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Talie anoiher case. A slave belon to the same church as his master, who'jg ádeacon. líe is a faiihful, exemplarv christian. No one in the church runb higher, as u man of piety. His wife and childrcn, living in the neighborhood, fa inlu the possession of a tnember beloning to a didtant church, who, l0 get so high a price from the deacon as he asksjj tukes them áwuy with him. The pious slave is distressed, but under the ;niluence of the idea that such sepaiation is equivalent to a natural dissohition, and pressed by those around him,aftera whie murries. Time passes; he becoines satisiied with the act; hc longs to see the vvifo whom he has lost; he feels thut slie alone has a rightf'ul ciairn upon his affections. íle runs cff, nnd büoo lorjiets all perllin reunión wíih his fainily. iiui il is only for a moment. lie is arrestei as a runavvay, and his brotiier in Chriüi the godly deacon, gives orderd tu hiiVc hini punished - ílr loving his wife und clnldrcn botter than his rrmster. lioisat last brougfít back, arruigned befóte the church, and expolled - for the grave óflefjccoi'runnii)i)-oí}"to hiá wife and fairyjvj Truc the scriplurc say.8, "íur this Cuuse shail a man leavo iiis ('albor and motuét jnd cleave unto his wife, and theyt'wo shall be one flesh,"' - but it uever saya lio sliall leave his niaáler, and eleave unto his wifu - whercby it plaiuly uppears, tlnu ihis runawity néted in a very uuscriptural rhanñer. - Phihinthropist. Says the [)u!iticiiin5 you seo only one p lÜtical evil; and you see 'only one sin,' lia) noiot!;ly itliraes tho j christian pro. fessor; You are only eruleavoring t0 breuk down llie politica! partios, saystlic oliieo secker; and your course will divide thc churcljtag'd-echocB the christian loacher. You ore a mischicf-maker and dis- turbor tu therpuli!ical ranks, says tlicunjt politioal actibniyt ; you are a disorganize'r saya the atiti-cliurch action man. nd so on it will be rung (rom one end of the catalogue of (auU-fiiiding to the other.- This is consistent wiih pro-slaveiy voting. We tru pot thereforc surprised thnt k; who will disregard the claims oí the oppressed vvhen giving his voice in tho choicc kA the rulerá, will also be deafto ihe cries of the poor at the houseoftiod.