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The American Board Of Foreign Missions

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The Freo American has published the Report on recsiving the ccntributions of slnvehoklcrs, and rètöörks: 'The Rèpö'rï tliinks that 11 o'onafions lo FUch n jJuurd rouet bc givcn 'for proper motives.'' ThÍ3 q'ies'ioa of motives eeems to us !o be fureign to the Í6sue. - The renl questioa is this,- Can you receivd the donatiuns of domestic licathenizrs to convert the forsign healhen, in siïence, without ientiir.g youreanction io the prnctice oftheformer? VVhat sort of tem peranco eocieiy would that he which should receive large don&tions from WINE MERCHANTS and BREWERS, and mam tam a 'studie siiencti' in regard to WINE and BEER? That society mightpoint 10 an acl of incorporalion, in whioh il was defined and lcgaliy constituted to bo u society for ihe suppression of ARDENT SPIRITS, and it migbt talk of división of labor, &c. but the question would siiil réraaip, IIow muoh couid il do for lemperance? Nov to our appre hension it involves an absurdity, to suppose that Lhe heathen are to be converted by a society, which practically treata heatken-makers as jjood Chrislians. lf tlio Board is M-eelutied from speaking against slavery - the perenniul sourcü of healhêmsrn - by iis :ici of iacorporalion. it is precluded fnfn iis vr!v - k is shuí out from lhe victory; A morecomprehetisivc missionary society niusL be estabiisbed - a tce.tolal society. Thchistuiy of Temperante is ins'ruclivc on ibis point. Numerous meetings have öï late been "Held 1 o form Henry Ciay clubs, whose 'üTjeci ëball be to take meueures ior lhe eleviuion of a disappoinled Senator of Kenncky, who lives upun tlie unpaid labor oí' certain farmers of that state,und yetboasts in Congress tlial he owcs not a dollar in the wórla, to the presidency. VVe are glad lo see them taka ho!d of the work thus carly and hope ibey will 'keep the bail roiüug,' lor it inny nüt be so easy a job as some havo supposed.