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Ypsilanti Academy, And Teachers' Seminary H. GRIFFEN, Principal, whofor-"■-■- merly had charge of the Teachers' Seminary at Ann Arbor, and also at Grasa Lake, The 6ixth term of thia Institution will commence on Wedneaday, THE 24TH DAV OF NOVEMBER next, and continue eleven weeks. Whilo this school is equalJy open to all of both sexee, who wish toacquire a good English educa t on, particular atiention will be given to those preparing to Tcach. The Languages not being taught in this Serainary, the more exclusive and uninterrupted attention will be given to impart a practical knowledgeofthe English Branches. Apparatus.- The Institution is furnished vith Chemical, Philosophical and Astronomical Apparatus, Surveying Instruments, &-C. &c. to the amount ot S'Söö. Tuition. - In lueCommon English Branhes, $3, 00.Jn the Higñer kDglish Branches, from ffi-i 50 to g5,00. Extra Branches.- Mezzotinto and Chiese or Theorem Paintmg, $3,00 each, for L Lessons, taught by Mrs Giuffin. The tuition s to bc paid at the middie of he term. No deduction lor absence wiJIbe ade except for protracted sickness, and no ne will be received for lesa than five and a ïalf weeks. Board for $1,50 per week, including asliing. Rooms inay be liad reasonable, here persone may board themselvee. For furthtr particulars enquire of tha 'rincipal. Ypsilanii, Oct. 27, 1841. 27-3w IN ATTACHMENT."" In attaèhment, beforc C. W.LaneJusLice. Wüliam Spcrry. i Washtenaw county SB Carlos Joslin, ) AN aitacliment having issued in th above entilled cause, and the defetj6 jant not havinpcappeared at the return there! of; notice is therelbre hereby given Ihat Urn said causo cause ia conlinued to the ï&k day of !'ovtmbi;r néxt, at one o'clock in if,Q aftéropon, at the office of thu said justice in liiü viKagö oí" Ypsilanti, in soid couniy WILLIAM SPEHRY August 4, 1GÍ1. 27-4w TAKEN IJP BY tho subscriber, living ia the ttownof Green Oak, Livingston Couniy, oiuIiq ö.h oí Qctober, ioöt.. a dark brown 6feer, two ycar3 oíd; no other inatks perceivablo. The person, ownirig steet, vvül c,oni5 l'orward, provo propeny, ptty charges and tuke Inrn uvvay, otlierwise iie wil!, Le diöposed of according to law. JOHN MONAHAN. Green Oak, Oct. 13, 1U4I. ' THlt ËsmNGM ACHÏNËsT HORSË" r-OWER, MILLK, &c. THE undercigaed are mannficturingand wiil keep conslantly on hand at tlieir shop two and a hall luües west of Ann Ar!)or. near ih'e Rail lload, HOHÖEPOW EHS anüTHREHING MACbiiNES The horse power is a naw invention by S. V. FpsTSRi oud is d cidedly superior loony tliing of. the kind evar before offered lo iiiu Fal-lic. The pnco of a Four Hom JPoioer, vviih n good Thresking Machine ia l"-0 dollars, at Uis shop; withoul the Machine, ninety dollars. Tnese Hor66 Puwers can be used with two, ihree or fout horseo to good ulvanïüge. Tl) ree men with two horsen, can tíiresli one .uudred bushels of wheat per day (if it yields tniddüng well,) and it vi,l not Uu hard woik lor the horse, The Hors e l'ower and Tkresher can botli bc put in a comnion vvaggon box, and draiya my disUnce by two horses. T!)e Two Horse Power wil] be sold at the ehop, wtth the Thresher t'or oue hunt'.red dollars; without the 'l'hrcsher, br sevenly-five dollars. Th-y aiso iiiauufacture STRAW CUTTiiiiïj., rcccniiy invonted by S. W. Foste Whicli are.deciuedlv preferable loanyolhers for cutting s!,rav or curn stalks, by horáo or water power. Thcy also work by hands- Pnce, fiilcen dollary. -ALSO-1 RON WILLö Tor griuding provendèr, at tíie rolo of-si-x to.eiyiit buahdspcr liöis:-, witfi trVp ,hr-reo or by waler. OSf.iüT MACHINES of superior conctruction. fjiyenled by S. W. Fosteo,- Price, sisty dollars. S. V. FOSTER, fcCo. Sl-ío, Jano 2:3, Ï5i41. 10-ly MORTGAGE SALI3. BEFAULT hoving heen made in th coruiltion cf a Mortgae executed b; Ruíu3 Crosnian and Locy bis ;yife, ;o ;Iig undersigued, ,Tanu:.ry fji'te ":.'.;,, jL teen Humlred aüd Uiirfy eigh% and ec'ör cJed in Uic UlStf r# oSce, in the cpunty of W.s!;í.ena'v, in iApëf No. seen, pagethree Jjundred and op.o, of the equai unclivided half of tho {'3ci Mili proportj'," iticluding the waier-power, Sliils ancl Iac!iinery,aud aboui twenty five aerea ofland,acljoii)ing iho viliaga of Scio, in sftid county, and yag on botl sideG of tlio líivcr Hurón, togetlier wilh the righ'.s of ilüvving lands covercd by llie naiH pond, (for a more particular dcscr,yition of iho pretnises) reference is íruíío to tho ccü.-;] of fiaid mort gage,) and no proceedirig at lavv hávihgSeen instiUited to colItict Uie debt sectvred by oaid Morlgnge of any part t'hcieor. Notice is hereby given, that eaiá Mortgago vvill b3 forecltsod by a sale of tho mortgeged premist (or some part oC them} at public vendus at the Court Houso, in Am Arbor, in snid couniy on tha six- te6l)t!i flay of November next, at noon. SAMUEL W. FOSTER Mort gages, KiNG3LEY & fllOüGAN, Atty's. Dnied Scio, August ÍKh, 1841. TAÏLOKING BUSINESS! AM. NOBLE, would respcctfully in forra Iho citizena of Arm Aiborand lts vlcinity, that ho has recently opened a chop in tho Lovvcr Tuvvn, iirimediatdy over the iate mercantile stand of Lund SGibson, nod opposite the sboe sture of' J. Becldey St Co., vhere he Í3 prepared at uil times to do vvork in his line, wit!) promplness, and iaa neat and durable tnanner. Particular attenlion will be paid to cuttïnp garments. Produce' will be taken at tha usual prices, fpr vvork doije at hioshop.- Tljose who have cash to pay for services oí thia Kind. are particular invited to ca!l. P. S,-- W'anted, a boy from 12 to 15 yen of age, a3 an flpprsntice tu the Tailorin Business. Ann Arbor, Qctober G, 1341. ONLY SEE! "SHILLING CALICÓES FOR NINBPENCE." TlïEsubfcii'ocr liusjust received frora New York, to sell on commission, a general assortraent of DRY-G00D3 whicii he will sell nnich lower than has evor before been cffered in this place- for specie or Ea3tern funds, or an equivalent. Fie designs making it a ready pay business consequently no credit will bc given, DWIGHT KELLOG& Ann Arbor, (lower village, No. 5, ) Huron block,) Ocl. 6th, 1841. Í Pi-oiaiïcc o$. vcry Desca'ajïtiou, löl ECEIVED in payrasnt for Job woA JSO Advertisinff anc! Sulscriptions totiiï "Sigxal of Liberty." if dclh'ercd at the Oilir.p, immediaidy over the Stire of J Beckley, Si Co. P1' 23. Bïasiïis! J33:i,.s5-;s!i BianhsU! ' WVST PRÍMTíilD, on fine paper ano OU in ;i superior style, a large vssortj ment of blank pumraori?, subpoenas, ExeciP tims, &tc- For salf; at this oilice. BLANKSofevcry description nea exncutcfl at this office. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1841.