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WHEREAS, tTY WIFE, Eliza K. has left my bed .yJL and board, without any juet cause or provocation, thie is to forwarn alicer ms from trusting her on my account; as I liall pay no debts of her contract ing afler lis date. MICHAEL PUTTEL. Ann Arbor, Sept. 8, 1841. 20-3w CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY.' IHE ANNUAL MEETING of tho . Board of County Commissioncrs for tho County of VVashtenaw, will ba eld at the Clerk'B Office, on the first Monay of October next, for the purpose of adjsting all cluiins against the County. All ersons having such claims aro requested to reBent thom on or bel'oro that day at the üerk's Office in Ann Arbor. Prooi' by affiavit or othorwise, that services have been endered, will be requircd. Claims not preenttd ut that meeting will neceaearily bo ostponed anotheryear. By order of the Board. L. C GOODALE, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Sept. 1. 1841. 19-Mw MORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT na ving been made in the condition of a Mortguge executed by Hufua Crostnan and Lucy his wife, o the undersigned, January fifteenth,.eighcen Jiundred and thirty eight, and Recors led in the Registers office, in llie county of Washtenaw, in Liber No. seven, pagethree lundred and one, of the eqnal undivided half f the "Scio Mili property," ïncluding the vaier-power, Mills and Machinery.and about ,wenty five acres of land.aojoining the village :f Scio, in said counly, and lying on bolh fides of the River Huron, togolher with the rights of flowing lauds covered by llie mili pond, (for a more particular description of the premises, refcrence ia made to the record of said mortgage,) and no proceedinga at law having boen iiistiUilcd to collect tho debt securcd by aaid Morlgago of any part thereof. Notice is hereby given, that 6aid Mortgago will be fon.-cloeod by a eale of tho mortgnged premiees (or sume part of themj at public vendue at the Court House, in Aun Arbor, in said county on the sixteenthday of November next, at noon. SAMUEL W. POSTER Mortgagee. Kingsley & Morgan, Atty's. Dated Scio, August 9ih, Iö4l.THRESIHNG MACHINES, HORSE TOWER, MILLS, Sc. THE undorsigncd aro manufacturing and will keep constantly on hand at their shop two and a half railes west of Ann rhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POW3RS and THRESHING MACHINES.- The horse power is a ncw invenlion by 3. W. Fostkr, and 9 docidedly superior to iny thing of tho kind ever before offered to ho Public. The pnce of a Fonr Horse Potociywith a good Threshing Machine is lS0 dollars, at tho shop; without Lho Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used wilh two, Ihree or four horsea to good advantage. Three men witl two horses, can thresh one hundred bushei of wheat per day (if it yields middliug well,V and it wiH not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thresher can both beput in a common waggon box, and draw iny distance by two horses. The Twa Horse Power will be eold at the shopwith the Thresher for one hundred dollars;, withr out the Thresher, for seveöty-five dollars. They also manufacture STRAW CUTTERS, recently invented by S. VV. Foster, which are decidedly preferable to nny others for cutting straw or corn stalks, by norse or water power. They also work by hand.- - Price, Gfteen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding provendor, at the rate of six to eigbt bushels pe hour, with two horses or by water. - AiiSO - (tSMUT MACHINES of superior conetruction. Iovented by S. VV. Foster. - Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, k Co. Scio, Juno Sd, 1841. 10-ly TAKEN UP, BY the subscriber, on the thirty-first day of May last, a span of MARES, one a black Poney, marked P. P. on the left hip; the other a grey, wilh a ring bone and epavin. The owner is requested to prove his tille and pay chargés, and they will be delivered. RUFUS THAYER. Jr. Plymoulh, July 28, 1841. 14 8w. Blonks ! JBlanks ! lii.mks ! JUST PRINTED, on fine paper and in a superior style, n large assort. ment of blank sumrnon9, subnoenas, Executions, fee. - For sale at this office. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1841.