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A meeting of Abolitionists will be held at the Methodist Chapcl in Gruss Lakc, Jackson couuty, on Wednesday the eighteenlh instant, at one o'clock.P. M A general at. tendance is requested. BABTIST MISS. CONVENTION OF MICHIGAN. The next meeting of the Board of the Baptist Miss. Convention of Mich. will be held witb the Baptist Church at Northvüle, Wayne Co. on Tuesday, the last day of August, at 10'oclock A. M. By order of the Board. M. ALLEN Agent. GREAT WESTERN CONVENTION. We learn that the third Wednesday in October, 1841, is the time fixed on for holding the great Wesleyan Anti-Slavery Convention at Cincinnatti, Ohio. The friends tbere, it is said, will cheerfully nccommodate 400 delegates, freo from expense. No tune should be lost! Meetings ehould be held, all over the West, lor the purpose of appointing delégales ; and every abolition - Í6t in the M. E. Chnrch, throughout that vast región of country, ehould immediately decide to attend, or write to the conventiun, if it be any way poesible. And not our friends of the West, merely, but we bope letters of approval and encouragetnent will be 6ent from the East, North and South; and from our fnends in the West Indies.The Great Western Convention! There raust be a general rally! The ball must be kept in motion - the people must be gathered! And to this end, vo expect all the antislavery papers, far and near, will publish this notice. We expect our subscribers at the West will procure its nsertion in their local papers - we expect the brethren in the ministry, and the class leaders and members and friende, one and all, will make one "strong pull, a long pull, and a pull altogether!" f each one does hls duty, it will be the greatest and best meeting tor the poor slave, ever held in this country, We Icnow of some those of weather-beaten farmers of the West, and we believe the sequel wil!, show that they are ready for this great and jood work. [Zion'a WalchmanJ] tf