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-Scpt. l7lii. Samuel A daras,! a printer, was missed tro in home in N. Y. city. Iiis body was found ten days i : warde, packed into a jaox about four fret ' ' square, with salt nnd chloride of Hipe, di! rected lo soms person at "St. Louis via New ; i Orlcans." The head was horriblj tod. The box had been put on board a ship ! and a receipt taken for il by one J. C. Colt. ' A watch be!onginto the deceased was found in Cok'd posstsnioa. Mr. Adams was a membcr of Dr. Sprhig'a Churcli, and a very respectable man. Colt is now in custody,OIThe fner.ds of liberty in New York have ■ noinir.atcd from the third Senatorial district, Thomas B. Van AísIiñe, of Schohana county - from the, Henry Buadley, of Penn Yann, and Johx Thomas, of Cortland. From the sixth, S. H. Hammond, of Bath, Steuben county. From the 6eciniJ. Pütb-b Hoe, of Orango couoty. Tlie Assücute Relbrmed Presbyte rian Cliurcli of Nórtb America numbera 100 ministers:. 220 congregations, and í25,COO members. These have thoroughly purged tbeoiseives from the luaven of slavery, having after proper admonition, ecparated from their communion all slavcholdiug ministers and membera. {JJUui'.fjil Sialua Banlc stock sold in K. Y., on theiitst uk., and at $5 1-2 pershare. The Capítol stock, $35,000,000 at thiö rale, ia wortb lesa than O2,000,000.OIn some counlios in Pennsylvania nominations of liberty candidatos have been made. In Chester cour.ty tho abolitionists have threa times ducussed the propristy of Independent Nominations, and have each timoagreed to abide by the oid qnestioning systcm. They have tnod its efïïcacy recently upon the candidates, but tliey would not condescend to nnswer a word. They were eerved in the samo way last ycar, The silence of the candidates 6hows tlieir contempt of the questionerf?, and of thcir cause. Whct wül the abolitiontats do? To vote for them in the present case, would bo fo show thcnisolves worlhy of contempt. 'i' awny f rom the polis and disfranciif-e tlicmsolves, bcoaóée Iwo worlliless demagogues I would not answer their enquicies, w'ü nol look very dignified, nor, ii our opinión, be a very efiüctual way of dispk'yirfg their BPaseot Cho insult pul upon Ihém. To nomínate one of their own ar.d voto íor lijm, wouldïbca consiotent, slrciglit forward and manly way of advocating tlieir own sentimentp, ati.-I making tbéir influnpce feit in communily, and il is tho way Ihcy will ultimalely adopt.OUCounty and Senatorial Conventions are being heldin all parts of the State of New York. An election of tnember of Congress is to takè place in Ontario District, in the place of John Greig, rt-6igned. It will be recollected that Mr. Greig waselectcd (o 611 tlie vacancy occasioned by ihe translation of Francis Grangc-r to the Cabinot. - Mr. Grcig bas now resigned, and Mr. Grai-.gcras his successor in office, and seems to think he will be elected without Jifncu'ty. This resigning in favor of a parJcoTar triènd, if they will consent to il, wil! Eavii the district from the trouble of eeicctiüg a candidato. Whother they v;ill accepl a candidatc thue fnrnished at their hunde Hüd oiw occupying the position of Mr. (irarigér, rernains to bc scen. OThe New Orlean8 Advert'Ser ctills on all ood crtizena to ai.] in driving all freo negroes from their borders; {aa a psst and a piógue;" to pul the mark of C;.in iipqn j miervwUhnrr lycrs wlip =;,;]' b'oce l'Hë cahso of the frec Iludís, and especiaüy to breuk up "the assemblages of fre e nog roes at their rattitïng honsse, ƒ; rdigious pur poses," To effect this last object the editor;r.iiá especiaüy upon tiié vigüant Altorney Teñera) for-aid, Te object is to expel ihe :;itirc freo coloroJ populr.íion from (he Stalo rhtí fain'.' policy Í3 pursuing towards tbem in Othër Stilte. At Louisville, ilie he? pooplc of cylpr hn7C besn warred out of llio . At Lr?xingíon, ihey aro clmrged as incfiíidiarie?, antl at Msysville thej Iiüve been mobbed andtheir clnirch burnt. (jCuring ilie recent riüts in Cirícinriati, asi the male colored citizena of that place wcrc i.npnsonedj and SO or 40 siaveholders avaüed til èriisèlvès of the cpportuniiy to ioük for their fugitive 6lavcs. Only one wus claimcd, and the claim to him is nol yct. :t)e.'J:: out. Atnong tho searchers for fgi- tive property waa a vroman from Kentucky. OCA State Convention of Blnvcholders WM Leid in Maryland; on the I7th ult. - Resolution? ve passed callinr a Stüte Con'vention of person3 favorable lo lile protection ■of the Elaveholding inteiests to meet Jan.Tlie recent Convention numbered 4üO. Tb'at 3 right. Let elaveholding be thoroughly discussed. (jLp"rhe Liberty vote in Vermom, 280 , tovvnsgive for Hulchmson 2,8S3 votes; scati lering 257. Thirtv-four tovvns to bs heard 'from, which will probably eivell t!:e vote to 3000. Lt apj)ears that Kcnluckians were the prime iiistigütors oi'tba mub ia Ciucinnatij jand many oí the leaders of the rioters were from that Slate. A "Caizen's PoKce orjganization is preparing in ;hocity. (jJThQ New Orlenns pcople vvould "rejoice in showing their resnccts to PhüHflfflÉ iGarrison k. Co., by elevating thena tö considerable height above the common walks of mankind." So says one of their papers. QCThe disfrancbised colored citizena of Pennsylvania liave recentiy held a Convención at Pittsburgli. About 150 membere were present from every part-of ihe State.