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White Negroes

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Slavery associates labor with tho degraded slave,and this association becomes so permanently fixed in the mind, and so ■ entirely intetwoven with the customs of j society, that it so fastens upon the free I borer that he is viewed as occupying the ! place of a slave, and of course he is ehoved out of respectable society. Everyone who reads the public papers knows that slaveholders represent iho In.boring popu-lation of the free states as being degraded to a level with their slaves, and as being even in a worse condiiion. Even Henry Clay supposes thera to be so ignorant and degraded that he charges the abolitionists with designing an amalgamation between them and the colored people. Had not Mr. Clay believed them to be exceedingly degraded he would not have charged, as he did, in the Senate of the United States, the abolitionists with designing to have the free white laborers marry with the colored people. The association of labor vvitU a degraded state easily passes from the slave states to the free and consequently, many in the free states treat their laborers a nearly like slaveholders treat slaves as the state of society wil! permit. As if slaves theygive themiheirrough morselby (hem selves in the kitchen. Who do not know the fact that the hired girl, is by many pent in the kitchen, and no more per mitled to come to the table, or to mingle with respeciable company than if a slave' Aud why? Because labor is asóociatet with the degraded state of ihe slave. She in their estimation, is occupying the place of the slave. Many would think it a dee; disgrace to walk the streets with a hired girl, although her moral character wer ever so fair. Such are the bearings o slavery upon the free laboring classes. - Senator Wicklifle a wealthy slaveholde of Kentucky cali free laborers "white negroes." The following are given as hi remarks in the Senate of Kentucky. "Gentlemen wanted to drive out the black population that they might obtain white negroes in their place. How inconsistent ha been their conduct! They had a Democrat ie white population - the real tenents of lo cabins - the plain but comely matron with he. svvarm ofyoung logcabin Democrats arounc her, but they havedisappeared to make room for Durham short-horns, and Woburn pigs For every imported Durham, a yeoman o the country, a voter of the State, has bee sent to the far West. But now gentleme what kind of population. Not such yeoma as their Durhams and Woburn pigs have dis placed; but white negroes, who like th white negroes of Europe can be rendere( subservient and brought to the polls in thou sands. White negroes. have this advantag over black negroes" - they can be convertec into voters; and then men who live upon th sweat of their brow and pay them but a scan ty eubsistence can, if able to keep ten thou sand of them in employment, come up to th polls and change the destiny of the country How improved willbe our condition whe we have such white negroes as perform th servile labor of Europe- of old England - and he would add, now of New England - whera our body servants, and our cart drivere, and our street sweepers, aDd our shoe blacks, are white negroes instead of biack. Where will be the indepen dence - the proud spirit and the chivalry of Kentuckians then? with white negroes in rags and dependence eurrounding bim, will the Kentuckian be what he has been in time past?" Such is the contemptuous and degrading language of this haughty slavcholder in relation lo the free laborers. The man, or the women who labors, he calis a white negro, a. slave! whatever may be his or her character!! It is not enough to trample upon the poor colored man and degrade him to the level of the beast; but the laboring white man must be brought equally lowj - color forms to him noshield against the aggressions of the slaveholder. líe must be called a white negro, that is, in plain language, a white slave. Will, the laboring classes any Ionger take sides with oppressors who despise and degrado them, and calling them white negroes, meaning white slaves 1 So long as sla very exists laboring men and women will be despised without regard to color, because 30 long as it exists so long will labor be asissociated wilh a degraded state. Consequently, the abolition of slavery is essential to the honorable station the free laboring classes ought to occupy. None are ivorthy of more respect than honest and ndustrious laborers. They are, in fact,v ;he bone, and nerve, and weahh, and lefence of the nation. Strike from the lation the day laborer, the farmer, and nechanic, and where will be the source )f strength and wealth, and defence of the lation? Yet all the classes are despised, y the slaveholder, because they labor as lo his slaves. Because they do what he ïsteems business fit only for slaves, he :alls them white negroes ! white slaves !! jet slavery be abolished, and Jabor will 10 Ionger be associated with a degraded tate, and the laborer will nomore be de pised.


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