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TAKEN ÜP, BY the subscriber, on the thirty-first day of May last, a span of MARES, one a black Poney, morked P. P. on ihe left hip; the othef a grey, with a ring bone and spavin. The owner is requeated to prove hia title and pay charges, and they will be delivered. RUFUS THAYEK, Jr. Plymouth, July 28.JJ4K 14-8vv. Wood! WoOil!Wood'. WANTED JMMEDIATELY, a few cords of good hickory wood [ia exchango for thp "Siunal ov Liberty.'1THRESH1NG MACHINES,. HORSE POWER, MILLS, fcc. THE undersigned are manufacturing and will keep constantly on hand at their shop iwo and a hall miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POW. ERS and TURE3H1NG MACHINES.- f he horse power is a now invention by ö. W. Poster, and is dccidedly superiorato any thing of the kicd ever oefore offered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Horse Power, with a good Thresking Machine is LW dollars, at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollarB. These Horso Powers can be used wilh iwo, three or four horsea to good advantage. Three men with tivo horses, can thresh one hundred bushels of wheat per day (f it yields middling welJ,) and it will not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thresher can bota bo Jut in a common waggon box, and drawn uiy distance by tivo horses. The Ttca Horse Power will be sold at the shop, with the Thresher for one hundred dollars; without the Thresher, for sevenly-five dollars. Thïy also manufacture STRAW CUTTERS, recenily invented by S. W. Foster, wbich are decidedly preferable to any othera br cutting straw or curn stalks, by horse or water power. They also work by hand - Price, Qfteen dollars. -ALSO- CAST-IRON AJ1LLS for grinding provender, at the rale uf 8x to e-ighl buuhels per ïour, with two horses or by water. - A1.S0- (LSMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invented by S. W. Foster.- Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER. fe Co. bcio, June 2á, 1841. ia-ly GRASS LAKE ACADEMY, AND TEACHERS SEMINARY. THE TRUSTEES would inform the pub lic, that the Winter term of this Lnsti. TüTioff will commence on Wednesday, E1GHTEENTH OF AUGUST, and continue twenty-two weeks, undor tho Supermtendance of Mr. Lucien II. Jonbs, he present incumbent. They would also Bay that this School has been respectably ustained during the present pecunkry pres. ure that has crushed 6omany of the Literay Institutions of our country ; and that thera 8 a disposition with all concerned to sustain t lili betler times shall secure to it, its anticpated prosperity and usefulness. ÏÜITION. ?or the common English branchos, $3,00. lie higher Eng. br. and Mathematics. 4,00. The Latin and French Languages, 5,00. The Tuition to be paid at the middle of he quarter, unless other arrangementa are )reviously made. Board and washing are rom 1,00 to 1,50 dollars per week, anda umber oí private rooms may ba engaged by uch ds wish to board themselves. Tha School is open to both sexes and all denornnations. No Student will be received for essthan half a Term; and no reduction ■nade for absence except for continued aickess. FOSTER TUCKER, Secretary of the Board. Grass Lake, June 23, 1841. lo 4_