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Abolition Petitions

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T-.TJieton correspondent of tho New York Evening Post, spcaking of the probable conñrmalion of Mr. Evcrelt, snij - It required müch pérsunèioó lo fïring Preston and Manguïn to voto for it - out the party drill brought them to it. - One consideraron ürged in favor of it is. fluit the Saulb shouid not expend il? strenth in so small an issuo, when, next ses-sion they aro to try cpngêquences on the great qncsiion 'f v reception ofai)ol ilion petition?. 'l'lic Southern rncmbers liave had a mcetinir, nnd resolved to oppose tho introducuon of (hese pelitiorSj and to leave ilieir soats in case they should bo received. AHer leaving their seats ihey are not to relurn to (hem as they did on a similar occasion liereiofore, until they have received all that they de tnandjviz: a permanent rule excluding the incondiary missiles. If they do not obtain this, they are to go home and rally the' land.The ILivana correspondent of the Lontion Anti-slavery Reporter, ín a letter ctated May l,says: "It añbrds me the greatest pleas.ure to be fiblc to inform you that almliiion principies begin to take root in this oi;y, and at Matanzis. The present moment s fraught with the greatest hope of resulls favorable to humanily and freedom; nm!, if properly improvcd, must eventually lead on to success, in ppile of the ppposition we have to eocounter f rom the dcloterious iniluenceof the slave trade. I submii, therefore, vvi:hout the fear of enntradiction,tliat every ser van tof hor Majesty, should be an abolitiunisr. Thisisal? the opinión and the particular wish of al! theabolitionisls of this cily, who, although few in noinbcr, are inflaential in mean?, ít i., perhapp, inciedihle, the good that such men could do. Tiieir example wonhi jrive vigor to the ney birih of abolition principies throughout the country." Próp'ájrátions are máking at Ba Ui more lo pive líeniy Cíay, a F!cnf(] reception in that city. "No man,' says the Denincrat, "is more worlhy to le (hits honured!'' A man who iives and thrivcs by the constant robbery of 00 of his oqüai fclloiv men raust be a guest worlhy oï distinguished honors! There is, at thid moment, or rather there was a fijw weeks since, an oíd woman living on Ciav'.s farm, and the molher of 12 children, every one of whom have successively been snatched from her arm? and snld to the lar snnth, beyond her r.ench! What n patriot lie! ílow worthy I to be lauded by a presa that habi.'ually boasts of i(s dêmocracy! out upbhstich miserable truokling to fraud 'ind knavery! IIow much beller is hc who fit!tiers a villain than the villain hirnsclf? Solve me ihat pioblcm, ye hair spuiters! Ame kan Ciiizen.Some óf the piper.y are c;il!ing luudij upon the New Yorkers lö be ready wit h their honors and entertainmenis to mee Mr. Granger on his returns ht'rñeyar]. - No doubt the mutual congráfuflntions bctween him and his personal frionds mighi be rendered memorable by the libátionso Champaigne so copiously offered on such occasions. I should be fur more plnased to witness a meeting between Mr. G. and a select circle of his oíd consíituents and warm supporters when he necdod votes, upon his return; say let the compnny cotisist ol S.iwyer, Pitts, Dr. Frisbie, Marsh, and a few others. VVhat account would maaier Frank give of his abolition adventures down South? IIow piteously would he supplicate forgiveness and ohlivion of ihe pasl! All too late, dear follow!