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"slavery Is Entailed Upon Us."

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Such is the p!ea of slavelioldcrs and their They contend that the law forbidding emancipation must bo obeyed. In the debato between Culver and Davis at Boston, Mr. C. retnarked that men can be held in slavery, only while ihey are kept in ignorance. He asked, are the slaves tanght to read? Mr. Davis nnswered. "My slaves are laught to read" Mr. C. Sir, you remember thnt Mr. D. argued that it would be wrong to emancípate, because the law forbids it, nnd now, Sir, ia it right totcach thora to read when tho law forbids it? Be subject to the powers that be, is a favorite maxim of tlie brolher. If it be wrong to emancipate because ihc law forbids it, why is it not wrong to teach them (o read, when the iaw forbids it? Mr. D. answercd, "That the law which prohibits ihe intructior of slaves is wrong and he wishes it repealed." Mr. C. replied, so is the law forbidding emancipntion, and I wish that repealed, but that is not ihe questitm. The question is, while that law is in lbrce, is it right to viólate it by teaching the slaves to read, he says the law is wrong. Is it rigbt to vios aie a wrong law by teaching ihemto read? vtill t!io brother answer the question - lause. - Mr. D. deciinod unawering - Ve■y wcll, sáhl Mr. C. The brother is as skilful in avoiding a dilemma as were tho Jharisecs wftëri asked whether the bapism of John were from heaven or of men? iiid likethem I Icivehiiii hanging on both lorns of ihe dilemma.