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Our cotemporariesofthe St. Louis press, we f'ear, are preparing the way for other alrocities in ihat región, by their aciions with rcferencc to the four murderers hung there on the ninth. ,One of them lias writtcn out. printed in pamphlet forrn, and advertises for sale, the "Confession" of Madiaon and Brown, and anotker commends as a "painter of the first class," a Mr. Parker, vvho ''has luUen tho likenesea of the four characters, and wilt exhibit them for a few days, at the print shop of Mr. Wuolswhore those "who have nol seen the negroe.s," nre informed thafthey can have a siglu of Ihëir exict likenesses." Expeneuce, we thínk, has shown coñcíusively, lïiat the habit which the n-et-s of maUing lions of persons who Have been guihy f great crimes has a most perntcious nujence in society.- Among the low and ignorant, the impulse 10 becume liona too, is pilen stronger ihan they can resist. They lose sight of thé penalty of crime, and see that itmakes"heroes" cifth'e guihy. Public executions are bnd enoiigli, buttliis lion making, alter the cord has done its work, is itifiinitely - Cincinnuti Gaz. This business, however, was carried to a far greater pitch in the South West, where ihe papers are filled wiih narrativos, rcporl.s and reflertions respeciing thesci crimiüals. Tho N. Ü. Aüvertiicr, Julv 20ih, 8ayj of.tne narrative of the j sions, &c. "E. V. Bronson, Es-q. has sent us a copy of the Confessions of those four eminent black murderers, Madison, Brown, VVarwick and Öuward. The work is gollen up by Messrs. Chandler and Knapp, the cditors of the Si. Louis Republican, and well cxecuted it is in the styie of the confessions, vhicy are confined slrictly to a doiail of facts. It is absi.lutely interei-ting, and readers who would see howthe lavesteftlers of the South and the uboülionists of the N(irth play their cards,would be itistructed by going to Cuma1, buying a copy, aml carcfuüy rcading it. We shutild be doing iujustice to the authors, diil we allempt k icautne of these thrilling confessions, but we cannot ayoid iudulging in the reflection ihat we have quite us much to dread from the machinations of ne;rotraders, as we have iïoui aboliliunistö.1' The next poiiit is the anxiety to idcntify these desperate murderers wiih the abojin lionials of ilie Nurth. It is knowti ihidughout the South, whatever lyiug serviles inNew xork may utlirm to tiie conlrary, thai he abolitionists of the Nonh are n nurnêöi :ou?, intelligent, active, wed and ua-T liring, ánd influential set ofpeuple. Ttie j jolicy, therefore, of producing in :ill the ju tii West the itnpressiun lh.ii thcíe cuthroat incendiarios werc conriected with iWüLiU.unsts, i! nrüstije CiJjjftöf:'. is ven i iroíbun I, or vcry stupid. Ou the arrest (foneoftho inurdererá. at C ncinnati, a , eport was spread, entirely wiihoui founlation or color, that the arrest was ly resisted by the abchiinnists connecled viih the Philanthropist. But the , ion oi' the "cpnlessions" has given the j vhole matter a new impulse. Whnt the , 'confessiuns" contain we know not, and )crhaps never shall know. The N. O. 3aily Picayune, of July 20h, feite the iolowiny terrible story on the subject. "The confession of Brown, a free negro, laces tlie country in posséssirtn hï f'uct.s vhich tnay well cause pain and ustnnishnerit. Up to tuk day of his txecutiox, IK WAS TlfK RKCULARLY AUTUcniZKD lGext üf thk Ohio State Anti Sla vt tY Sociktv ! ! He was iirst engaged at l saliiry of $30 per month, bul was soun o eillcient in helping rumway slaves to ilaces of securily, thiit his wagts wcre aised to $50 per month. He was supilied with blank free papers, and came to iew Oileans, According to hia own itatement, he assiated away fiom Neto Orleans and the surrounding country, about Hghty slaves, and f rom Vickfburgh and 'he neigkboxfiQod, sixteen more! In his xmfession he gives tho names of many of he owners of these slaves, togethcr with lis haunts and associatcs in the - riiirf w retel), who acknowledge the commttied one murdet before 'hal for which ne was tried and executed, vas a regular men)ler of the Methodist Church in Cinsinnnti. ' We odnfess there is something exceedngly starlling in the statements - the ease md facility with which slaves are en'.iced j.way by these black-hearted abolilion cmissaries, and the almost perfect impuntti' witii which theirschemes are carried inlo execution, may well cause alarm. - VVluin one man has ai:led one hundred lo ec;;po, and has not even been suspected, uulil the secret has been divulged upon (hègallowSj it s indeed time for the adoption of precautionarv measures that wil] fully reach the evil." 'l'hc St. Louis correspondent of tho same paper, afler giving an account of the execulion, says: "A clergymen of this city, noted more for ardor than any particular enlargemcni ot' mental or moral facullies, ha6 made a feeble attempt to remove the evidence of connedion bet ween these scoundrels and the Abolition Society; but the only effect of his letter has been to place hitn in a oosition before the people of allsluveholding States, which can scarcely be very gratifying for him to reflect upon or confortable to rest on. Your wríter has beun bbown a letter writlen by one of the convicta lo a noted abulilioni9t of New York, which contaius such damning evj dence of thisconnection as cannot be djturbed by ALLTHEPIOUS CII1CANE RY ANDSANC TIMONIOUS HUMHUG THAT THIS PEST1FEROUS PARTY OF D1SORGANIZING FANATICS CAN RAKE TOGETHER"! ! Now it may be, that one of the convicts has written a letter to a noied abolitionist in New York - but does that provo any thing? It may be, that Brown has helped off a hundred slaves up ihe Mississippi river, but that órily proves ihe facility and security wit which the thing is done. - And the puhlication of the tact through the country bordering on ihat river, will awaken groat interest, and perhnps tend greatly to the future aecurity of that species of property - perhaps awaken among the slaves aome new ideas öf hope. But Brown never va? en ngent oftheOhio Anti-Sluvery Society; the Arni-Siavery Societies have nosüch agents; ;ant none, need none. The Vigilarvcë Gömnïittëea, ihat take charge ol' the cases of persons ileeing from unjust bondage, havo tiösüch ngents, they have always had tnoie cases to atlend to without agents, thati their tneans werc cqual to. lf Bröwri has'doné the deeda he boastëd uf, he was é'htifóly self-rnoved, :md the record of lúa life only serves lo show the slaveholdera one more ofihe diiTicuitics with which they are beset in mainlaining the permanence óf their "insiitution."