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From The National Intelligencer

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flANIS TIIOUSAND UOLLARS REmt WARD.- Ruuaway froin the subBcriber,on ihe lOth of April, a negro man calüng himscIf'ItOBER l" BUTLER, about 25 or 30 years of age, about six feet high, well proïortioned, of rather light color, j Riid of polile address. Jïe evinces a voumess or trembling of the bands when spoken to. He had on when he left home, a dark cainet roundabout, striped pantaioons, and fur hal; he also cnrried with him a cloük. Il is probable, howcver, that he, has changed his clothes. He has a wife at Stephen Bcnn), senior's, jAnne Arundel County, and left homo to see her. He may be in the neighborhood . He can read, and I think can write, and it is highly probably has furged a pass to Baltimore, with the intent to escape out of the Sta-le. Also, on the 22J Jiily, negro man HANSON7, who calla himself HAÑSON FREEMAN. He is 22 years of age, nnd about five feet nine or ten inched high, well made, and of a dark complexion, ilu is acquainled in Anne Arundel county, nnd is prebab'y endoavoring toescape through that county, to the city of Buliimore, with ihe intenlion to gel out of the State. I wil) give one huüdrcd dollars fuír either, il' laken in Ctilvert, two hundred if taken in any other County in the State of Maryland, ihrce nuudred if taken in the city of B.iltimore, and the ahnve reward of five hundred dollars for eiiher, or ope ihousand dollars for both, if taken out oí 'he limils of the State of Maryland, ;rovided they are delivered to me or secured in jai!, so that I can get iheiu again. THOMAS C. GÁÑTT. jily 29- 5t. Prince Frcdcrick, Mü. Now, neighbor Gantt, if ihis don't brinp back Robert and lianson, we advise you, as a sincere' friend, to try the other tack If revaüa of $1UÜO won't stop thiá destruction of your property, jnst emancípate what you have left, and send us the reg ular free papers for Robert and Hanson loo, and see if they will not return and work for you, at fair wage?, wiih a good will, that 8 hall turn your old worn-out to baccoflelde into a garden. - Emancipator .