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The Whig Party And The National Gag

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In our paper reconlly, we have taken tho round, ihat the House of Representatives at Washington have deprived tho people of iho United Staloe of the right of passing a vote, that their jiciiliona with eertain exceptions, ehall not bo received. 1. That the Whigs had a very considerdblo mujority in the House, and might have prevented the passage of such a resolution but on the contray, almost every Northurn W hig voted for it, and that tho Whig3 as a party, aro responsible for the act. 2. That the resolution is a violation of one of our rights, such as has never beforo been attempted by eny party since wo becarae a nalion. 3. That in passing this resolution, those who voted for it aesumed a power never given to thera by their conslitucnts, or by the constitution. 4. That no Fiich cnactment bo fur aa wc know, has ever been made by any legislativo body, in any nation, cnilizec', eavuge, barba- rous or enlightened, Jewish, Christian, Mahomnitdan, or Pagan, in any quarter of tho Globe, whether under a monarchy, ariatocracy, of democracy, and therefore it ia all the more degrading and disgraceful to us. 5. That this rule never would have been adopted by the House, had it not boen for tho necessity of concilinting the slaveholders of the South and fjFOR THAT RKASON ONLY,}} was it adopted, and eupported by the whig parly. 6. That every freeman who values his rights, has good and eufficient reason for leaviog a party which has thus, to picase tho Si-ave Power, )roved traitorou9 to his high est intcreeta. 7. That all nien have good renson to be lieve that the Whig party, having thus encrouched upon the rights of our citizens will continue to doso, more and more, as often fis thoir eupposed nocessilios may require. We have thrown out iheso specificationg Trom time to time, and so far as we knovv, not one of them bas ever been denied by any one of the fifteon or more Whig papers pnnted in this State. Now wc present them all together to our readers, tliat thoy may have a practical dernonslration that the sluvoholders do, at this present time, actually govern tho Whig party, and tl r i' that they control the nation. We make these statements, not frorn any hoBtilily to the whig party as 6uch, but because they, to keep themselves in powor, have saenfieed our liberties on the altar of elavery. If they havo done so, and have received the reward of their services, and if they expect to keep theni9elves in power by similar acts, why should not their true standing be knownl