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Produce of cvery Descríption, MECEIVED in payment íop Job work, Advertising and Subscriptions to the "Signal of Liberty," if deJivered at the Office, immediately over the Store of J. Beckley, & Co. April 28.Wood! wood! wood: WANTED IMMEDIATELF, a few cords of good hickory wood in exchange for the "Signal of Liberty." June 23, 1841. 9-tf "■TUST RECEIVED the Anti-Slavery Q3P and Christian Almnnacks for 1841, at Alex. M'Farren Book Store, 137 Jef. I ferson Avenue.THRESHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, &c. THE undersigned are manufacturing aud will keep constanlly on hand at their ehop two and a half miles west of Ann. Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE PO W. ERS and THRESHING MACHINES.- The horse power is a new invcntion by ö. VV. Fostkh, and 3 docidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Horse Power, with a good Threshing Machine ia one hundred dollars, at tlie shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horsa Powers can be used with two, ihree or four horses to good advantage. Throe mea with two horses, can thresh onc hundred bushels of wheat per day (if it yields middiing well,) and it will not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thrcsher can both bo put in a common waggon box, and drawa ;iny distance by two horse3. The Ttoo Horse Power will be sold at the shop, tvith the Thresher for one hundred dollars; without the Thresher, for sevenfy-fi ve dollars. Thi-y also manufacture STRAW CÜTTERS, recenily invented by S. VV. Fostkr, wiiich are decidedly preferablo to any others for cuttiog straw or cora stalUe, by horse or water power. They alao work ty hand..- Price, íifteen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for gricding provender, at the rate of six to eight bushols per hour, with two horses or by water. - Also - (LSMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invented by S. W. Foster.- Price, sixty doJIars. S. VV. FOSTER, & Co. bcio, June 2S, 1841. 10-ly GRASS LAKE ACADEMY, AND TEACHERS SEMINARY. THE TRUSTEES would inform thopub lic, that the Winter term of this Institutiok will commence on Wednesday, EIGHTEENTH OF AUGUST, and continue twenty-two weeks, onder the Superintendance of Mr. Lucien H. Jones, the present incumbent. They would alao say that this School has been respectably su6tained during the present pecuniary pressure thathas crushed so many of the Literary Institutions of our country ; and that thera is a disposition with all concerned to Bustain it till better times shall secure to it, ïts anticipated prosperity and usefulness. TUITI ON. For the common English branches, $3,00. The higher Eng. br. and Mathematica. 4,00. The Latin and French Languages, 5,00. The Tuttion to be paid at the middJe of the quarter, unless other arrangements ere previously made. Board and washing are from 1,00 to 1,50 doliars per week, anda number of private rooms rnay be engagedby such as wish to board themselves. Tha School is open to both sexes and all denominatione. No Studeut will be received for lessthan half a Term; and no reduction mado for absence except for continued sickness. FOSTER TüCKER, Secretary of the Board. Graes Lake, June 23, 1341. lO-4w The peculianties of this Chemical Cotnpound, are owing to itsextraordinary effects upon the animal fibre or nerves, ligament and muscles, its yirtuea being carried by them to the immediatc eeat of disease, or of pain and weakness. However good any internal remedy may be this as an external application, wjll prove a powerful auxilary, in removing the disease and faciliating the cure, in case of Local Inflamalion, Scroffulous Affections, King's Evil, Gout,Inflanitory,and Chronic Rheumatism, and in all cases where stated pain or TveakneBS exists. A gentleir.en travelling in the South of Europe, and Palestine, in 18S0, heard bo much said in the latter place, in praise of Jew David's Piaster; and of the (as he considerecJJ miraculous cures it performed, that he was induced to try it on his owa person, for a Lung and Liver afFection,the removal of which had been the chief object ot hisjonrney, but which had resisted the genial influence of thnt bahny and delicious climate. - He put oue over the región of the liver; :n the mean time he drank freely of an herb tea of laxativo qualities. He soon found his health inproving; and in a few weeks his cough lefthim, the sallowness of hispkia disappeared, his pain was removed, and Jua health became permanently re-instaled. It has likewise been very beneficial inca1 [Sesof weakness, such as weaknes and pain in tho slomach, weak limbs, larneness, and sffections of the spine, female weaknessj&cc. No femala subject to pain or weakness m the back or side should be without it. Márried Jadie3, in delicatosituations find great relief from constantly wearing this plastor, No puffing, or gn;at notorious certificates is inteiuled, Those who wish to satisfyUiemselvea of tho efficacy of tina piaster, eau obtain sufficient to 6prcad 6 or 8 piasters far 50 cents, a sum iiot half eufficient to pay for the inserlion of a single certifícate inlo any of our most common prints, a single time. - this inning price per box is placed npon il, 'in order that it may be within the tneans r,f every ofllicted on and daiighter of thu communityjthat all.whether rich orpoor.may obtain the treasure of health, which resulta from its use. Jew David's or Hebrevv Piaster, a a certain cure for corns A liberal discount made towholesalo purchnsers. Directions accompany each box. Prica 50 cents.[ DooJittie $," Ray, agents for Michigan. Country sgents supphed by M. W. Bircb ard &. Co., Detroit. Sold by Dr. McLean JacIisoD; Dewey k. Co., Napoleon: D. D. Kief, Manchester; Ellis & Pierson, Clintou F. Hall, Leoni; G.G. Grewell, Grass Lake Keeler fc Powers, Concord. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1841. tf Blankjs ! Blanks ! ! Biruïks i i ! JUST PRINTED, on fine paper and in a superior style, a large assorr. ! inent of blank Sumraons, Subpcenas, Executions, kc. - For sale at this office, l Ann Arbor, May 12, 1811. tf In order thatthis valuable medicine should not be counterfeited, we have aplate representing a persian scène, that is struck on each bill, one of which accompanies each box. We deern it unnecessary to publish a long list of certiflcates, as they will neither add to nor diminish the virtues of this admirable compound. Superior to the Hygeian,Brandreth's,Evan' tomatto, the Matcble6s (pneed) Sanative, or añy oíher Pilis, or Compound, before tho publicj as certificd to by Physicians and others. Let none condemn them unlil they have tried them, and they will not. It is dow a settled point with allwho have used the Vegetable Persian Pilis, that they are preeminently the bestand most elïïcaciou8 Family medicine, that ha9 yet been used in America. If eyery fatnily could becorne acqnainted wilh their Sovereign Pow er over disease, they would seek them and be prepared with a sure remedy to apply on the first appearanceof discase? and then how muel: distress would be avoided and money saved, as well as Hves of thousands who are hurried out of time by neglecting disease in its first stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can place dependence upon. All who wish (o guard against sickness, should use the Persian Pilis freely, when needed, no injury can ensue, if used froai youth to oíd age, when taken according to the directions. CERTIFICATES. Rochester, Sept. 1840. Messrs E. CJiase Sy'Comvany: - Gents. Sirs: - TI1Í6 is to inform you that we have used your Vegetable Persian Pilis for a year past, in our praciice, and are, wel) pleased with their operation. Believing them to fulfil their advertisment, in answering as a substitute wbere calouiel is indicatcd, we can recommend them tn the public. . Drs Brown, M'Kensie, &. Haisied Rochester, 1840. TO MOTHERS.Messrs. E. Chase fy CoGents - Hearing much said nbout extraordinary efFects of the Resurrection or Persian Pilis, upon those about to becorne Moth ers, vc were inciuced to make a irial of thera. My wife was at that tioie a mother of 5 children, and had suffered the moet exexcruciating pains during and afterherconfineraent of each. She liad tried every means and taken much medicine, but found little or no relief. She commenced taking the Persian Pilis about 3 mo. before her confinement (her health being very poor about this lengthof time previous,) and soon after was enabled by their use lo a:tend to the cares of a mother to her family until her confinement. At the time she commenced taking the Persian Pilis, and for several weeks previous, with a dry hard cough, and frequeully severe cramps, which the use of the pille entirely removed before using half a box. It s with great confidence that we advise ail those about to beeome Mothers to make use of the Porsian Pilis. All those that have taken them in our neighborhood, have got along in the same easy manner, and aro abouf the house in a few days. - Thore does not appear to be half the danger of other difficulties setting in after confine ment where these Pilis are taken. We unitedly say, let none neglect taking them for they are in the recch of tho poor as well as the rich. We are trtily thankful that there 3 a remedy which females can easily procure which bids to lessen the world of suf"ering, which many of them have to bear, and perhaps sare the lives of thousands which othenvise would be lost. Rochester, May 14th, 1840; corner of Cal edonia 6quare, Edingburg slreet. For particulars; see subscribers. S. ROBERTS, A. O. ROBERTS.Gents. - I wish you to send a quantity of rour Persian Pilis to tiiis place, for I am snre hey would meet with a ready sale. My rother-in-law while passing througli your lace heard so much said in theit behalfjlhat ie was induced to purchase4 boxes-, and I nay safely say that they have done moro for myself and a half sister of mine, than $400 which I had paid to Doctors, and for other vario'us prescriptions and medicines. I have used 28 boxes of Brandreth's Pilis, which gave me sorae partial relief. But your Pilis went right ahead like a man of war. "What passed oiF looked like ink. My disease lias been named diübrently by every Physician; but my idea is, that it was a general vitioe of the iluids which produced symptoms of almost every disease. It would be too tedious for me to givegive you a history of all my difficulties. I was weak.dnll, stupid and reduced to a skeleton. All hopes of being restored had been given over, except by tny brother-in-law. I took. two boxes of your Pilis, and am able to perfortu my dutiss in the counting room. My sister was consumptive - her Üver was much affected, her Iegs sv.elled - a harsh conga conetantly troubind her. One box of your Pilis entirely relieved her from all those symptoms. - lam about to remove ta Burlington, and would wish an agency, &c. STEPHEN B. LUTHER. Jr. FEVER U AGUE, CHILL FEVER &c.Those in health who live in m;irshy coiintrics, and unheaKhy climates, can avoid the disease to vvhich their situalions are subject, by taking the Peraian pills once, and in eomc insLances perhaps Uvice a week, to clcanse the systeru and purify it from the snmil accumulation of effluvia, which causes the different diseases, in different situations of the country. Thoee whofind disease fastincreasingupon them should take 6 or 8 pilis on going to bed, which will generally opérate as a gentle emetic and cathartic; after which oontmuc the use of them in smaller doses, as recommendedin the other largo bill. Those who follovv this course will find them a sure and never failhig preventive Those whosG dieeases are etubborn, should take a aulficient quantity of'the pills to vomit thsm once or twice, say every Ünrd night till their disoasc is subducd. then take them in smaller doses until every vcstige of it ie exterpated. Be no longer imposed upon by "Tonic Mixtures," "Tonic Bitten," or ány medicino iecoinríiended to break the Fover and Ague; as they all contain more or lessinc and arnsnic, which, if they break the Ague, injure the constitution, oftcn causing the patients to linger out a miserable existence, subject to every óthor dincase. These pills do not break thé Ague leaving the Bcattcred fragments in the systcm, to show themsclves in evry other form, butby their cleansing propevtics thcy root out overy veetige of' disease, laaving ttio pystem froe and lieallhy, and tho constitution not only unimpahed but improved Those vvlm wish a tonic biier can make a most oxcelu lent one after the receipt that accompanics each box of pills. Doolittle and Ray, Slate Agents for Michigan. Orders addressed to M. W. Birchard , co., wil! receive atlention. Sold by Doet. IMc.Lean Jackson; Devvy fo co., Napoleon; Ellis & Pearson, Clinton I, D. Kief', MaucijesterjT. Hul), Leoni; C. G. Grevell, Grass-Lake; Ke.elcr&c Powers Concord. For removing diseases arising from an abuso of' Mercury, chronic and constitutional diseases, such as scrofula or king's evil, sccondary syphilüs, ulceralions, corrosionsof vho tliroat, nose, cheeks, lips, ears and other parts of the !ody, cruptions on the skin, rheumatie aifjctions, white swelliugs, pains in the bones and joint?, lever sores, obstinate old sores, scaMed head, sak rheum, ring worm and other diseases arising from an impuro state of the bluod. Also, habitual costiveness, piles, chronic aftections of tho liver, ring.-: and chestj pains in the otomach and éiaèè, night sweats, &c. It is likevvise niuch recommcuded as a cleansing' spring rncdicine. Thiscompound fluid extract is Alterative Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Laxative, Arometic, and slightly stimulent, and aüiy bc used successfnlly in scroffulous and syphiloid diseases, and thntehnt.tered state of' the consti-tuüon wliich so ol'ten follovvs the abuse ot mercury, exotoses or rnorbid enlargüinont of the bones, supiginous mustulos of ringworm; ulceratipas generally; caries of the jones ; cartileges of Lhe nose, moulh, with the other diseases above menlioncd, and all diseaes arieing trom a morbid state of iho slood. Thcre is hardly a physician who has not rjad occasion to observe with pain, tho phojr edenic variety of herbs; and in spile of all tlieir romedies ho could bring against this cruel disease, was cotnpelled to acknowledge tlieir inr.flicacy and allow the monster to corrode and destroy the nose, cheeke, lips, eyelids, ears and temples; parts of which this malndy generally aífocts a preference. lint in this extract, wil] be found a perfect remetly, in all such cases, and where Lhe disease hus not produced a very great derangement of structure, it will even yield to tbis remedy in a very short time. Witbin a very gIiofí poriod, there has been great improveinents in Franco, on the pharmaceutical and chemicai trentment of Sarsa pavilla, and it has been fully pro vod llia. nine-tenths of the active principies of that. valuable ruot is actually lost in iho uaual mode of preparing it for medical use. The cotnpound extract being a very nice pharmaceutical preparation, requires lhe most rigid care and skilful management, and not without strict reforence to the peculiar active principie of each of its consul uents. The Fre'nch chemists have ascertain ed by actual experiment, that the active principie of Sarsaparilla is either destroyed by chemical change, or dnv-en off by the heat of boiling water; coneequcntly the prepara;ions from this root in general use, (which are also frequently prepared hy persons unacquainted with pharmacy, and" from materials rendercd inert by age or otherwise,( can have little or no effect upon the systom. G. W. M. talcing advantageof these, facts has adopted an improved procos9 for extracting the medical virtues from the active ingredients ofthis compouud fluid extract, which aro nine in number, without heat; that is to say neither concoction, infu sion, or maceration are made use of; nor is the temperature of the menstrum allo wed to exceed 80 dt'grees Fah. until every parlicle of active principie is oxhausted, leaving a tasleless mass bchind; thoreby obtaining the whole of the soluble active principie in a highly conccutrated state, leaving out the fecula woody fibre, &c, which encumbors the extract obtained by docoction. The proprietor therefore has not only the satisfaction of assuring the medical faculty and the public, that this remedy is prepared according to striet chemical and pharmaceutical rules, but that he also united some of the oflleinale valuable and active vegitable3, all of the choicest Beiection which matenally enhances its value in the treatment of the diseases abovc named. 11e is therefore induced to oñ'er tiiis fluid extract to physicians and oth er3 undor the fullest conviclion of its superiority ovnr that in cominon use. Physicians wlll find greal advantage in the use of this extract, and a great relief from lhe perplexiüe3 attendant upon the treatment obstínate cases which bid defiance to cvery rernedy; their contidenco prompts them to prescn'je such a diet and régimen as in their judgement the case would senm to indícate; - thereby giving the extract its full ittfluence. This extract is prepared from, the best selectcd materials, without heat by an improved process; on an account of which, it is preferred by physicians as being more active than uny other now before the public. Prepared at the Cheroical fLaboratory of G. W. Merchant, Chemist, IÜoclcport N. Y. N. B. A liberal discoext made to dealers and Physicians. The above article may be had at tho store of J, Mc'Lcan, Jackson; Hale and Smith, Grass-Lake, and by tho principje druggists throughout the state. W. S. and .7. W. Maynan!, and Lund and Gibson, Agcnts, Ann Arbor. Jackson, July 4th, 1840. "BTUSÏ PRINTED, on fine paper and Efcjp in a superior style, a !arge,assortment of blank Summons, Subpcenas, Executions, Uc. - For sale at this office. Ann Albor, MoT 12, 1041. ' tL Jln important discovery for Rhcutnatinn Fever Sores, White Swellings, Injlatnma. tioninthe Eyes, Uu nis, Sivelled Throat in Scarlet Fcver, Qvinsy, c. Tuk Chemical Plastek is an important romedy for all those who are alllicted with nflamninlory complainls, by its easing pains counteracting inflammatiou, aod giviug spee' dy relief, by its active, strengthening, and sudoriiic proporties. - An cffectual remcdy for inflammatory rbeumatistn, ague in the breast, cramp, burns, bruises, scrofula, old sores-, ujcers of almost cvery description, canjtered and swclled ihroats arising from scarlet iever, felons, whitó swellinga, chilblains, fcc. Persona sufFering i'ronx lier complaints, pulmonary diseases, ir.ilammation on the lungs, witli pains in the Bi"de$ and Lreast, pain and weakneas in the back, vvill find relief. In all cases it may bo used vvith safety. TO THE PUBLIC. To wnon it may Concern; Thid may certjfy that í, Erastus Deaq, tlio proprietor of E. Dean'o Chemical Pias ter, have for inore than two years been in a delicate state of healtli, bo that I have been unable to prepare and circuíate uaid Piaster to tint extent which the interest of the suffering community demands; and fceling; so valimblc un article ought to be cxtensively made kuown to the aiHicted, I havo made arrangements with H. HARR1S k, Co., of Ashtubula, Ohio, to manufacture and vend it in my name as my sile sucerssors. Thiar therefore, may be relied on as the genuin articlc heretofore prepared l)y me, As witne63 my hand, ERASTUS DEAN. Wertfiel, Chautauque Co., N. Y. Januari 21, 1839.Penn Line, Pa. April 7, 1840. Messrs. H, Harris & Co. - Sirs: - Sinco Í was at your slore in July lasf, I haveused E. JDcan's Chemical Piaster, which I have reccived from you at different tirues, and leel myself in duty bound to you as propriclora, and to the people generally to recommend the same as a safe anti eificacious reniedy for those complaints Lpr which it s recotnmended. I havo used it in sevcral cases of inflamed eyes, in somc of which Ua effects aB a curative have been very decided, and in no case has it failed of giving relief where it has been apptied according to directions, and all who have used it are perf'ectiy satisfied with it so far as I know. I have also applied it ík eome severe cases of ague in the breast with the happiest effects. I would also leíate the case of Mr. Thomas Logan, who has been afflicted with the rheumatism in one hip for thirteen years, so that lie had been compcllcd to abandon labor in a greiit measure. I let him havo a box of the Piaster, he applied it, and for three days fotind, as he supposed, no benefit, but after that he perceived that die pain was not so severe, and in less than two weeks he could labor hard all day and rest free from pain at niglit. He says that he would not part with the box he has for three hundred dollars, provlding he could not obtain another. He also says to me, keep it on hand and recommend it wherever you go. I have used the piaster in cases of pains in the sides, back, shouldor, etc. with like o-ood efFcct. Yourá, Lc. DANIEL KNEELAND, M. D. Monroe, June 18, 18S9. Messre. H. Harris fc Co.: - Sirs: I have used E. Dean's Chemical Piaster for mor than four years past, and do cheerfully recommend il to Physicians for rheumatism, sprains of wrist, ankle, shoulder, &c. In felons, whitlow, and scrofulous swellings of all descriptions, it is generally an effectual remedy. In short, wherever there is a pain it is almost sure to givc relief in a few hours I have used t in a great number of rheti-i matic affections. One of my patients, aged 40, f i.i 1 1 habit, had a rheumatic eweiüng ou one leg. He had been unable to get out of his house for three months; his leg was swelled to an enormous size, twico its usual bigness; every thing had been done without success unlil we commenced using Dean's Chemical Piaster. We eñveloped the knee and a purtion of the limb in the piaster, and in three days the swelling entirely djsappeared, and in ten days he went about his ordinary business. Such has been our success with the article, and we now willingly recommend it to the public for a trial. Yours &.c. J. H. REYNOLDS, M. D.The piaster is now put up in boses at 50 cents, and one dollar eacb. M;ule and sold, wholesalc nnd retail, üy H. FIARRIS fe Co., Ashtabula, Ohio- solo proprietors. None genuino unless signed by H. Harris on the stereotype wrappcr. The above article may bc had at ilie starï of J. M'Lean, Jackson; Hale k. Smith, Grass Lake, and by the principal druggistí thrcughout tlie State. Jaekson July 4 1840