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The First Abolition Meeting

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ne bave reccotiy had un interview wuh a person who was present at the ürl Abolitien Meeling ever held in ihe Uuited States, lttook place in tfce townsliip of Woodbridge, Counly of Midlesex, in ihis State, ou the 4ih of Juiy, 17S3, bcmg the first anniversary of our Irnienendence, after the close of the Revolutiümiry War. Great preparations liad heen made -- an ox was roasied, au immense number had asöcmbled on the memorial oceusion. A plalforcn was erected just above ihe neads ui ihf snppinin ...i .. .! .i "loirdiiti ai mu si"nal given, De. Bloornñel.J, fiuber oí tfo late Governor Bluomfield of ihis Sisue. mouutcd tl)e platform, fojlowed ly his íourteen laves, male and lómale, seven talungthcir stations on his rigbthand and sevenoohislefi. Being !hus arraigned, lie advanced soiuewhat jii front of his laves and oddresscd the multitutle on the subject of slavery and the evila, nnd in conclusión pointed to ihoso on his right and Ieft : -As a natioa says he, we are Iree and independent- all men are horn equal, and why should hese tav fellow equals, be held in bondot? I'romilus day ihey are erna ncjpnted, and I here declare ihcm lVee and absolved from all servitude to me, or my posterity. TiièI callir.gup beforehi.n one somewhat advaneed in years-lleetor'says tho Dr. v henever ycu become too oidor infirm to support yourseif, yuu ar0 emitled to your maintenancefrom me or my property. How i.injr do jou supposeit mlhbe beloreyou will require that mam.enanco?' Héctor held up his left hand, and ivith his nghtcrew a lioe across the middle joints ut lus fwgers, saying; "Never, massa, so og as my ol these fingers remain below' these jointe. Tlien turoiri to the 6iididicnce, the Doctor remarked- "Ti ere e.iow-citizens, you seo that libertv is as riear to the man of color as to you or me 1 De air now rung wiih shouts of anplouse nl thus the scène ended. üloomfield immediatbfy prncurcd ,ff Í ?f ? eÍlher by Vtói or setting off rom his owu &PI„t thrce èg of , wded and cuhivaiod his liu!e farm unlil riayoii113deah,andit v;as a cornrnon re,nark , ,h )f)e nej j Zn Yn Uhen he took il lü Ay o iel!, u-ould eemménd a botter Drice Lny took care ofnd pyorted -ibeíDselvea.