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Temperance: For The Signal Of Liberty

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I rmve just rcceived the ncimber of the Signal coutaining J. Carpenter'a letter from Adrián.. 1 was ret!ly surprised at hiscomplaint of the paper, bccauso it advocates ia iorao small degree, leniperance principies. Friend Carpenter ought to know, that without the Teinperaace cause, the righteous une of Abolition cannut move ene inch. VVe make no -dependence here on a man professing abulition unless he is a temperance man. We may as weli appeal 10 a s'alue of marble 8 to a drinker of iiquor f'or nnv thing lor the slave, benevoleni or phiianthropic. lt chills all of one's íiner i'eelings and sensibilities. The temperance ruad is the great highway on wtiich the boly cause of cnianciputiun must travel, and the road must be kepl opeu, and the way clear: for in the satne proporliun that we progresa in temperance, the causo of the slave wilt move on. Sorne travelIers from the North who have been to ihe South, have given il as their opinión, that ala very can ne ver be abolished untiJ drunkonnetía slwül cease among the slaveholders;and whocan but rrjüico to see the progresa that has been made in the alavehoídingcityofBaltimore? The iáignal has done wel], but would have done better if ií had advocatud the temperance cause more, It is not expecled that we shail j!case either of the cor. rupl political partius wfao buy votes with cocktails and making a display oí' log cabios. ít is lo be expected ihat our cuurse if moral and températe, vi!i be complained of by them. The Jtesdlution on Temperance passed by (he Wustiienaw Convention was right - just what it eliouldhave Leen. I hope the friends cf ihe Ex. Coimniitee wiil set their fucc nguinst intem;erance as they dongainst slaveholding.and may heaven smiíe on llitjireüürts. Thine for Ihe slave.