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'let The Storm Come.'

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ín another column wili be found further accounts of the extraordinnry proceedinga in the national House of Representatives, growing out of the defeat of the rule adopted by the laet Congress, by wliich no anti slavery petitions couid bo received or considcred. We publish this record of nationa'. dishonor with a feiling, of profound sorrow, and wilh a, deep conviction that unless there shall be eome sud den and permanent changefor the better, we of the Norih 6hall have but few more such scènes to describe as havingoccurred. Ín OUR OWN NATION.Henry A. Wise, a briljant coxcomb, a rncrctiicioua decía nor, without any noble or statesmanlikequalities, seems now to bc the prcsiding genius at Washington. A year ago, he gave out as his motto, 'the unión of the whigs for the sake of the Union j' he now declares himself no partizan but for slavery; and the pseudo represen, tatives of the Nonh of one party ulmoBt to o a man, and of another party so many asare base slaves and trucklers themselves, join with him m his nswly avowed devotion. For twclve years the career of the na- tion has beceo downward - in all ways downward- but in utter laxity of moráis more than in any thing besidc. With the elevation of President Jackson to the chiej mgistracy began, among other thing3, ihoae displays of rufiianism in the capítol which have distinguished all succeeding years. Jesse R. Bynum, Dr. Duncan and other men of like character, by their constant and unrebuked recklessness of the usages of delibérate assemblies, in time induced a prevudiug disregard of rules and laws. íf a party end was to. be gained, the mob spirit was invoked; bo the New Jersey members of Congress worc excluded, fuem iheir seats by a mobloading clerk; so discussions of slavery have been slifled by the withdrawal from the Representativos Hall of factious slaveholdors;so have all kinds of mcasures been carried, which could nol be carried honestlyand lawfuily.