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To the Pairons of the Signal:- Dear Friends,- Permit me just to say, tbat if you have any regard for the Executive Commütee, or any eympathy for the Printer, or wish to see our good and holy cause triuraph, ONCEASE to send vs MISERABLE DEFRECIATED PAPER8 iü the Bhape of "State Scrip," "Post Notes," fee. We would be atnong the last on earth to be difficult or oppressive, but it is a fact that n early all the paper we receive in the shape of money, is not worth to ua more than six or seven shillings to the dollar. We hope our friendSjWill reraember that however wilUng we might be to make this eacrifice - poverly compels us to ask that which is worth eight shilÜDgs to the dollar, and if other money is sent, we 6hall be willing to credit the sarao for its actual valué and no more. G. BECKLEY, Chairman of Executivq Committee. Ann Arbor, Nov. t7, 1841.