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Slaveholder's Wives

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Miss lyiartineau discourses ua follovvs concerning the domestic affairs of slavehoïdiag Jadíes. But the vive3 of slaveholders are, as they and their husbands declare, as much slaves as their negroes. Ifthey wilt not have every thing to go to rack and ruin round them,they must superintend every household operation from the cellar to the garret: for there is nothiug that slaves can do well. Whilo the slaves are ncrpetuallyat onc'sheels, lulling ogainst the bed po3ts before one rises in the morniog,siand ing lichind the chairs, leuning; on the sofa, officiously undertaking,and nvariablyspoii ing every thing, that one hod rather do forone's self, the smallest possible amount of real service is perfonned. The lady of tho liouse carries her huge btmch of keys (Tor every consumable thing mnst be loeleed tip) and has to give out, on incessant requests, whatever is wanted for the househnld. She is foreversuperintending and trying to keep things btraighr, without ihe slightest hope of aitaining any thing like leisure and comfort. What is there ia retinue,.in the reputation of ease and luxury, which can compénsate for toils and cares of thia nature? How nvich happier mi)9tbe thu lot of village milliner, or of the artiznn's wife who sweeps her own floors, and cooks her husband's dinner than thatof the planter'a lady, with twenty slaves to wait upon her; her sons migrating because work is out of the question, and they have not the meana to buy estatesjand her daughiers, with no better prospecta than marrying, as she has dono, to toil as she does. From the Citizen. True enough it is, excessivelegislation is the viceofour country and times. Every genuine reformer must seek to discournge tlie tendency in that direclion, us far as possible. fctill, somo things whicli have been foolishly and wickedly done; must be undonejand that too by the exertion of legislativo power alone. For example: the slave power is upheld by political action and legislutive enactments. The statule book is its vital origin. There in it has imbeddcd and fortified itsell'. - Those who persist in seeking its over- throw must as a matter of course, there- fore, insistthat the sovereign power shall tindo what t has most unwisely and unrighteously done in chaining down the limbs and minds of 2,500,000 laborera in the heartofthe republic. Again; Legislative enactment hasconferred special privileges upon a select : class of men - in this State numbering somewhere about ten thousand - undor the "style and address" ot'relailers, or more j appropriately venders of aïcoholic '. ton. How shal! this swarm of ugly aopolists be attacked with efiect and iy dislodged? How save a power tliat breathed into them the breathof life, and made their frightful existence what it is? 1 They have inflicted - they are still doing j ii - deep and ghastly wounds upon ; ty, under color of authority from I eau majesty. Who except that majeály, can slaunch those wounds, and prevent ï the awful repetition of them? J