot box" and he h;is grievious churgeg aain?t it too. In seven Siaies lie ve;irs fiis r.hains by its cornmiüci, nd in all ilie land by its permission. ile ashs it oiilyjo uuk is own deeds of wrong. lis Mee, if onne ultered in bis behaljwould restore to him hjs huiiiu'iiiy. That vóieè would gn boo(tiingj)ver the Aleg.inies, carrjïn'g wilh it hope and joy and deHvcrance, 7' ihe votitvr friends of the óppreásed, wmild illojciiH. same miii" - il inev won ld uniie lor tii;itplject, as ihey uu ie for the furtherauco of o: her quesïions of f) concern ment. Euire'nchëu in her' )ck fortress, slávery iuugha at sermona and prayers. Sbe cupisher lip in .otu at the resolutions ofa iTorthf:rn catory, wiiile momburs .!' iha; ,'ii.n y li - iie iheir reious j u i i,'t s By voting for Ihs Oj)jic3s?ur. tilie iruurio ' vytipnshc sees tti% Nurtlicrn (ipimucii a.-socjie for thé [Surpose of levejing her Troijd „cilvtdel with thedusl, Uy mc:uuia);rojra(e trt (ie euii. Slie puys ihojse meri liumae v boa shc sees so impi-e.-sed wiih u Pense of her uncquallctl jullr; tht ihey ?u,u'er ihe fleep róotèd and foiig cherfshfed lie'á of poI!íl-u1 affihilji ia onicr t.) npheave her own blood ëmWdUeri cóririérswne. Slio knpwa lhal"ui)ion s sjrert i,:" .urciore. ia sttstöining Hie slave iass. ike Som i is oneMhdvisible; and ihereiupe, lor, iluiir ihntisand avuiiues hf influente are onen (■ liindcr iraion Kfñong us forlheir overlíirow i In tiiis Ihe mtisl not, she wiii nöt surru; :■1 have the fullest eorifüeive hm ere Ion.' 'lic great body of the voling ilol!..m.vs will see (ye (o eye ui lelation to pur par ly, and will rally, as ly a cmmori, a4l pre vod ing impulse of iium.ioiiy, uiider our eveii-een Diuincr. for ihe icöeoipübn ol our Urolher muruied bv luw, ofomselves ind ojr country Irom li'ie stn ml i!x; lliral dom öflegalized oppressio. Whoii l iun laiunted wjih the smallnoss of our receñí vóie, I forgivawhe (aunt uid overíock ihe liiilcness of soul ihat promoted t; wheiherit Re froiti au etierny or "tVoui one ivjtR jvhora 1 had aken sweei couusal; rfnd I re memberthat !he penodXVaö onc of' unprecedentcomrnotion ofmm.l, mu ihat as ihe lomado is succccdí;( l)y a calm, so lliat i fnighiy struggle san hui bc 'ui!. wed ly a seasón of reiíeciion; md 1 bliss G.d ihat uircady we findn door ofulieretice, i- teiiing ear, and a spirit ot inquiry on this tik qHíjsrion,a]rthÁrtinwon'eá 'v thehislory of our enterprise. I freí i!, theli lore, in my hcart toinvi'e those vtho havo hindered us, lo review ihe'ground oftlieii opjiosition, confident ihat sucli a review uy magua nirnous mindá, will reduit in iha unión of ücfioii among thn fricnds of ihe s!:ive whicli cati he hailcd as the harbinSér èfhiS'speedy dolivor:ncc.