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Conflicting Interests Of The North And South

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1, T he provisión of '.he constitution givngthe South a ropresentation for slaves. This vr isanorigi naldiiïcrence,and itgave ibe Se ulh an a elvantage over the North wliicb bas been. fafthfuíly used ever since. The of fugitíve s'.aves wiil be fl.atter of c jntcntion tintil there sháll be nonetobe i.-eturned. The interqst ofthe South imperatively demands t, while all the feelings of humanity cry out against t. 3. The división of the public revenue according to the Federal number?, by menns of which ihe Sjuth draws its dividend for ila slave property. lt has been ■ iwicc divided thus wi,;hout difficulty, but 6uch an uuequal opporlionmeut will not olways be toleratcd. 4, The legisluiion of ihe free Slatcs setting sJaves free who are brought inlo ihose States. Tiiis is a sourceo op perpetual nnnoyance to the South, and has exeited much irritation of feeünn thero. 4. The legislation of the slave States, piaking the free colored people of the iSoulh) slaves. Ja AlaLmmi they may b scized by anyjj one, and inadü slaves f-jf ufe. Such a law will yet bring thein into conflict willi the Ñqr'lb. 6. The provisión in the law of South Carolina authorizing the impresonment of colored seamen frotn ihe free Siates1. 7. The Florida war and all similar wars. pproprialions of ihe nal ion 's money have been mader for many jeur?, ín immense sums for this war, which has been comjtoced aad carried on for t'ae siave interfenly. Appnipriations have been Wná pay for runaway slaves, to buy bloodíiounds to catch them, and to support the families of those who have been dislurbed or it.jured by the Indians. 8. The anncxatiop. of Texas to the Unjon. There is rèason to bclieve that the slaveholders look to this project as a last rejort, in caso they should be worsled in theircontests in Congrcss with the abolitionists. 9. The South have lost several cargoes of slaves, shipwrecked on the West India Islands. The North have no interest in looking after these slaves, who have thus become freemen, or in eending a minister to negotiate thsir re-cnslavcmcnt, and their consequent sale in tbs southern human flesh mmkets. 10. The elevation of the condilion o! the freo blacl;3 in the free Siates is decidedly oppoBed to the interests of the slaveStates. 11. The personal überly of Northern tilizens at the South. Il is a fact that a Northern man, if he be an abolitionist, let íiis profession, ciiaracier or talents be whatthey may, cannot travel at the South without imminent (langer of bis ufe. The slaveholders now make their boas 19 of what outrages they wil! commit on abolitionisls when they can, but thcy wili finci uitimately thatsueh a state of things wil! not always be passively cnduiod. 12. Unlimiled freedorn of ui.vcussion is the policy of the Nortli. The slaveholJing interest requires that frec discussion in the i're'i States should be restrained, if not 6uppressed. 13. It is the interest of the frco-States, especially of the Northwest, to open a foreign market for their surplus wheat. Ii is the interest of the siavcholder, on the contro ry, that labor and provisions shouldle cheap thrqugh the country, bccause bis piofits are then the greatcst. 14. ín case of a war with England, it would be for tho interest of the free Slatestoimke :i conquestof Canada, while the South would emleavor to defeat sueh a measure, because it would endanger their peculiar inslilulion. 10. It is for the interest of the free States to recognize the independence of Hayti, and get the restrictions upon our commerce removed. The slave States have refused to do ihis for more thnn 30 tyears, because by recognizing Hayti as an independent nation, we should be obliged to receive a black miuister al Washington, and what a blow that would be up onour peculiar institution! What! introduce a negro to the President as a foreign minister! 16. It would be greatly for the interes f the free States to encourage the immediate and general abolilion ofslavery iu the South, because it would secure an im xnense and permanent market ior northorn manufactures. The consumption of them by the free negro '.aborers would be enorroous. The change in the West Indies Binco einancipition, in this respect, ha been very great. L nd bo it would be withUS. But Messrs. Cluy, Calhoun, &c. oppose every tliing that ltx.á that way,even if it should be for Ibeir own interest, bccause they wish te remain tyrants ior life. We see from this imperfect enumeration how mistaken those must be who think that the liberty principies have 'burnt themselves out' and that the excitemenl respecting slavery is tlying away. These things wül remain matiers of excitement, discussion and contention untii the exciliniy causes are entirely removed out of the way, or until slavery ehall obtain an unresisted sway throughout the nation.