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At Auction

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-A. leinale slave. namprl Sn.rah was sold at the New Oleana Exchinae on the I5th inst. for eight thousand dollars! The purchaser wan a (ree colored man, ssid .o be her husband. llis antagonist at the 6ale, a white man; bid up to 7,800 dollars. Love was here competing with lust. Hap. uly the Aiithful husband was able to out bid the libeitine. Yet ho fares tin the many cases,uhere thelawful husband 3 the poorer man? - Friend of Man. The following frum a whig paper, the Xenia (Oiiio) Free Press, is very significant. We shull make no comment on it, any farthcr thnn to commend t to the nolice of the "more favorable narty" n ihis State. "The w'higs lost onc Senator and one Rcpresentattve; in ihe iïighland district, ')y nominating prosslaverycnndidales. We suspect they lost several other Representalives bythe üke folly."(IJ We have on hand a letter from Otso. go County N. Y. frorn our devoted brother, Liev. John Cross. It shall appear next week The addresa from the Ionia District shall also appear next veek. Our friends will have patieace with us. Ch.vrliüs G. Atherton, of iufamous Gag niemorj, has been requested to address the democracy of Bosion in Faneuil Hal!, the eradle of liberiy. Truly "the democracy know no change" - their scrüity to sliiv ery seenis incurable.