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Every man woman and child in thé United Status, who posaesses a Iiiblf , will surely furnish themselves wilb the fullowjug beuutifu] series of scripture ÏHustrations. 200 piclorial illustration of ihebble, aud view m the Holy Land. Fourlvjndredpnge3, 8vo., fine paper hatidsomely bound, piice only two dollars Th subscribir respectfully invites the attention oi'Ciergymen, teachers ot eabbalh schools heads of families, and booksellera, throughout the Uniteii States, to tho above new, cheap, and splendidly Illustrated work, pub lished and for sale, at No. 13.2, Nassau Sreet N. Y. City. lts features are better defined by the tille:- Two Hundred Pictorial Musirations of the Scriptures, confiiafing of views n the Floly Land, logether wilh many of the most remarkabJe objects menlioned in tho oíd and new testamenta, representing sacred liistorical events, copied from eclebrated pictures, principally by the old masiers, tho landscape scones, taken from original elcetches made on the sput, wilh full and intereeting letter-press descriptions, devoted to an expltnatiou of the obj-.cts mentioned in tho sacred text. On exaniinaüon thia will be founJ a vorv pleasant and protitable book, especially fop. the perusal of Yonng People, abounding ia tlic most vahmble Information, collected with grent care, l'rom the best and latest source8. It m;.y, very properly, be designated a common place bouk of evcry hing valuable, relating to Oriental Manners, customa, and cüinpnses within itself a complete library of religious knowledge. A volume liko tli preeent, is Tar superior lo the common Annuals - It will never be out of date-It ia be.utifully printcd in new long primer type, handsomeiy bound in muslin, gilt and lettered; and is, decidedly, the best and cheapest pubiicatioii, (for the priee,) ever issued irora Uie American Press. The present work differs from all othera ever publislied in this country. The immense treusures of Arl wlnch the great Paintera have buquealhed to us on aacred Bubjecta, are here opened to all, as faras they are capable of being diffused throtigh the medium of wood engravings. AmoDg uur numeroue numerouseinbellishments, wiil be found tho celebrated CARTOONS OF RAPFAELLE, and tho series of the prophets, so tnagnificent ly portrayed by Michael Angelo in tho Sisline Chapel. VIEWS IN EDOM(PETRA,)EGYPT,eic. These laiter, and all the Landscape Scenei, are represen ted with that fidelity which ws are now altle to rsalize through the labors oí recent travellers. The other objects, whetherof Natuial History, of Costume, or of Antiquities, are, also, delinealed with equal accuracy. Mdtiy of the Illustraiions requiro lit'Je or no comment - they speak for themselues. The work cannot fail in pruving acceptable to all denomination of christians. A liberal discount made to wholesale purchaaers. Prrsons in the country, wishing to act as age:U8, may ohtain all the necessary ïnforumüon, by addressinp; their letters to the subsenber, No. lL Wassan etreet, N. Y. ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. Clergymen, Superiniendenls and Teachers ofSabbath Schoolsagenta of religious news papers, and periodicals, Poet-tnasters and Bookse llers, throughout the country, are rospeclfully requested to act as our agents. No letter will be taken from the office unlees it is poet paid. May 19, 1841. 4tf

The peculinnties of this Chemical Com- pound, are owing to itsextraordinary effects iipon the aoimal fibre or nerves, ligaments and muficles, its virtues being carried by them tu the immediate seat of discase, or of pain and weakness. Howuver good any interna] remedy may be this as an external npplication, will prove a. powerful auxilary, in renioviQg the disenso and faciliaüng the cure, in case of Local In. flamation, ScrofFulous Affections, King'a Evil, Gout,Inflamtory,and Cbronic Rht-uraatisrn, and in alocases whire eeated pain ot weakness ex6ts. A gentleinen travelling in the South of Europc, and Palcstine, in 1830, heard ao much tsiud in the lattcr place, in praise of Jtw David's Piaster; and of the (as he consideretij miraculuus cures it performed. thal lx; was induced lo try it on his owu person, for a Lung and Liver affection,the rem o val of whicli had been the chiei' object of his jour noy, but whieh had reeÍ6ted Üw genial itiñaence of that balmyand delicious cjimate.- . He put o;ie over the regiun of the Hver; :n tila mean time he drank fieely of'aa herbI tea oi' laxative qualities. He eoon found his heulih inproving; and iti a few weeks his cough lefthim, ihc salíownesa of hisskin disappeaied, his pain was removed, and bi$ hcaith becaine permanently rc-instaietl. Ic has hkewise been very beneficia! ín cay ees of weaknestí, such. as weakneè and pain in the stomach, weak limbs, Jameness, and offüctiuns of' the spine, female tvea!ness,Sc. No female subjccl topain ur weakners mth back or side should ba witiiout it. Married ladies, in delicate situalions find great relief from constantly wearing thrs p!;t6ter. No puffing, or grat notorious certificato is intended. Those who wiih lo saíisfy üiemsclvos ofthe cfiicacy of this plastnr.canoblaiu sufficient to spread 6 or 8 piasters for 50 cents, a sum not half euificient to pay for tile ínsertion of a single certifícate into any ofour moslcommon prints, a single time.- iliis l rif! ing price per box is placed pon it, in order tíiat it may be within the mens of evcry offlicted son and d.-mghter of tho communilyjthat alJ.wheiherricfi orpoor.may obtain l.'ic treasuro of liealth, wbich resulta froiíi its use. Jew David'a or Hebrew Piaster, is & oer cain cure for corns Dircctiona accompany each box. Pricf 50 cents. Doolittle Ray, agenfs for Michigan. Country cgents supplied by M. W. Birck aid fc Co., Detroit. Sold by Dr. Me Lea Jaclsson; Dewey k. Co., IVapoleon: D. 1 Kief, Manchester; Eílis i Pierson, Clinton P. Hall, Leoni; Q.G. Grewell, Grass Ike Keeler Li Powers, Concord. Ann Arbor, My le, 1841. if

An important discovery for Rheutnatism Fever Sores, White Swellings, Injiamma tion in the Eyes, Burns, S wel led Throa in Scarlet Fever, Quinsy, fyc. The Chemical Plaster is an importan remedy for all those who are afïïicted with inflammatory complaints, by its easing pains counteracting inflammation, and giving spee dy relief, by its active, strengthening, ant sudorific properties.- - An efffctual remedy for inflammaior}' rheutnatism, ague iu the jreast, cramp, burns, bruises, scrofula, olc sores, ulcera of al most every description, cankered and swelled ihroats arising from scarlet fever, felons, white swellings, chil)lains, &L,c. Persons suffering from liver complaint?, pulinonary diseases, inñammation on the lungs, with pains in the sides ind breast, pain and vveakness in the back, will fifid relief. In all cases it may be used vith safety. TO THE PUBLIC. To WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. This may certify that í, Erastus Dean, he proprietor of E. Dean's Chemical Piaser, have for more than two years been in a elicate state of health, so that 1 have been jnable to prepare and circuíate said Piaster o thut extent which the interest of the suifering community demands; and feeling so valuable an article ought to be extensively made known to the afflicted, I have made nrrangemeu!s with H. I1ARRIS k, Co., of Ashtabula, Ohio, to manufacture and vend it in my nnine as my sole successors. This, :herefore, may be relied on as the genuino irticle heretotbre prepared by nie,-As witness mv hand, ERASTUS DEAN. Wertpielv, CHAUTAtquE Co., N. Y. January 21, 1C39. Penn Line, Pa. April 7, 1340. Messrs. H Harris k. Co.- Sirs:- Since í was atyour store in JuJy last, I have used E. Dean's Chemical Plasler, which I have reeeived from you at different times, and feel mysclf in duiy bound to you as proprie(ors, and to the people generally, to recotnniend the same as a safe and efficacious remedy for those complaints for which it isj recommended. I have used it in several cases of inflamed eyes, in some of which íts effects (ib a curative havo been very decided, and in no case has it fuiled of giving relief where it has been applied according to directions, and all vvho have used it are perí'ectly saüsíled with it so far as I Unow. I have also applied it in some severe cases of agüe in the breast with the happiest effects. I would also ïelate the case of Mr. Thomas Logan, who has been afflicted with the riieumatism in one hip for thirteen years, sothat he had been compellcd to abandon labor in a great measure. I IJ him have a box of the Piaster, he opplied il, and for tbree daye found, as ho supposed, no benefit, but after that he perceived that the pain :vas not so severe, and in less iban two weeks he could labor hard all day and rest froe from pain at night. He says that ho would not part with the box he has for three hundred dollars, providing he could not obtain another. He also says to me, keep ït on hand and recommend it wherever yougo. I have used the piaster in cases of pains in the sides, back, shoulder, etc. with like good effect. Yours, rf-c. DANIEL KNEELAND, M. D. íMonroe, June 18, 1839. Messrs. II. Harris &c Co.: - Sirs: I have used K. Dean's Chemical Piaster for more than four years past, and do cheerfully recomn)end it to Physicians for rheumatism, sprains of wrist, ankle, shoulder, fcc. In felons, whitlow, and scrofulous swelüngs of all descriptions, it is generally an eff'ectual remedy. In short, uherever there is a pain it is almost sure to give relief n a few hours. I have used it in a great number of rheumatic affections. One of my patiënte, aged 40, full habit, had a rheumatic svvelüng on one leg. He had been unable to get out of his house for three months; his leg was swelled to an enormous size, twice it s usual bigness; every thing had been done withoutsuccesg until we commenced using' Dean's Chemical Piaster. We enveloped the knet, and a portion of the limb in the piaster, ant in three days the swelling eniirely disappeared, and in ten days he went aboui nis ordinary business. Sch has been our suc cesa witn me articie, ana v uuw wlilingii recoramend it to the public for a trial. Yonrs 8íc. J.H. REYNOLDS, M. D. The piaster is now put up in boxes at 50 ceñís, and one dollar each. Made and sold, vvholesalo and retail, by H. HARRIS & Co., Ashtabula, Ohio- sole proprietors. None genuine unless signed by H. Harris on the stereotype wrappor. The above articie may be had at the store of J. M'Lean, Jackson; Hale && Srnith, Grass Lake, and by the principal druggists througfiout the State. Jackson July 4, 1840

Stray cd F ROM the subscriber about the first of this monlh a dark brown pony, with white hind feef, a white spot in the forehend and a smal) white stripe on one side of the neck. Whoever wil! return said poney to the subscriber in the village of Ann Arbor, orgive information where he may be lbund shall be suitably rewarded. V. H. POWELL. Ann Arbor, AprW 26, 1841. ■jTUST RECEIVED the Anti-Slavery jp and Christian Alrnanacks for 1841, at Alex. M'Farren Book Store, 137 Jefferpon Avenue. Detroit, Pee. 10. 1840. Produce of cvcry Description, MECEIVED in payment for Job work, Advertising and Subscriptions to the "SiGNAt. of Libekty," if delivered at the Office, immediately over the Store of J. Beckley, fo Co. April 28. Wood! Woed! Wood! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a few cords of good hickory wood n exchange for the "Signal of Liberty." ÏBLANKS of every description neatlj ■- executed at this office.

In orer that this valuable medicine shoult not bo counterfeited, we have a píate repre senting a persian scène, that is struck o each bill, one of which accompanies eac! box. VVe deern it unnecessary to publish long list of certiflcutes, ae they will neithe add to nor dioiinish the virtues of this admi rabie compound. Superior lo the Hygeian,Brandreth's,Evan tomatto, the Matchless (priced) Sanative or any other Pilis, or Compound, before the pubiic, ae certified to bv Physicians ant others. Let none condemn them until tliey have tried them, and they will not. It is no w a settled pomt with all who have used the Vegetable Persian Pilis, that thej are preeminently the best and most efficacious Family medicine, that has yet been used in America. If every family could become acqnainted wilh their Sovéreign Poto er over disease, they would seek them anc be prepared with a sure remedy to apply on the first appearance of diseasej and then how much dislress would be avuiiled and money saved, as well as lives of thousands who are hurried out of time by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can place dependence upon. All who wish (o guard against sickness, should use the Persian Pilis freely, when needed, no injury can ensue, if used from youth to oíd age, when taken according to thedirection8. CERTIFÍCATES. " . Rochestcr, Sept. 1840.Messrs E Chase LfCo?npany: - Gents. Sirs: - Tiiis is to jnrform you tha we haveused your Vegetable Persian Pilli for a year past, in our practice,and are, wel pleascd with their operation. Believing Uien to fulfil iheir advertiement, in answering as a substitute wberecalomel is indicated, vu can recominend them to the public. Drs Brown, M'Kensie, & Halsted. Rochester, 1840. TO MOTfJERS. Messrs. E. Chase fy CoGents. - Hearing much said about extraordinary effects of the Resurrectioa or Persian Pilis, upon those about to become Molh ers, we were induced to make a trial oí them. My wife was at that time a mother of 5 childrcn, and had euftered the moet exexcruciating pains during and after her confinement of each. She had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief. She commenced taking tlie Persian Pilis about 3 mo. before herconfinement (her hcalth being very poor about this length of time previous,) and soon after was ennbled hy their use to a'.tend to the carea of a moílier to her family until her confinement. At the time she commenced taking the Prsian Pilis, and for several weeks previous, with a dry hard cough, and frequently severe cramps, which the use of the puls entirely removed before using half a box. It is with great confidence that we advise ail those about to become Mothers to make use of the Persian Pilis. All those that have taken them in our neighborhood, have got along in the same easy manner, and are about the house in a few days. There does not appear to be half the danger of other difficultiea setting in after confine'ment where these Filis are taken. Wc unitedly say, let none neg-Iect taking thera for they ore in the reach of the poor as well as the rich. We are truly thankful thatthere is a remedy vvhich females can easily procurL which bids to lessen the world of suffering, which QMfepf them have to bear, and perhaps JH KflL lives of thousauds which othervviseMWbe lost. Rochester, May r?th, 1840; corner of Cal edonia square, Edingburg street. For psrticulars; see subscribers. S. ROBERTS, A. O. ROBERTS. Gents. - I wish you to send a quantity of, rour Pcrsian Pilis to this place, for I am sure they vvould meet with a ready sale. Aly brother-in-law while passing through your place heard so much said in their beha]f,that he was induced to prchase4 boxes; and I may safely say that they have done moro for myself and a half sister of mine, than $400 which I had paid to Doctors, and for other various prescriptions and medicines. I have used 28 boxes of Brandreth's Pilis, which gave me some partial relief. But your Pilla went right ahead like aman of war. What passed off looked like ink. My disease hasbeen named differently hy every Ph3'eician; but ray idea is, thdt it was a general vitiee ofthe fluids vvhich produced symptoms of almost every diseaee. It would be too tedious for me to give give you a Iiistory of all my difficultie8. I was weak.dnll, stupid and reduced to a skeleton. All hopes of beintr restored had been given over, except by my brother-in-law. I took two boxes ofyour Pilis, and am able to perforra my duties in the couniing room. My sister was consumptiye- herliver was much arTected, her legs swelled- a harsh cough constantly troubled her. One box ofyour Pilla entirely relieved her frora all those 6ymptoms. - I am about to remove to Burlington, and would wish an agency, &c. STEPHEN B. LUTHER.Jr. FEVER fe AGUE, CHILL FEVER &c. Those in health who live in marshy countries, and unhealthy climates, can avoid the dieease to which their situations are subject, by taking the Persian pills once, and in some inslances perhapa twice a week, to cleanse the eystem and purify it from the small accumulation of effluvia, which causes the different diseases, in different situationsor the country. Those whofinddisease fastincreaeingupon them shonld take 6 or 8 pilis on going to bed, which vvill generally opérate as a gentle emetic and cathartic; after which oontinue the use of them in smaller doses, as recoramended in the other large bilí. Those who follow this couree will find them a sure and never failiog1 preventiveThose whoee diseases are stubbom, ehould take a sufficient quantity of the pilis to vomit them once or twice, say every third night till their d8ease is subdued, then take them in smaller doses until every vestigeof it is exterpated. Be no longer imposed upon by 'Torne Mixtures," "Tonic Bitters," or any medicine recommended to break the Fever and Ague; as they all contain more or lessinc and arnsmc, which, if tliey break the Ague, injure the constitution, often causing the patientB to linger out a miserable exia' tence, subject to every other disease. These pills do not break the Ague leaving the acattered fragmenta in the oystem, to show themselves in every other form, butb their cleansing propevtiea they root out every vestige of disease, leaving the 6yatem free and heallhy. and the constitution not only unimpaired but itnproved Those who wisli a tonic bíter can innke a most excellent one after the receipt that accompaniea cacli box of pills. Doolittle and Ray, State Agents for Michigan. Orders addressed to M. W. Birchard íl co., will receive attention. Sold by Doet. Mc.Loan Jackson; Devry k, co., Napoleon; Ellis fa Pearson, Clinton I. D. Kief, Manchester; T. Huil, Leonr; C. G. Grcvell, GraBS-Lako; Keeler Sc Po we ra Concord.

For removing diseases arising frora an abuso of Mercury, chronic and constitutional diseases, such as scrofula or king's evil, secondary syphillis, ulcerations, corrosionsof the throat, nose, cheeka, lips, eara and other paris of the body, eruptioa on the skin, rheumatic affections, white swellings, pams in the bones and joints, tever sores, obstinate old sores, 8caJled head, salt rheura, ring worm and other diseases arisWg from an impiire state of the blood. Also, habitual costiveness,, piles, chronic affections of the liver,lunga and chest, pains in the stomach and sides night sweats, &c. It is likewise much recommcuded as a cleansing Bpring1 medicine. Tuis compound fluid extract is AlterativoDiuretic, Diaphorelic, Laxative, Aroraetic,. and slightly stimulent, and may be used Buccessfully in scrofiulous and syphiloid diseascs, and that shattered state of the conetis tution which so often follows the abuse of mercury, cxotoses or morbid enlargemenl of the bones, supiginous mustulcs of ringworm; ulcerationa generally; caries of the bones ; cartileges of the nose. tnoutb, with the other diseases above mentloned, and all diseaes arieing from a morbid state of the blood.Thcre is hardly a physician who has not had occasion to observe with pain, the phag ! edenic variety of herbs; and in epite of all j their remedies he could bring against this i cruel disease, was compelled to acknowl edge their inefficacy aud allow the monster i to corrode and destroy the nose, cheeks, Ups, eyelids, ears and temples; parts of which this malady generally affects a preference. But ín this extract, wili be found a perfect reraedy, in all such cases, and where the disease has not produced a very great i derangement of structure, it will even yield to this remedy in a very short time. Within a very short poriod, there has been great improvements in France, oo the pharmaceutical and chemical treatment of Sarsa parilla, and it has been fully pro ved tha. nine-tenths of the active principies of that valuable root is actually lost in the usual mode of preparing it for medical u'se. The compound extract being a very nice pharmaceutical preparatiun, requires the most rigid care and skilful management, and not without strict reference to the peculiar active principie of each of its constit uents. The French chemists have ascertain ed by actual experiment, that the active principie of Sarsaparilla is either destroyedby chemical change, or driven off by the I heat of boiling water; consequently the preparations frotn this root in general use, (whichare also frequently prepared by persons unacquainted with phnrmacy, and frora materials rendered inert by ag8 ,or otherwse,( can have little or no effect upon the system. G. W. M. ftaking advantage of these fa ets has adopted an improved procesa for extracting the medical virtues from the active ingrediente of this compouud fluid extract, which are nine in number, without heat; that is to say neither concoction, infusión, or maceration are made use of; nor is the temperature of the menstrutn ollowed to exceed 80 degrees Fah. until every partiële of active principie is exhausted, leaving a tastoless rnass behind; thereby obtaining the wholeofthe soluble active principie in s highly concentrated state, leaving out the fecula woodyfibre, fac, which encumbers the extract obtained by decoction. The proprietor therefore has not only the satisfaction of assuring the medical faculty and the pub Jic, that this remedy is prepared according tó strict chemica4 and pharmaceutical rules I but that he also united some of the officinale valuabie and activo vegitables, all of the choicest eelection which matenally enhances I its value in the treatment of the diecases above named. He is therefore induced to offer this fluid extract to physicians and oth ers under the fullest convicción of its superiority over that íd common use. Physicians vvlll find great advantage in tbe use of this extract, and a great relief from the perplexities autuiuaui upon the treatment of those obstinate cases which bid defiance to every remedy; their confidenceprompts them to prescribe such a diI et and régimen as in their judgement the 1 case would seem to indícate; - thereby giving the extract its full influence. This extract is prepared frora the best selected materials, without heat, by an improved process; on an account of which, ït is preferred by physicians as being more active than any other now before the public. Prepared at the Cheroical Laboratory of G. W. Merchant, Chemist, Lockport N. Y.. N.B. A liberal discount made to deal ers and Physicians. The above article may be had at the storO of J. Mc'Lean, Jackson; Hale and Smith Gras8-Lake, and by tbe principie druggists throughout the state. W. S. and J. W. Maynard, and Lund and Gibson, Agents, Ann Arbor. Jackson, July 4th, 1840.

Blanks! Blauksü BluuKs ! 1 1 JÜST PRINTED, on fine paper and in a superior style, a Iarge assort ment of blank Summons, Subpoenas Execu j tions, Sec. &c - For sale at this office Ann Arbor, May 18, 1841. tf


Signal of Liberty
Old News