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"one Idea."

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Abolitionists are said to have but one idea, ["here is no truth in this assertion. They are ctive in every moral entorprize. They are he most efficiënt portion of the temperance rganization. They are advocates for gen ;ral education, and are always found among he supporters of good order in community, ind are steady and industrious in their voations. But suppose the charge to bo correct, what then? Is the idea a contemptiblo one? [t is true they have an idea, that the personU, civil and religiou3 liberty of nearly three millions of human beings, our own countrymen is an object of some value. Are they mistaken in the supposition? Our fathers thoughtthat the possession of their polilical rights was wortli a seven years war with the most powerful nation on earth. What were their diaabiüties comparecí with those of the slavei They possessed themselves ind families. They Uavelled where they pleased. Their property was their own.- They worshipped God as they pleased, without being obliged to aak leave of a master, They had the Bible ia their houstjs. Their children were educated in schools and colleges. To a great extent they made their own laws and elected their own raagistrates. In nearly every case, the meanest citizen was enütled to a jury trial. Yet in the possession of personal liberty, and entire religious freedom, they waged a long and bloody war, bccause they would not be taxed without their consent. They were determinec! to maintain their political rights.Now the s laves are depnved of every right: of thetnselves, families, education, watjes, representaron, and even of petition. - The rulers of ibe nation wilt not even let them heg for a redress of grievances. They have solomuly determined that two and a halfmilhonsof "the people" shall not have the privilege of begging that their treraendoua burdens may be taken irom them. - Can human beings be depri ved of their nghts to a greater extent than our slaves? Who accuses our fathers of having only one idea because thoy were determined to be politically free? Who stigraatizes Lafayetto because he forsook his own land andembarkec all his fortunes vvith them? The nuraber o our slaves is nearly as great as that of ou fathers of the revolution, and their disabili tiiís and oppreasions a thousand times great er. ïhere can be no comparison betwee ihem. And shall we take no interest i their liberly, especially when their right and our's are most ïnümately connected, anc in defending them, we defend our own also We ask that those who charge us wit having but one idea will consider the magnitude of the interests embraced in it - in volving all the righls that belong to a man and that ronder life desirable. Does not th liberty of several millious deserve attention and consideraron, as well as a Nationa Bauk; or a Distribution of the land proceeda May we not retort the charge upon our ac cusers, that they are the men of narro w comprehension- that they are so entirely swallowed up in pecuniary schemes of fi nance - in calculations ot dollars and cent that they have no room left in their mind for any conceptions of truth- righteousness - justico - of civil or religious liberty - no regard for the rights of men, except in that Hule narrow channelof financial expediency, where their minds wander backward and forward, in the same beaten path, calculaling 'the succe63 of cutting and deep laid political projects, without the least reference to the great moral interests of the community, or the general welfare of mankind?QThe Philanthropist contair.s an ac count of the mob at Kaskaskia, Illinois - of a murder at Lancaster, Ky. - of a shocking murder in Kosciusko, Miss. - of a terrible affray and murder at Carrolton, La., in, which one man was killed and several wounded and maltreated- of a mob iu Pittsburgh, which assauhed the house ia which Rev. E. Smith was lecluring on davery - of mobocralic proceedings on account of the President's veto at Circleville, Ohio, at Louisville, Ky., und at Washington city- of a case of lynching of a boy who was taken from Cincinnatti into the Kentucky woods, and vvhipped almost to death because he would not confess that he liad stolen 520, and of the burning of the Africtin church in New Albany. A pretty fair batch for one paper to hold, and every case, we believe, originated directly or indirectly, frorn slavery or alcohol.- These are the fountains of violence and crime, and while slaveholdmg and rumselling are legalized, mobs and outragos will abound. County and Senatorial Conventions are being held in all parta of the State of Y.